Renewing the SSL certificates

Communication between the different systems in a UCS domain is largely SSL encrypted. A root certificate and host certificate for each computer are required for the SSL encryption. The root certificate is only valid for a specified period of time, as are the host certificates created with the root certificate. Once this period of time elapses, services which encrypt their communication with SSL (e.g., LDAP) no longer function. It is thus essential to verify the validity of the certificates and create new host certificates as necessary.


The following commands need to be performed on the UCS Primary/Master.

univention-certificate can be used to check how long a computer certificate will remain valid:

# univention-certificate dump -name
Validity Not  Before:  Jun  19  10:40:13  2013  GMT
Not  After :  Jun  18  10:40:14  2018  GMT

When doing so, the fully qualified host name (FQHN) (computer name + domain) must be entered. A list of all available certificates can be called up with

univention-certificate list

To see a list of all certificates [also Expired and Revoked] you might call

univention-certificate list-all

The certificates for all the computers in a UCS domain usually have the same expiry date.

Renewal of the certificates

Before you begin create backups of the old certificates

 cp -a /etc/univention/ssl /etc/univention/"ssl_$(date +%Y%m%d)"

Renew the root certificate

Renew the root certificate entering the contents of the /etc/univention/ssl/password file as the password:

cd /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA
openssl x509 -in CAcert.pem -out NewCAcert.pem -days "$(ucr get ssl/default/days)" \
  -passin file:/etc/univention/ssl/password \
  -signkey private/CAkey.pem \
mv NewCAcert.pem CAcert.pem

Attention: On UCS-Systems in version smaller than 2.0 the folder /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA was named /etc/univention/ssl/udsCA

Attention: When changing your RootCA all certificates, that are signed with the old RootCA (if expired or revoked), become invalid and must be renewed as well!

Renewing all computer certificates

This has at least to be done on the master.

eval "$(ucr shell domainname ssl/default/days)"
cd  /etc/univention/ssl
for i in *".${domainname}"
  univention-certificate renew -name "$i" -days "${ssl_default_days}"

At the moment, the read permission for the group ‘DC Backup Hosts’ might not set by default in all cases. This has to be done manually to make sure, the backup server can read the certificate from the master:

chgrp -R -h "DC Backup Hosts" /etc/univention/ssl

Copy the new certificates

Copying of the new root certificate and client certificates onto the other computer systems (each UCS/UCC system except DC backups - here using ucs-slave as an example computer)

eval "$(ucr shell domainname)"
cd /etc/univention/ssl/
# next step is only needed if root cert is also renewed
scp ucsCA/CAcert.pem root@ucs-slave:/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/
rsync -a "ucs-slave.${domainname}" root@ucs-slave:/etc/univention/ssl/

The last step is not required on a UCS backup computer as it occurs automatically via cron.

Since UCS 4.4-2, computers may request to get a wildcard certificate from the UCS master (this can be triggered by Apps, for example). In this case, another certificate exists, that needs to be copied as well:

rsync -a "*.ucs-slave.${domainname}" root@ucs-slave:/etc/univention/ssl/

It is now mandatory to make the newly created certificate available to all users via the UCS master’s central administration website.
The following command can be used to make the newly created certificate available to all users.

install -o root -g root -m 0644 ucsCA/CAcert.pem /var/www/ucs-root-ca.crt

After the certificates have been updated, the new information is not yet displayed in Univention Directory Manager. It would only be updated during the next, regular check, as the cronjob set up for this purpose is only run once every day. To be able to verify the validity of the certificates immediately, the corresponding Univention Configuration Registry variables need to be evaluated. This can be done by running the following script


You should also execute

update-ca-certificates -f

to clear all certificate symbolic links and renew them.

You should also run the command on the other UCS systems, which received the new certificate, otherwise the systemdiagnostic may fail.


Attention: All the services which use the SSL encryption need to be restarted. Alternatively, the system can be restarted if it is not known exactly which services employ SSL.


Since UCS 4.1 every UCS Master and UCS Backup is also a SAML Identity provider and every UCS system in the domain running the Univention Management Console (UMC) is a SAML Service provider. The SAML implementation for UCS uses also TLS encryption and a certificate for the DNS alias ucs-sso.$domainname - this needs to be replaced, too.

On every SAML Identity provider (UCS Master and all UCS Backups), execute the following:

eval "$(ucr shell domainname)"
install -o root -g samlcgi -m 0644 /etc/univention/ssl/"ucs-sso.${domainname}"/cert.pem /etc/simplesamlphp/"ucs-sso.${domainname}-idp-certificate.crt"
install -o root -g samlcgi -m 0640 /etc/univention/ssl/"ucs-sso.${domainname}"/private.key /etc/simplesamlphp/"ucs-sso.${domainname}-idp-certificate.key"
service univention-saml restart


On each UCS system including the primary DC in the domain has to re-install the new certificate to make the UMC Single Sign On work.

Note: Every service provider connected to UCS must be updated with the new certificate. See the respective documentation for each service provider.


rm -f /usr/share/univention-management-console/saml/idp/*.xml
eval "$(ucr shell ucs/server/sso/fqdn)"
ucr set umc/saml/idp-server="https://${ucs_server_sso_fqdn}/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/metadata.php" || echo 'Failed!'
service univention-management-console-web-server restart
univention-run-join-scripts --force --run-scripts 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst


Note: Please check if your Keycloak is named ucs-sso-ng, otherwise adjust accordingly.

rm -f /usr/share/univention-management-console/saml/idp/*.xml
ucr set umc/saml/idp-server="https://ucs-sso-ng.$(hostname -d)/realms/ucs/protocol/saml/descriptor" || echo 'Failed!'
service univention-management-console-web-server restart
univention-run-join-scripts --force --run-scripts 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst

Dovecot IMAP

By default /etc/univention/ssl/<FQHN>/{cert.pem,}private.key are used unless alternative certificates have been configured via UCR variables mail/dovecot/ssl/certificate, mail/dovecot/ssl/key respective `

Cyrus IMAPd (up to UCS 4.2-5)

On computers where the Cyrus mail server is running, the files cert.pem and private.key must also be copied to /var/lib/cyrus/:

install -o cyrus -g mail -m 0644  /etc/univention/ssl/"$(hostname -f)"/cert.pem /var/lib/cyrus/ 
install -o cyrus -g mail -m 0640 /etc/univention/ssl/"$(hostname -f)"/private.key /var/lib/cyrus/

O365 Connector

If you have installed an O365 connector, please do also all steps in this article:

AD-Connector (before UCS 4.1-1 erratum173)

If the AD Connector is used, the certificates should be renewed as well.
The new certificates can be downloaded from the UMC:

install -o root -g www-data -m 0644 /etc/univention/ssl/<FQHN-of-AD-system>/cert.pem  /var/www/univention-ad-connector/
install -o root -g www-data -m 0640 /etc/univention/ssl/<FQHN-of-AD-system>/private.key  /var/www/univention-ad-connector/

After that the new certificates can be downloaded from UMC and configured.


If FreeRADIUS is used, the files cert.pem and private.key must also be copied to /etc/freeradius/ssl:

install -o root -g freerad -m 0644 /etc/univention/ssl/"$(hostname -f)"/cert.pem /etc/freeradius/ssl/ 
install -o root -g freerad -m 0640 /etc/univention/ssl/"$(hostname -f)"/private.key /etc/freeradius/ssl/

Docker container

If an app within a docker container is used, the certificates should be renewed as well.

Starting with UCS 4.3-0 erratum91, run the following command on the Docker host to update the certificates for all installed (docker) apps:

univention-app update-certificates

Restart the affected app that the changes become active i.e. univention-app restart horde

Prior to UCS 4.3-0 erratum91

You have to connect to the docker container shell first and copy the certificates via scp in the container. The following commands work for a UCS based container only.

univention-app shell <app-name>
eval "$(ucr shell hostname domainname ldap/master)"
cd /etc/univention/ssl/
scp "$ldap_master":/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem ucsCA/
scp -r "$ldap_master":/etc/univention/ssl/"$hostname.$domainname" .
scp -r "$ldap_master":/etc/univention/ssl/"$hostname" .

For other Apps you might use

# to list all containers with their ID
docker ps
# to get hostname of specific container
docker_hostname=$(docker exec "$CONTAINER" hostname)
cd /etc/univention/ssl/
docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem "$CONTAINER":/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/
docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/"${docker_hostname}.$(dnsdomainname)" "$CONTAINER":/etc/univention/ssl/
docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/"${docker_hostname}" "$CONTAINER":/etc/univention/ssl/

Virtual Machine Manager (up until UCS 4.4)


On the managing node uvmmd has to be restarted:

service univention-virtual-machine-manager-daemon restart


On the hosts, where your VMs are running, you have to restart libvirtd. Running VMs are not affected by that restart.

service libvirtd restart

You can also check first if libvirtd` uses the new certificates:

# grep --color -n _file /etc/libvirt/libvirt*.conf
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf:198:key_file = "/etc/univention/ssl/dc0.schein.ig/private.key"
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf:202:cert_file = "/etc/univention/ssl/dc0.schein.ig/cert.pem"
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf:206:ca_file = "/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem"
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf:211:#crl_file = "/etc/univention/ssl/CA/crl.pem"

Revoke old certificates

This step is optional. If the certificates expire promptly, you can also let time work for you. However, the diagnostic logically still reminds the old certificates because they are still active. The diagnostic only checks the expiration date and not whether there is a newer certificate for the host.
With univention-certificate list a list of all certificates is displayed, which have not yet expired or revoked:

List all certificates
01 dc0.reiherwald.intranet
02 ucs-sso.reiherwald.intranet
03 dc1.reiherwald.intranet
04 memba1.reiherwald.intranet
09 guaca-61273611.reiherwald.intranet
0A gitla-73579361.reiherwald.intranet
0B jitsi-46557153.reiherwald.intranet
0C *.dc1.reiherwald.intranet
0D rock-56708232.reiherwald.intranet
0F *.dc0.reiherwald.intranet
10 nextc-68323808.reiherwald.intranet
11 bitwa.reiherwald.intranet
12 passbo.reiherwald.intranet <=====
13 bitwa-88313431.reiherwald.intranet
14 *.bitwa.reiherwald.intranet
15 passbo.reiherwald.intranet <=====

In this example entry 12 and 15 are issued for the same host. With:

root@dc0:~ # univention-certificate dump -id 12 |grep -P 'Subject:|Not'
            Not Before: Mar 1 17:49:30 2022 GMT
            Not After : Feb 27 17:49:30 2032 GMT
        Subject: C = DE, ST = DE, L = DE, O = Reiherwald, OU = Univention Corporate Server, CN = passbo.reiherwald.intranet, emailAddress = ssl@reiherwald.intranet

the start and end date as well as the object for which the certificate is valid can be checked. If two certificates exist for the same subject, one of them (preferably the one that expires first) can be revoked with:

univention-certificate revoke -id 12
Wrong CA certificate with new install
Error checking SAML ucs-sso certificate
HELP! UCS GUI and other service (like owncloud, bareos) not work after reboot
UCS keine Anmeldung mehr möglich LDAP Problem
SAML certificate verification failed
Erneuern UCS SSL Zertifikate: Bitte um aktualisieren der Dokumentation
Missing documentation for "HostCertificateAccess"
Check the validity of the SSL certificates failure
Renewed CA cert and ucs-sso cert but still says expired
Lost CAcert.pem
SAML certificate verification failed
UCS 5.0-2 errata374.- error during renew certificate
Das Zertifikat des SAML Service Providers stimmt nicht überein
SSL Verification failed
Fünf schöne USC Jahre sind bald rum, SSL Zertifikate müssen erneuert werden
Problem with slam certificate and join status after upgrade to 5.0-2
UCS 5.0 and Nextcloud Hub - Unable to start TLS: Can't contact LDAP server
LDAP wrong configuration and now Nextcloud not logging in
SSL-Zertifikat und DNS-Alias
Can I use my own root CA?
Lost all Aliases and IP Addresses after renewing SSL Certs
Lets Encrypt und office-365
Need help with LDAP service, SSL certificates & login page error
Login to ucs APPs failed after auto renew certificates letsencrypt
UCS 4: Update SSL Certificates to work with UCS 5
Server Linux SSL Expired
Error after renewing the SSL certificates
Certificate has expired
KOPANO does not start after upgrading from UCS 4.4.9 to 5.0.2
Update UCS 4.4.9 to 5.0.2 fails because of SHA1
UCS 5.0-2 errata374.- error during renew certificate
How to and issues during SSL certificates upgrade
How to and issues during SSL certificates upgrade
Renewing the complete SSL certificate chain
UCS 4.3-2 errat305 updated nicht
Certificate expired
Certificate expired
Add Subject Alternative Names to existing Certificate
Fünf schöne USC Jahre sind bald rum, SSL Zertifikate müssen erneuert werden
Debugging password selv service, ssl error
Nss-ldap logs starttls failed after renewal of the root ca certificate
IMAP not working after Renewing the SSL certificates
UCS erstellt leeres cert.pem für meine Domain
Problem: udm or ldapsearch reply with "X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table"
No access to mailserver after uncontrolled domain migration
Problem: SSL Certificate Error in System Diagnostic
RADIUS, Zertifikate, Unifi
After renew SSL Certificates - Memberserber Webguis slowly - cant login
[solved] New installation of Master - Review of Saml certificates failed
SAML certificate verification failed
Ucs join fails at 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst
LDAPS Zertifikat erneuern
SSL certificates renewal successful for all but one
Problem to renew Certs
NextCloud - Internal Error
Error in Keycloak LDAP Query - TLS Problem to LDAP
Problem:Re-join from DC-Backup into the domain
Problem: Log in to UMC Fails With TLS error
How to create trusted certificate?
Root CA inkl. aller Server Zertifikate erneuert - Frage zu Linuxclients und Keycloak
Problem: During Join Stuck at "Download host certificate..."
SAML certificate verification failed after renewing the SSL certificates
How-to: Extend the end date of the UCS CA root certificate
Knowledgebase article "Renewing the SSL Certificates" incomplete
SASL Out Of Service After USC CA extend and Renew Certificates
System diagnosis: Check SSL certificates ("Überprüfung der SSL-Zertifikate")
Problem: AD-Connection is not working anymore
Failed to check SAML-Certificates / LDAP invalid Credentials
92univention-management-console-web-server.inst Join fail