hi @blizzz,
Here is the passage out of what
zcat appcenter.log.3.gz | less
gives me about that period. I’m struggling with zcat command and copying piece by piece. Hope it contains the information you’re interessted in (note that domain has been replaced by xxx.xxx.xx). As the post is limited me to 32000 caracters here are just some portions. For further information contact me.
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:39 [ INFO]: Going to upgrade Nextcloud Hub (18.0.4-0)
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (preinst)
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20200422233313.preinst --binddn uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=xxxxx,dc=xx --locale de --old-version 18.0.3-0 --error-file /tmp/tmpNFudNm --version 18.0.4-0 --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmpF6EmPs
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20200422233313.preinst returned with 0
14963 packages 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling start
14963 actions.start.progress 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: 0
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud start
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:12:40 [ INFO]: Starting docker-app-nextcloud (via systemctl): docker-app-nextcloud.service.
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud returned with 0
14963 actions.start.progress 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ DEBUG]: 100
14963 actions.configure 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ WARNING]: Cannot write settings while 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0 is not running
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: Executing interface update_available for nextcloud
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: No interface defined
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: Upgrading image (u'docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0')
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: Pulling Docker image docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: Downloading app image docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 docker 20-05-01 17:12:41 [ INFO]: Running command: docker pull docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 actions.stop 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Stopping docker-app-nextcloud (via systemctl): docker-app-nextcloud.service.
14963 actions.stop 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud returned with 0
14963 actions.stop.progress 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ DEBUG]: 100
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Removing old container
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Setting up new container (4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0)
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Creating data directories for nextcloud...
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Copying /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20200422233313.schema
14963 actions.upgrade.progress 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ DEBUG]: 5
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Registering UCR for nextcloud
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:06 [ INFO]: Marking 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0 as installed
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ INFO]: Setting ports for apache proxy
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ INFO]: Creating /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-nextcloud defaults 41 14
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ DEBUG]: Calling /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ DEBUG]: /bin/systemctl returned with 0
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:10 [ INFO]: Adding localhost to LDAP object
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ INFO]: Setting overview variables
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Changed: set(['nextcloud'])
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Local hosts are: ['xxx.xxx.xx', 'XXX.XXX.XX.XX']
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/label/de' -> 'Nextcloud'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/link' -> '/nextcloud'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/description' -> 'Secure data storage & digital collaboration in and outside your organization'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/label' -> 'Nextcloud'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/port_https' -> '443'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/description/de' -> 'Daten sicher speichern, synchronisieren & teilen in und au\xc3\x9ferhalb Ihrer Organisation'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/port_http' -> ''
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/icon' -> u'/univention/js/dijit/themes/umc/icons/scalable/apps-nextcloud_20200422233313.svg'
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Processing cn=nextcloud,cn=portal,cn=univention,dc=xxxxx,dc=xx
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Attrs: {'category': 'service', 'displayName': [('de_DE', 'Nextcloud'), ('en_US', 'Nextcloud')], 'name': 'nextcloud', 'description': [('en_US', 'Secure data storage & digital collaboration in and outside your organization'), ('de_DE', 'Daten sicher speichern, synchronisieren & teilen in und au\xc3\x9ferhalb Ihrer Organisation')], 'icon': u'x:
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Links: ['https://XXX.XXX.XX.XX/nextcloud', 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/nextcloud']
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Existing links: ['https://XXX.XXX.XX.XX/nextcloud', 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/nextcloud']
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: New links: ['https://XXX.XXX.XX.XX/nextcloud', 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/nextcloud']
14963 portalentries 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Modifying DN
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
14963 actions.upgrade.progress 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: 10
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:11 [ DEBUG]: 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0 uses PostgreSQL
14963 packages 20-05-01 17:14:12 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-mark manual univention-postgresql
14963 packages 20-05-01 17:14:12 [ INFO]: univention-postgresql wurde bereits auf manuell installiert gesetzt.
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:12 [ DEBUG]: Calling service postgresql start
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:13 [ DEBUG]: Password already exists
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:14 [ INFO]: Checking if database nextcloud exists (postgresql implementation)
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:15 [ INFO]: Database nextcloud already exists
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:15 [ DEBUG]: Database and User already exist
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:15 [ INFO]: 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0 already has its database
14963 actions.upgrade.progress 20-05-01 17:14:15 [ DEBUG]: 15
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:15 [ INFO]: Registering schema /usr/share/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud.schema
14963 actions.upgrade.progress 20-05-01 17:14:17 [ DEBUG]: 25
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:17 [ INFO]: Already found cn=nextc-59181308,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,dc=xxxxx,dc=eu as a host for nextcloud. Trying to retrieve machine secret.
14963 actions.upgrade.progress 20-05-01 17:14:17 [ DEBUG]: 30
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:17 [ INFO]: Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:17 [ INFO]: Downloading app image docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 docker 20-05-01 17:14:17 [ INFO]: Running command: docker pull docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 docker 20-05-01 17:14:18 [ INFO]: Digest: sha256:8a8b1ae5eb3113d0804e2dbd2a97a25ccc91885c97507af023955e8f083aa793
14963 docker 20-05-01 17:14:18 [ INFO]: Status: Image is up to date for docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:18 [ INFO]: Initializing app image
14963 database 20-05-01 17:14:18 [ DEBUG]: 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0 uses PostgreSQL
14963 utils 20-05-01 17:14:18 [ INFO]: Running command: docker create --hostname nextc-59181308 --env-file /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud.env -p 40000:80/tcp -v /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/data:/var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/data -v /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80proxy:/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80proxy:ro -v /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/conf:/var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/conf -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock --security-opt seccomp:/etc/docker/seccomp-systemd.json -e container=docker docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:18.0.4-0 /usr/sbin/entrypoint.sh
14963 utils 20-05-01 17:14:18 [ INFO]: 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:19 [ INFO]: Preconfiguring container 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:14:19 [ DEBUG]: Calling start
14963 actions.start.progress 20-05-01 17:14:19 [ DEBUG]: 0
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:14:19 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud start
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:19 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:20 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 142 apps from cache
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:20 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:20 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 243 apps from cache
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:20 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:20 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 219 apps from cache
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:20 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24385 cache 20-05-01 17:14:21 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 399 apps from cache
24385 actions.get 20-05-01 17:14:21 [ DEBUG]: Calling get
24385 actions.get.progress 20-05-01 17:14:21 [ DEBUG]: 0
24385 actions.get 20-05-01 17:14:21 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container
24385 actions.get.progress 20-05-01 17:14:21 [ DEBUG]: 100
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:22 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:23 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 142 apps from cache
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:23 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:23 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 243 apps from cache
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:23 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:23 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 219 apps from cache
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:23 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
24599 cache 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 399 apps from cache
24599 actions.get 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ DEBUG]: Calling get
24599 actions.get.progress 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ DEBUG]: 0
24599 actions.get 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/nextcloud/ip
24599 actions.get.progress 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ DEBUG]: 100
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ INFO]: Starting docker-app-nextcloud (via systemctl): docker-app-nextcloud.service.
14963 actions.start 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud returned with 0
14963 actions.start.progress 20-05-01 17:14:24 [ DEBUG]: 100
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:27 [ INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/postgresql-nextcloud.secret 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54:/etc/postgresql-nextcloud.secret
14963 docker.base.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:28 [ DEBUG]: Using container.2522 for container 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 docker.base.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:28 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54 rm -f /etc/timezone /etc/localtime
14963 docker.base 20-05-01 17:14:28 [ INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/timezone 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54:/etc/timezone
14963 docker.base 20-05-01 17:14:29 [ INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/localtime 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54:/etc/localtime
14963 actions.configure 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
14963 actions.configure.progress 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: 0
14963 actions.configure 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ INFO]: Configuring 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.4-0
14963 docker.configure.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: Using container.2522 for container 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 docker.configure.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54 which ucr
14963 actions.configure 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ WARNING]: ucr cannot be found, falling back to changing the database file directly
14963 actions.configure.progress 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: 100
14963 actions.upgrade.progress 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: 50
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_before_setup for nextcloud
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ INFO]: Copying App Center's restore_data_before_setup to container's /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/restore_data_before_setup_custom
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: Using container.2522 for container 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:30 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54 /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/restore_data_before_setup_custom --app nextcloud --app-version 18.0.4-0 --error-file /var/univention/tmp/tmpEk2ksQ
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:31 [ INFO]: Executing interface setup for nextcloud
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:14:31 [ INFO]: Copying App Center's setup to container's /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup_custom
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:31 [ DEBUG]: Using container.2522 for container 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:31 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54 /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup_custom --username Administrator --app nextcloud --error-file /var/univention/tmp/tmprc5CYb --password-file /var/univention/tmp/tmpJgAl4F --app-version 18.0.4-0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:31 [ WARNING]:
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:31 [ WARNING]: Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:33 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:33 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:34 [ INFO]: No such app enabled: updatenotification
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:34 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:34 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - installed: true
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - version:
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - versionstring: 18.0.4
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - edition:
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: Enabled:
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - accessibility: 1.4.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - activity: 2.11.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - cloud_federation_api: 1.1.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - comments: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - dav: 1.14.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - federatedfilesharing: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - federation: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files: 1.13.1
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_pdfviewer: 1.7.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_rightclick: 0.15.2
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_sharing: 1.10.1
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_trashbin: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_versions: 1.11.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_videoplayer: 1.7.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - firstrunwizard: 2.7.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - logreader: 2.3.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - lookup_server_connector: 1.6.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - nextcloud_announcements: 1.7.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - notifications: 2.6.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - oauth2: 1.6.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - onlyoffice: 4.1.4
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - password_policy: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - photos: 1.0.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - privacy: 1.2.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - provisioning_api: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - recommendations: 0.6.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - serverinfo: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - settings: 1.0.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - sharebymail: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - support: 1.1.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - survey_client: 1.6.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - systemtags: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - text: 2.0.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - theming: 1.9.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - twofactor_backupcodes: 1.7.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - user_ldap: 1.8.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - viewer: 1.2.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - workflowengine: 2.0.0
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: Disabled:
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - admin_audit
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - encryption
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - files_external
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:35 [ INFO]: - richdocuments
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:58 [ INFO]: PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class OCA\Talk\Migration\Version8000Date20200407073807, because the name is already in use in /var/www/html/apps/spreed/lib/Migration/Version8000Date20200407073807.php on line 46
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:58 [ WARNING]: The upgrade log is written to /var/log/nextcloud-upgrade_20_05_01.log within the nextcloud container
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:58 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:14:58 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:00 [ INFO]: calendar enabled
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:00 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:00 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:02 [ INFO]: contacts enabled
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:02 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:02 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:04 [ INFO]: drawio enabled
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:04 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:04 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:10 [ INFO]: spreed enabled
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:11 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:11 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:15 [ INFO]: user_saml enabled
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ INFO]: Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ INFO]: You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ INFO]: .htaccess has been updated
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_after_setup for nextcloud
14963 actions.upgrade 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ INFO]: Copying App Center's restore_data_after_setup to container's /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/restore_data_after_setup_custom
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ DEBUG]: Using container.2522 for container 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54
14963 actions.upgrade.container.2522 20-05-01 17:15:16 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 25222bb82ee150a36c12fd1b9380a2d995d98887628f55b1c7bb198650d6ef54 /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/restore_data_after_setup_custom --app nextcloud --app-version 18.0.4-0 --error-file /var/univention/tmp/tmp85h637
14963 actions.update-certificates 20-05-01 17:15:17 [ DEBUG]: Calling update-certificates