Cool Solution - Install Moodle / Advanced LDAP Enrollment

UCS@School contains students and teachers in one group with the same attributes in the LDAP. Moodle, however, expects them to be in different groups or LDAP attributes. This Cool Solution contains a listener that places the users in different attributes depending on their UCS@School role.


This article is based on a successful installation of Moodle and one authentication method accomplished by following our Cool Solution - Install Moodle and assumes you already have authentication configured either via SAML authentication or LDAP authentication.

Tested with moodle 4.1.2

LDAP Search User
If you are using SAML, you will need to set up a simple authentication account for the LDAP lookups. Follow Cool Solution - LDAP search user / simple authentication account to do so now.

Installing the Cool Solution Listener
Please enable the Cool-Solutions Repository for UCS 5.0 Afterward, you can install the Listener with:

uninvention-install univention-moodle-group

The listener will now place students in univentionFreeAttribute20 and teachers into univentionFreeAttribute19.

Enabling the LDAP enrollment plugin
After successfully setting up an authentication method, you can now configure LDAP enrolments to enroll your UCS@school users into moodle courses automatically.

First, enable the LDAP enrolment plugin under Site Administration → Plugins → Enrolments. This plugin is already installed and only needs to be activated by pressing the icon in the Enable section.

To log in with the local moodle administrator account after you have set up SAML authentication, use https://<YOUR_MOODLE_SERVER_FQDN>/moodle/login/index.php?saml=off

To open the login page and sign in.

LDAP enrollment settings

After the plugin is enabled, open the plugin-settings.

LDAP Server Settings

Setting Value
Host URL ldaps://:7636
Use TLS No
Version 3
LDAP encoding utf-8
Page size 250

Bind settings:

Setting Value
Bind user distinguished name uid=<Bind/User/Cn>,cn=users,<ldap/base>
Password Password

Role Mapping:

Role LDAP contexts Ldap member attribute
Teacher ou=<School/OU>,<ldap/base> univentionFreeAttribute19
Student ou=<School/OU>,<ldap/base> univentionFreeAttribute20

Role Settings:

Setting Value
Search subcontexts Yes
Member attributes uses dn Yes
Contexts cn=schueler,cn=groups,ou=<School/OU>,<ldap/base>;cn=lehrer,cn=groups,ou=<School/OU>,<ldap/base>
Search subcontexts Yes
User type Default
Dereference aliases No
UD number attribute uidnumber

Course enrolment settings:

Setting Value
Object Class objectClass=posixGroup
ID number cn
Short name cn
Full name cn
Summary description
Ignore hidden courses No
External unenroll action Unenrol user from course

Automatic course creation settings:

Setting Value
Auto create Yes
Category Miscellaneous

Automatic course update settings:

Setting Value
Update short name Yes
Update full name Yes
Update summary Yes

Nested groups settings:

Setting Value
Nested groups Yes
‘Member of’ attribute memberof

Nested groups allow you to assign groups to classes and workgroups instead of adding individual users.


If you run into issues regarding permissions or elements of the moodle webpage not loading properly, you can try to solve the issue by executing the following commands from the “Install Moodle” 14 Cool Solution:

chown www-data:www-data /var/www/moodle/config.php

chmod 640 /var/www/moodle/config.php

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/moodledata

find /var/moodledata -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;

find /var/moodledata -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;

Further links

Moodle LDAP enrollment documentation: Moodle docs

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