SASL Out Of Service After USC CA extend and Renew Certificates

Hello everyone

I have two UCS hosts (dc-1 and dc-2) running version 5.0-6 errata959.

For a few days I have had the following message displayed: The SSL host certificate will expire in 19 days and should be renewed!

So I checked the date of my CA which will soon expire.

root@dc-1:/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA# openssl x509 -in CAcert.pem -noout -enddate -serial
notAfter=Mar 18 11:46:15 2024 GMT

I therefore followed the instructions on this page because I wish, as far as possible, not to renew my CA :

I follow this procedure to the end, then I go to this page to renew my hosts’ certificates :

Renewing all computer certificates

This has at least to be done on the master.

eval "$(ucr shell domainname ssl/default/days)"
cd  /etc/univention/ssl
for i in *".${domainname}"
  univention-certificate renew -name "$i" -days "${ssl_default_days}"

After following the instructions given above I have an error with the SASL service see image below

How to fix this error?
Thank you so much