OX-Guard removed when performing latest Updates? Seriously?

Hi everyone,

How come OX-Guard is being removed, when running the latest Updates?
Just another UCS/OX-bug, or some misconfiguration on our site (although i frankly can’t find any…)?


…getting tired… :slight_smile:

any ideas welcome


Given that you are getting this with the system updates you have most likely configured the repositories provided by Open Xchange at least for the App Suite.
There might be a broken dependency or things related to changes in the OX-repos.
I dont expect the root cause in UCS or the App Center, however any further judgement is impossible just from this screenshot.
And you also most likely know that Univention is not the App provider for the App Suite or Guard and I dont expect that OX-staff is reading here.

well…it’s the repos that are being included by the UCS integration automatically when installing the app from your app center, nobody ever touched those or changed anything manually…
So i would expect them to be correct…am i wrong to expect that?

If i find the time, i will try to reproduce this issue on another system, but i would definitely appreciate you having a look at it too.

root@m:~# apt-cache policy open-xchange
  Installiert:           7.10.6-36
  Installationskandidat: 7.10.6-39
     7.10.6-39 500
        500 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/backend7106 ./ Packages
 *** 7.10.6-36 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     7.10.6-22 500
        500 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component oxseforucs_20221213100114/all/ Packages

The App Center integration added 7.10.6-22. Once you are providing an LDB-account you are adding the customer repos at software.open-xchange.com. The general responsibility for both components is at OX, independently if it was installed from the Univention App Center (which acts as a “market place” for 3rd-party software in this case).

You might want to check if apt update shows a remarkable output. I have noticed a change some days ago.
aptitude is another tool which helps to investigate into dependency issues.

Thanks Dirk,

apt-cache policy open-xchange
  Installiert:           7.10.6-22
  Installationskandidat: 7.10.6-39
     7.10.6-39 500
        500 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/backend7106 ./ Packages
 *** 7.10.6-22 500
        500 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component oxseforucs_20221213100114/all/ Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

on a non UCS OX System i see

root@oxhe:~# apt-cache policy open-xchange
  Installiert:           7.10.6-38
  Installationskandidat: 7.10.6-39
     7.10.6-39 500
        500 https://software.open-xchange.com/components/backend/updates/7.10.6/DebianBullseye ./ Packages
 *** 7.10.6-38 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     7.10.6-37 500
        500 https://software.open-xchange.com/components/backend/stable/7.10.6/DebianBullseye ./ Packages

But in that case the update will not try to remove my ox guard packages…

Not sure who the culprit is here, but can anyone confirm this happening on their UCS system as well?

I can not reproduce the same issue, maybe because I have installed Guard today and after I had enabled the OX customer repo.
But looking at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list I see

# Component oxguard2104: Error downloading https://software.open-xchange.com/5.0/maintained/component/oxguard2104/Packages.gz: 404

As the correct component should be oxguard2106 you will get stuck with version 2.10.6-7 of open-xchange-guard. There might be a version dependency somewhere which is causing the removal attempt.
Looking a bit deeper one can see that the problem was introduced by a wrong setting of ox/components/available and possibly additional by some changes related to the handling of repository/online/component UCRVs some weeks ago.
Not sure if this is causing your problem but it is at least not the wanted behavior.
This would indeed point back to the App Center integration. But QA should have seen at least the component error.


i just installed the latest OX Packages now:

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 5.0-3 errata601

Checking for local repository:                          none
Checking for package updates:                           found

The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following packages will be upgraded:

So Guard has been removed, just like expected.
Now when i want to install the OX-Guard App again i get:

   617 utils                            23-03-08 13:12:52 [    INFO]: Resolving dependencies for open-xchange-guard
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:52 [    INFO]: Going to install OX Guard (2.10.6-ucs1)
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:53 [    INFO]: Showing License agreement for open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:53 [    INFO]: Showing README for open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.install.readme           23-03-08 13:12:53 [   DEBUG]: Calling elinks -dump /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136.README_INSTALL_DE
   617 actions.install.readme           23-03-08 13:12:53 [    INFO]:    Important: The app Open-Xchange App Suite is required by OX Guard and has
   617 actions.install.readme           23-03-08 13:12:53 [    INFO]:    to be installed in version 7.10.6-ucs1 or higher first. Otherwise the
   617 actions.install.readme           23-03-08 13:12:53 [    INFO]:    installation of OX Guard will fail.
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
   617 actions.configure.progress       23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: 0
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:57 [    INFO]: Configuring open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.configure.progress       23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: 100
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (preinst)
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136.preinst does not exist
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:57 [    INFO]: Creating data directories for open-xchange-guard...
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:12:57 [   DEBUG]: 5
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:57 [    INFO]: Registering UCR for open-xchange-guard
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:57 [    INFO]: Marking open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1 as installed
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:57 [    INFO]: Adding localhost to LDAP object
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: 10
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: 15
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: 25
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Registering component for open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: Adding repository/online/component/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=--force-overwrite -o DPkg::Options::=--force-overwrite-dir --trivial-only=no --assume-yes --auto-remove install univention-ox-guard
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Paketlisten werden gelesen...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut....
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Statusinformationen werden eingelesen....
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu lösen:
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: 
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]:  univention-ox-guard : Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]:                        Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard-file-storage (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [ WARNING]: E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 80
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:59 [CRITICAL]: Failed to install the App
   617 actions.install                  23-03-08 13:12:59 [ WARNING]: Aborting...
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Calling remove
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 0
   617 utils                            23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Resolving dependencies for open-xchange-guard
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Going to remove OX Guard (2.10.6-ucs1)
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Showing README for open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
   617 actions.configure.progress       23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 0
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Configuring open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.configure.progress       23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 100
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136.prerm does not exist
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: No hostdn for open-xchange-guard found. Nothing to remove
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 5
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 5
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
   617 actions.configure.progress       23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 0
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Configuring open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.configure                23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/5.0/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136.configure_host does not exist
   617 actions.configure.progress       23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 100
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=--force-overwrite -o DPkg::Options::=--force-overwrite-dir --trivial-only=no --assume-yes --auto-remove remove univention-ox-guard
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Paketlisten werden gelesen...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut....
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Statusinformationen werden eingelesen....
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Paket »univention-ox-guard« ist nicht installiert, wird also auch nicht entfernt.
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Die folgenden Pakete werden ENTFERNT:
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-backend-plugin open-xchange-guard-help-common
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-help-de-de open-xchange-guard-help-en-gb
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-help-en-us open-xchange-guard-help-es-es
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-help-es-mx open-xchange-guard-help-fr-fr
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-help-it-it open-xchange-guard-help-ja-jp
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-help-nl-nl open-xchange-guard-help-pl-pl
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-help-zh-cn open-xchange-guard-help-zh-tw
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]:   open-xchange-guard-reader open-xchange-guard-ui open-xchange-guard-ui-static
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: 0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 17 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:59 [    INFO]: Nach dieser Operation werden 9.511 kB Plattenplatz freigegeben.
(Lese Datenbank ... 180756 Dateien und Verzeichnisse sind derzeit installiert.)bank ... 100%
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-backend-plugin (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-zh-tw (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-zh-cn (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-de-de (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-en-gb (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-en-us (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-es-es (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-es-mx (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-fr-fr (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-it-it (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-ja-jp (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-nl-nl (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-pl-pl (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-reader (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-ui (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:05 [    INFO]: Run update-themes with --if-needed option to update themes later
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:06 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-ui-static (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:06 [    INFO]: Entfernen von open-xchange-guard-help-common (2.10.6-9) ...
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: 45
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [    INFO]: Removing localhost from LDAP object
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [    INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: 55
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: 60
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: Removing repository/online/component/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: Removing repository/online/component/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136/description
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: Removing repository/online/component/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136/localmirror
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: Removing repository/online/component/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136/server
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:06 [   DEBUG]: Removing repository/online/component/open-xchange-guard_20220906163136/version
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-get update
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: Ign:1 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component open-xchange-text_20220906162840/all/ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:2 https://updates.software-univention.de ucs503 InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: Ign:3 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/backend7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:4 https://updates.software-univention.de errata503 InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: Ign:5 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component open-xchange-text_20220906162840/amd64/ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: Ign:6 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component oxseforucs_20221213100114/all/ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: Ign:7 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/documents-collaboration7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: Ign:8 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component oxseforucs_20221213100114/amd64/ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:9 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/frontend7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:10 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component open-xchange-text_20220906162840/all/ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:11 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component open-xchange-text_20220906162840/amd64/ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:12 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/mobileapi1143 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:13 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component oxseforucs_20221213100114/all/ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:14 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/mobileapirestricted211 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:15 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component oxseforucs_20221213100114/amd64/ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:14 [    INFO]: OK:16 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxdocconv7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:17 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxdocconvapi7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:18 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxdrive7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:19 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxdrivehelp250 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:21 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxguard2106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:22 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxmobility7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:24 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxoffice7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: Ign:25 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxofficeweb7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: Ign:26 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxpdftool7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: Ign:27 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxreaderengine7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:28 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxucs7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:30 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxusm7106 ./ InRelease
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:31 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/backend7106 ./ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:32 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/documents-collaboration7106 ./ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:34 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxofficeweb7106 ./ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:35 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxpdftool7106 ./ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:15 [    INFO]: OK:36 https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxreaderengine7106 ./ Release
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:17 [    INFO]: Paketlisten werden gelesen...
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:13:17 [   DEBUG]: 70
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:13:17 [   DEBUG]: 80
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:17 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:17 [    INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:17 [    INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2023 Univention GmbH, Germany
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:17 [    INFO]: 
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:18 [    INFO]: Running pre-joinscripts hook(s):  done
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:18 [    INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed)
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:20 [    INFO]: Running post-joinscripts hook(s):  done
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:20 [   DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:13:20 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:20 [    INFO]: Potential script hook folder is unused: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/open-xchange-guard/local/hooks/post-remove.d
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:20 [    INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/apps.xml
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:20 [    INFO]: 
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: Module: ox-config
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: 
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: 
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/i18n/de/apps.mo
   617 actions.remove                   23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: 
   617 actions.upgrade-search           23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
   617 actions.upgrade-search.progress  23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: 0
   617 actions.upgrade-search           23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: Checking open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.upgrade-search.progress  23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: 100
   617 actions.remove.progress          23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: 100
   617 utils                            23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: send_information: action=install app=open-xchange-guard value=None status=420
   617 utils                            23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: tracking information: {'action': 'install', 'status': 420, 'uuid': '82fbfe37-841c-4911-b3bf-07f888657b81', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'app': 'open-xchange-guard', 'version': '2.10.6-ucs1', 'system-uuid': '084055f3-ef6e-4581-a347-c59d84304341'}
   617 utils                            23-03-08 13:13:21 [    INFO]: Error sending app infos to the App Center server: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1056)>
   617 actions.upgrade-search           23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
   617 actions.upgrade-search.progress  23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: 0
   617 actions.upgrade-search           23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: Checking open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
   617 actions.upgrade-search.progress  23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: 100
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:13:21 [   DEBUG]: 100

So, if i am not completely overseeing something here, the part with:

   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]: Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]:  univention-ox-guard : Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [    INFO]:                        Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard-file-storage (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
   617 packages                         23-03-08 13:12:58 [ WARNING]: E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.
   617 actions.install.progress         23-03-08 13:12:59 [   DEBUG]: 80

should be the main Problem.
We do have

# Component oxguard2104: Error downloading https://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/OXSEforUCS/5.0/maintained/component/oxguard2104/Packages.gz: 404

in our /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list, too.
As i said, we don’t see these kind of dependencies issues on a debian system, so i hope you have more ideas?


ah, forgot to send:

ucr get ox/components/available
ucr get repository/online/component/
Display all 120 possibilities? (y or n)
repository/online/component/backend7104/layout                            repository/online/component/mobileapi1143                                 repository/online/component/oxdocconvapi7106/description                  repository/online/component/oxmobility7106                                repository/online/component/oxpdftool7106/server
repository/online/component/backend7104/server                            repository/online/component/mobileapi1143/defaultpackage                  repository/online/component/oxdocconvapi7106/layout                       repository/online/component/oxmobility7106/defaultpackage                 repository/online/component/oxreaderengine7104/layout
repository/online/component/backend7106                                   repository/online/component/mobileapi1143/description                     repository/online/component/oxdocconvapi7106/server                       repository/online/component/oxmobility7106/description                    repository/online/component/oxreaderengine7104/server
repository/online/component/backend7106/description                       repository/online/component/mobileapi1143/layout                          repository/online/component/oxdrive7104/layout                            repository/online/component/oxmobility7106/layout                         repository/online/component/oxreaderengine7106
repository/online/component/backend7106/layout                            repository/online/component/mobileapi1143/server                          repository/online/component/oxdrive7104/server                            repository/online/component/oxmobility7106/server                         repository/online/component/oxreaderengine7106/description
repository/online/component/backend7106/server                            repository/online/component/mobileapirestricted211                        repository/online/component/oxdrive7106                                   repository/online/component/oxoffice7104                                  repository/online/component/oxreaderengine7106/layout
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7104                   repository/online/component/mobileapirestricted211/defaultpackage         repository/online/component/oxdrive7106/defaultpackage                    repository/online/component/oxoffice7104/description                      repository/online/component/oxreaderengine7106/server
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7104/defaultpackage    repository/online/component/mobileapirestricted211/description            repository/online/component/oxdrive7106/description                       repository/online/component/oxoffice7104/layout                           repository/online/component/oxseforucs_20221213100114
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7104/description       repository/online/component/mobileapirestricted211/layout                 repository/online/component/oxdrive7106/layout                            repository/online/component/oxoffice7104/server                           repository/online/component/oxseforucs_20221213100114/description
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7104/layout            repository/online/component/mobileapirestricted211/server                 repository/online/component/oxdrive7106/server                            repository/online/component/oxoffice7106                                  repository/online/component/oxseforucs_20221213100114/localmirror
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7104/server            repository/online/component/open-xchange-text_20220906162840              repository/online/component/oxdrivehelp250                                repository/online/component/oxoffice7106/description                      repository/online/component/oxseforucs_20221213100114/server
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7106                   repository/online/component/open-xchange-text_20220906162840/description  repository/online/component/oxdrivehelp250/description                    repository/online/component/oxoffice7106/layout                           repository/online/component/oxseforucs_20221213100114/version
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7106/defaultpackage    repository/online/component/open-xchange-text_20220906162840/localmirror  repository/online/component/oxdrivehelp250/layout                         repository/online/component/oxoffice7106/server                           repository/online/component/oxucs7104/layout
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7106/description       repository/online/component/open-xchange-text_20220906162840/server       repository/online/component/oxdrivehelp250/server                         repository/online/component/oxofficeweb7104/layout                        repository/online/component/oxucs7104/server
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7106/layout            repository/online/component/open-xchange-text_20220906162840/version      repository/online/component/oxguard2104                                   repository/online/component/oxofficeweb7104/server                        repository/online/component/oxucs7106
repository/online/component/documents-collaboration7106/server            repository/online/component/oxdocconv7104/layout                          repository/online/component/oxguard2104/description                       repository/online/component/oxofficeweb7106                               repository/online/component/oxucs7106/description
repository/online/component/frontend7104/layout                           repository/online/component/oxdocconv7104/server                          repository/online/component/oxguard2104/layout                            repository/online/component/oxofficeweb7106/description                   repository/online/component/oxucs7106/layout
repository/online/component/frontend7104/server                           repository/online/component/oxdocconv7106                                 repository/online/component/oxguard2104/server                            repository/online/component/oxofficeweb7106/layout                        repository/online/component/oxucs7106/server
repository/online/component/frontend7106                                  repository/online/component/oxdocconv7106/description                     repository/online/component/oxguard2106                                   repository/online/component/oxofficeweb7106/server                        repository/online/component/oxusm7104/layout
repository/online/component/frontend7106/description                      repository/online/component/oxdocconv7106/layout                          repository/online/component/oxguard2106/description                       repository/online/component/oxpdftool7104/layout                          repository/online/component/oxusm7104/server
repository/online/component/frontend7106/layout                           repository/online/component/oxdocconv7106/server                          repository/online/component/oxguard2106/layout                            repository/online/component/oxpdftool7104/server                          repository/online/component/oxusm7106
repository/online/component/frontend7106/server                           repository/online/component/oxdocconvapi7104/layout                       repository/online/component/oxguard2106/server                            repository/online/component/oxpdftool7106                                 repository/online/component/oxusm7106/description
repository/online/component/mobileapi1100/layout                          repository/online/component/oxdocconvapi7104/server                       repository/online/component/oxmobility7104/layout                         repository/online/component/oxpdftool7106/description                     repository/online/component/oxusm7106/layout
repository/online/component/mobileapi1100/server                          repository/online/component/oxdocconvapi7106                              repository/online/component/oxmobility7104/server                         repository/online/component/oxpdftool7106/layout                          repository/online/component/oxusm7106/server

Hi there,
in case anyone is having the same issues.
OX has a small issue here with package provisioning, which is being fixed and should be resolved in one of the next OX updates within UCS.
Thanks Dirk for your reply and help!

Have a good weekend everyone

Hi everyone,
OX support just stated, that the issue has been resolved, and it has been confirmed by Univention, that the fix has already been released in UCS.
So we started a new attempt for an update…
Now we get:

 21348 utils                            23-04-05 19:36:42 [    INFO]: Resolving dependencies for oxseforucs
 21348 utils                            23-04-05 19:36:42 [    INFO]: Adding ox-connector to the list of Apps
 21348 actions.upgrade                  23-04-05 19:36:42 [    INFO]: Going to upgrade OX Connector (2.1.2)
 21348 actions.upgrade                  23-04-05 19:36:42 [    INFO]: Going to upgrade OX App Suite (7.10.6-ucs4)
 21348 actions.upgrade                  23-04-05 19:36:42 [CRITICAL]: Automatically added App ox-connector=2.1.2 has its own settings. You should explicitely mention this App. This way, you may (or may not) set settings for this App via --set.
 21348 actions.upgrade                  23-04-05 19:36:42 [CRITICAL]: Unable to upgrade. Aborting...
 21348 actions.upgrade                  23-04-05 19:36:42 [ WARNING]: Failure will leave these apps untouched: ox-connector, oxseforucs

As far as i am concerned the app “ox-connector” refers to a setup with an external Open-Xchange setup, independent from the UCS-infrastructure.
So as we are using the UCS Appcenter OX here, why is “ox-connector” being installed automatically?
This does not sound like something we would want.

Bu either way…even worse, it’s actually breaking the updates again.

Thanks for any advise, we’re stuck again :frowning:


I think you can read this forum article.

And you find another doku over a link in the article. Easiest for me was to install this not from cli but over the web-umc site. I just needed to lookup the password for oxadmin described above.

alright, so i tried to install the ox-connector app first, as it says…but i can’t:

Error response from daemon: Get https://docker.software-univention.de/v2/: x509: certificat
e signed by unknown authority
Could not login to docker.software-univention.de. You may not be able to pull the image fro
m the repository!
Running command: docker pull docker.software-univention.de/ox-connector:2.1.2
Error response from daemon: Get https://docker.software-univention.de/v2/: x509: certificat
e signed by unknown authority
Command docker pull docker.software-univention.de/ox-connector:2.1.2 failed with: Error res
ponse from daemon: Get https://docker.software-univention.de/v2/: x509: certificate signed
by unknown authority (1)
Downloading Docker image docker.software-univention.de/ox-connector:2.1.2 failed: Error res
ponse from daemon: Get https://docker.software-univention.de/v2/: x509: certificate signed
by unknown authority


So again, I’m stuck…

thanks for your help as always

Still experiencing issues here.
I am not able to install open-xchange-guard again due to:

univention-app install open-xchange-guard
Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass
Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die
Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch
nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.
Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu lösen:

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
 univention-ox-guard : Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
                       Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard-file-storage (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.
Failed to install the App
Resolving dependencies for open-xchange-guard
Going to remove OX Guard (2.10.6-ucs1)
Showing README for open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
Configuring open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
No hostdn for open-xchange-guard found. Nothing to remove
Configuring open-xchange-guard=2.10.6-ucs1
Paketlisten werden gelesen...

I cannot find any way to resolve this.


some kind of process here…
I did
univention-app install open-xchange-guard --do-not-revert

and then
apt install univention-ox-guard
which gave me

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
 univention-ox-guard : Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
                       Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard-file-storage (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden

So next i did:
apt install univention-ox-guard open-xchange-guard open-xchange-guard-file-storage

which gave me

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
 open-xchange-guard : Hängt ab von: open-xchange (>= 7.8.4) soll aber nicht installiert werden
                      Hängt ab von: open-xchange-core (>= 7.8.4) soll aber nicht installiert werden
 univention-ox-guard : Hängt ab von: univention-ox (>= 12.0.29) soll aber nicht installiert werden
                       Hängt ab von: open-xchange-rest (>= 7.10.6-22) soll aber nicht installiert werden
                       Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard-ui (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
                       Hängt ab von: open-xchange-guard-backend-plugin (>= 2.10.6-7) soll aber nicht installiert werden
E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.

My open-xchange package is

ii open-xchange 7.10.6-44

so that should be well over >= 7.8.4

What is so wrong here, any ideas?

