Hello, what an excellent piece of software… After a week of solid testing, I am almost ready to give Zentyal the boot from my network due to the lack of support on and care for any concerns users have for features and requests…
that being said i have used the AD takeover in a lab scenario from a minimally configured Zentyal server. I have tested as much as I can and would like to try my next step in testing.
If I were do perform a takeover from my production server, for further testing, am I able to shut down the UCS server and boot my Zentyal server as a roll-back to restore the domain to original configuration? Or does the takeover make permanent changes that would prevent this? In my mind all I should need to do is remove the additional domain controller (UCS) from the Zentyal system… It does not appear to demote the Zentyal server (or is unable to do so)
Thank you!