How-To: Check for listener / notifier Service Status

Howto Check for Listener/ Notifier Service Status

This article will describe how to check if an issue with listener or notifier service on UCS hosts exist.


For checking the current Listener/ Notifier Service Status, we are using a nagios-plugin, deployed by us automatically. You can find it (and many others) in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/

Hint: Even after upgrading to UCS 5 and switching from Nagios to our dashboard, these plugins are available and can still be used.

Step 1: Get the current state of replication

Simple execute the plugin as root:

root@example:~# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_univention_replication

Posible Results:

  • CRITICAL: no change of listener transaction id for last 0 checks (nid=3030 lid=3018)
    Repeat the check a couple of seconds later. If it still shows “CRITICAL” proceed to step 2

  • CRITICAL: failed.ldif exists
    Follow troubleshooting guideline in this article.

  • OK: replication complete (nid=3122 lid=3122)
    The listener state on this host is fine. Repeat the steps for all hosts in your domain.

Step 2: Restart listener / notifier if needed

If your replication seems to be stuck, restart the services.

For all server roles:

root@example:~# systemctl restart univention-directory-listener

additionally for backup and master role:

root@master:~# systemctl restart univention-directory-notifier

Hint: univention-directory-notifier only exists on UCS systems with the role Master and Backup

Verify services are running fine:

For all server roles:

root@example:~# systemctl status univention-directory-listener

additionally for backup and master role:

root@example:~# systemctl status univention-directory-notifier

If not, proceed with step 3.

Step 3: Increase debug level and restart for both services.

You might see more informative messages in the log files after increasing the loglevel.

For all server roles:

root@example:~# ucr set listener/debug/level=4 # default: 2
root@example:~# systemctl restart univention-directory-listener

additionally for backup and master role:

root@example:~# ucr set notifier/debug/level=4 # default: 2
root@example:~# systemctl restart univention-directory-notifier

See checks in the next steps.

Step 4.1: notifier

Note: You should check notifier on all master and backup servers

Check logfile for details about the error.
The Notifier start is shown in the logfile with the line containing DEBUG_INIT.
In the following you see expected debug messages when everything is fine.
If it shows ERROR you should do further troubleshooting.

root@example:~# tail -f /var/log/univention/notifier.log
11.04.19 09:02:06.194  DEBUG_INIT
11.04.19 09:02:06.194  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LOCK from notify_transaction_get_last_notify_id
11.04.19 09:02:06.194  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LOCK /var/lib/univention-ldap/notify/transaction
11.04.19 09:02:06.194  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : FCLOSE start
11.04.19 09:02:06.194  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : FCLOSE end
11.04.19 09:02:06.194  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : UNLOCK /var/lib/univention-ldap/notify/transaction
11.04.19 09:02:06.195  TRANSFILE   ( INFO    ) : Last transaction id = 3122

Step 4.2: listener

Note: You should check listener on all servers

Check logfile for details about the error.
The Listener start is shown in the logfile with the line containing DEBUG_INIT.
In the following you see expected debug messages when everything is fine.
If it shows ERROR you should do further troubleshooting.

root@example:~# tail -f /var/log/univention/listener.log
11.04.19 09:01:45.876  DEBUG_INIT
11.04.19 09:01:45.886  LISTENER    ( WARN    ) : Notifier/LDAP server is master.multi.ucs:7389
11.04.19 09:01:45.886  LDAP        ( PROCESS ) : connecting to ldap://master.multi.ucs:7389
11.04.19 09:01:45.893  LDAP        ( INFO    ) : simple_bind as cn=admin,dc=multi,dc=ucs
11.04.19 09:01:45.893  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : connecting to notifier master.multi.ucs:6669
11.04.19 09:01:45.894  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : established connection to port 6669
11.04.19 09:01:45.894  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : >>>Version: 3

Step 5.1: listener issue

In case you see the following entries in the listener.log, refer to this article (part “Solution”) to reset the password.

27.08.19 09:38:58.663  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : LDAP-Server is dc09.multi.ucs:0
27.08.19 09:38:58.663  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : no server given, choosing one by myself (dc09.multi.ucs)
27.08.19 09:38:58.663  LDAP        ( INFO    ) : connecting to ldap://master.example.ucs:7389
27.08.19 09:38:58.829  LDAP        ( INFO    ) : simple_bind as cn=ucs-slave,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=example,dc=ucs
27.08.19 09:38:58.860  LDAP        ( ERROR   ) : ldap_simple_bind: Invalid credentials
27.08.19 09:38:58.861  LISTENER    ( WARN    ) : can not connect to LDAP server master.example.ucs:7389
27.08.19 09:38:58.861  LISTENER    ( WARN    ) : can not connect any server, retrying in 30 seconds

Step 5.2: notifier issue

You might see error messages in notifier.log (see below). In this case increase the database size on all master/ backup/ slave server according to this article.

14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : SASL: id=16385 chal=Authorization Name prom=Please enter your authorization name def=
14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LDIF dn: reqSession=11597335,cn=translog
14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LDIF objectClass: auditObject
14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LDIF reqStart: 20191014183000Z
14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LDIF reqSession: 11597335
14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LDIF reqDN: uid=user42,cn=users,dc=example,dc=ucs
14.10.19 14:30:00.631  TRANSFILE   ( ALL     ) : LDIF reqType: m
14.10.19 14:30:00.632  TRANSFILE   ( ERROR   ) : 11597335 ldap_add(): Other (e.g., implementation specific) error

Still failing

If either Notifier or Listener still do not start properly you might need to open a support ticket or use community support.
To check if the notifier/ listener files are corrupted, use this article.
