At first I cant reach kopano. Then I cant reach the UMC.
I cant login with the Administrator.
What can I do?
How can I login on a UCS with physical permission?
Obviously the systemHDD has no more space. Perhaps a failed backup has written on the systemHDD instead on the external HDD.
Now I cant login with the Administrator-Account.
Any idea?
Is a Live(Cd)USB the way?
With an Ubuntu-LiveCD I mounted the UCS-System-Partition an deleted the failed backup directories.
The message after login-attempt at the UMC is:
Starten Sie den LDAP-Dienst entweder über “service slapd restart” per Kommandozeile oder mit dem UMC Modul “Systemdienste” auf dem Domänencontroller Master neu
But without login I cant start the service.
Any idea?
after starting the recovery-modus and using root per console
line 179 rootdn is always granted unlimited privileges
What does it mean? What can I do?
I solved this with issue 2
Now I have a further problem. I cant start MariaDB
Hi fbartels,
too much work at work in homeoffice.
I couldnt start the DB.
So I decided to use my kopano-backups.
But using kopano-backup --restore … I get the message: …could not connect to server …
Any hint?
IF you know its easy …
The crash generates a fucking file
I renamed the file and started the systemtask mariadb in ucs
reboot ucs ---- it works