OpenProject license help

Where can i get license for free OpenProject? I install from OVA ( And now i don’t know where i need to go for free license.
Thank you for help.


sure you need one? I mean, isn’t it preinstalled with a free license? I would bet you’ll need a license only for the “pro” versions.

Regarding the UCS license you should have gotten a license file through email.


I need one license. I download from How can i activate for free version?

Hello @progamestv,

you are asking, how to activate the app appliance. This is described in the appliance itself and here:

Please follow the steps on the screen. I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Yes, i followed this steps but i don’t have any email :frowning:

Hello @progamestv,

Mmh. Have you checked your spam folder or tried again?

Please send me the email address you used for activation as private message and I check on our side, if we received the request and the email was sent out.

Best regards,

I checked spam folder but i dont have anything.
My email …

Hello @progamestv,

thank you for the email address. I removed it from your posting for privacy reasons. I checked our license server and there has no activation key been generated. Could you please retry the request?

Best regards,

55560564_368374100437227_9161065895479476224_n 55625740_364909274356960_1071290815013191680_n
Okay, i have this error and no email :frowning:

Hello @progamestv,

thank you for the screenshot. Unfortunately, this is a known issue So far, we don’t have enough information to reproduce the issue.

Can you help us to get more context on this?

  1. What browser in what version are you using?
  2. What browser plugins in what versions are activated?
  3. Please create the Univention System information and send it to

That would be great.

Best regards,
