Moodle LDAP Enrolment Teachers


we setup moodle 3.9 with saml login successfully. Now we want to use the ldap enrolment Plugin.

The Courses are beeing created but teachers are normal students and not trainers. So they cant configure courses.

I dont know where may mistake is (used the manual linked). So maybe someone can help me…
Courses get created but teachers and students are all enroled as normal students.

Thanks for help :slight_smile:

  • Rollen über LDAP zuweisen enrol_ldap | role_mapping
    LDAP Enrolment Settings:

** Trainer/in: cn=lehrer und mitarbeiter,cn=users,ou=SCHOOL,dc=BASE,dc=de;cn=lehrer,cn=users,ou=SCHOOL,dc=BASE,dc=de
** Teilnehmer/in: cn=schueler,cn=groups,ou=SCHOOL,dc=BASE,dc=de

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