Problem: Office 365 activated users, do not have access to office-365


Office 365 activated users, do not have access to office 365. The univention-ldapsearch shows that the UniventionOffice365userPrincipalName is not set at the useraccount:


This indicates, that the user is not created completely in Azure.
When a user is activated in the UMC for O365, the corresponding entries are set. If one of these entries already exists, no further changes are made.


Check the ldapsearch for deactivated users or missing office-356 attributes:

UniventionOffice365Data: eJyLjgUAARUAuQ==
UniventionOffice365Enabled: 1
UniventionOffice365ObjectID: None
UniventionOffice365userPrincipalName: None

Check for deaktivated Accounds:

userexpiry: 2019-04-03
ucsschoolPurgeTimestamp: 2019-05-29
sambaPwdLastSet: 0


Activate office365 Logging

ucr set office365/debug/werror=yes
systemctl restart univention-directory-listener

and check the /var/log/univention/listener.log after setting office365 debug level


You can delete all office365 attributes from the user and enable him again:
vim remove.ldif

dn: uid=test29,cn=users,dc=multi,dc=ucs
changetype: modify
delete: univentionOffice365Data

dn: uid=test29,cn=users,dc=multi,dc=ucs
changetype: modify
delete: UniventionOffice365ObjectID

dn: uid=test29,cn=users,dc=multi,dc=ucs
changetype: modify
delete: UniventionOffice365userPrincipalName
cat remove.ldif | ldapmodify  -D "uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=multi,dc=ucs" -W