UCS domain takeover of Samba4 server AD Domain

Can UCS takeover a Samba4 Active directory Domain ?

I have an existing CentOS Samba4 Active Directory Domain (with also a secondary AD DC, and a member file server). I want to migrate over to UCS AD DC. So would takeover work in this setup ?

And if it possible for it to work, what should one use to substitute the Robocopy that is used to copy Sysvol folder in Windows AD takeover, can one use Rsync ? (I think there is no robocopy for linux). Also what would be the equivalent commands to copy sysvol ?



Hi Clemo,

if I recall correctly, there are quite a few people who did use Univention AD-Takeover succesfully with other Samba/AD installations such as Zentyal:

(there are more topics on this, but they are all german. If you’re interested, just search for Zentyal :slight_smile: )

Regarding robocopy: You could use a Windows client to robocopy from the CentOS sysvol to the UCS sysvol. If that is no option, rsync should also work but be careful to copy also all file ACLs and extended file attributes.

Best regards,
Michael Grandjean

Hi Michael,

Your post has clarified a lot of questions for me and I really appreciate it.
It now seems so clear what I should do. I will try this out this weekend and see how it goes.
Thanks for the “starter” links as well !


