Wie kann ich die installierte nextcloud-app direkt von extern erreichen bzw. was muss ich in meiner astaro konfigurieren, damit nicht die univentionportalseite angezeigt wird?
Hallo @astmohn,
entsprechend der Posting Guidelines bevorzugen wir hier Englisch, damit andere Community-Mitglieder die des Deutschen nicht mächtig sind auch etwas davon haben
Translated question:
How can I access the installed Nextcloud App externally or what do I need to configure in my Astaro so the Univention Portal ist not shown (but Nextcloud instead)?
I guess the easiest way is to set the UCR variable apache2/startsite
. This way, the webserver will serve another default site:
ucr set apache2/startsite="nextcloud/"
systemctl reload apache2
I’m not that familiar with Astaro devices, but I assume they can only do a simple Firewall/NAT rule to map port 443 of the public IP to port 443 of the internal IP address of the UCS system?
If you need advanced options (e.g. only serving Nextcloud to external clients, but no other Apps, keeping the default to the Portal internally etc.) I recommend to use a reverse proxy.
Best regards,
Sorry for german, I thought this would be a german forum.
Your tip was very good, now my reverse proxy brings me to nextcloud directly.
I had already tried to set apache2/startsite to univention/nextcloud but that did not work.
Thanks for this superfast reply!
Although the external domain forwarding now is working as wanted I cannot reach the univention portal anymore after setting apache2/startsite to “nextcloud/”. Is there also a solution?
can you reach the portal if you manually visit the https://…/univention/portal/