Q&A: How to add plugins to the UCS-Dashboard (grafana)


How can I install additional plugins for the UCS-Dashboard (grafana)?


Due to the UCS-Dashboard is an App running in a docker container you need to perform the plugin installation inside the respective container. We provide an easy way to enter a container or execute a command inside it.

root@ucs:~# univention-app shell admin-dashboard grafana-cli plugins install <new-plugin>

To restart the grafana-server simply restart the docker container

root@ucs:~# univention-app restart admin-dashboard

The plugins folder /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/admin-dashboard/data/plugins/ is mounted from the host so app upgrades don’t effect these changes.

Manually installed plugins must be manually configured to match global settings! This differs from plugin to plugin. Most you must change at least the default datasource from Prometeus to Univention!

For further documentation please refer to https://grafana.com/docs/
There is also a Community Forum you might seek for help → https://community.grafana.com/

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