NextCloud - Internal Error

NextCloud has worked without fail for a very long time. I was just advised that users are getting the error message

"Internal Server Error. The server was unable to complete your request.

If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator.

More details can be found in the server log.
Technical details

Remote Address:
Request ID: wOMkXbxD4jzpS8nsNQ76"

I checked the logs and see “Start TLS failed, when connecting to LDAP host”

It appears that the Docker instance of NextCloud can no longer reach the LDAP server.

What should I look at to fix this?



may you open your nextcloud container

docker exec -it CONTAINER ID bash

go to:


and send the result from:

sudo -u www-data php occ  ldap:test-config

check also any database connection “errors” in those messages.

See you there

sambila, thank you for your first steps in diagnosing this. When I run the command you suggested, I receive the error that Start TLS failed when connecting to LDAP host.


I get the same Start TLS error when I search for a user:


It appears that my connection between the Docker container and the LDAP server is broken. The LDAP server is running properly and serves the correct information for the Kopano mail system, etc.

Is there a straight forward way to configure the LDAP connection from the Docker nextcloud container?

Checking the file cert.perm:

Is there any chance that the ssl cert for this Docker container is the problem:

I note that the expiration date is Oct 7,2024.

If so, how do I refresh it?

Hot topic :sweat_smile: .
Please study and consider carefully all the topics like the following and please backup up first! :warning:

Please let me know, If there is anything else with nextcloud itself afterwards.

did you run univention-app update-certificates on the ucs server to renew the app certificate after renewing the ucs root cert ?



I now ran the “univention-app update-certificates” on the server and it did successfully run to completion.

The great news is that it did fix the TLS issue. Users can now log in!

Thank you and sambila for your help. It was invaluable!

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