Kopano broken after todays update to Webapp version


after todays update of Kopano WebApp to version my system seems to be pretty messed up.
German Umlaute are broken now and I get an error popup when starting the mail client. Behaviour is the same with WebApp and Kopano Deskapp:


Any hint or idea for how to troubleshoot this would be much appreciated.


I have seen that already last year and was able to solve it by adding

export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8

to /etc/apache2/envvars


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Hi @tpfann,

the thing with the question marks instead of the umlauts goes back to the 3.5.7 release, see https://forum.kopano.io/topic/2538/special-character-problem-in-3-5-7-2338-95-1 for a similar report.

Other ways to get them displayed correctly are:

  • switching the language fallback to de_DE.UTF-8 in config.php
  • making sure that the fallback (en_US.UTF-8) does exist on the system.

Thanks both of you for your feedback!

current ennvars file:

## The locale used by some modules like mod_dav
export LANG=C
## Uncomment the following line to use the system default locale instead:
#. /etc/default/locale

export LANG

I change “export LANG=C” to “export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8” - right?

Thank you for clarification.



setting the fallback language “de_DE.UTF-8” (config.php) seems to fix the German Umlaute issue.
Unfortunatley Kopano is still messed up and can not be used anymore. It stucks with an error message and folders and mails are no longer accessable:

Interesting wise I have observed that a lot of apache-instance are started when I connect with a mail-client (Desk App or WebApp) - Have never seen this before:

Hi @tpfann,

I am not too familiar with WebApp itself so I cannot give you a step by step on resolving this “unexpected issue”. If you have a Kopano subscription I would recommend to reach out to the Kopano support, if you don’t have one you could also try the Kopano forum.

Usual debugging steps I see are:

  • check the browser console for local processing errors
  • deactivate plugins to see if one causes the issue
  • reset settings of the user

I have the same issue. I want Version upgraded to

Can you further specify “the same”?

And have you already looked into the suggested steps?

I have upgrade to UCs 4.4-4 errata602 with “univention-upgrade”.

root@ucs002090:~# univention-upgrade

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-4 errata602

Checking for local repository:                          none
Checking for package updates:                           none
Checking for app updates:                               found

The following apps can be upgraded:

Kopano WebApp: Version can be upgraded to

Starting app upgrade
Do you want to upgrade Kopano WebApp [Y|n]?

Press [ENTER] to continue
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
Module: zarafa-cfg
File: /etc/univention/service.info/services/univention-appcenter.cfg
File: /usr/share/univention-portal/apps.json
Module: kopano-cfg
Module: zarafa-cfg
Module: kopano-cfg
Module: create_portal_entries
Module: zarafa-cfg
Module: kopano-cfg
Checking for release updates:                           none

Then I restart the server and try to login via WebApp. The mentiones “Ein Anfrage an das System konnte nicht bearbeitet werden”-Error came up

Currently i restore my backup, while i need the system working

@tpfann had a different error message, though.

If you come across this again I would recommend to:

And if you have a subscription either contact Kopano support for further assistance, or open a topic on the Kopano forum, as there WebApp developers check in more frequently.

Same here. In the meanwhile I was forced to restore my productive virtual machine from backup (Hyper-V). On my test system I am not able to reproduce the issue. Maybe I give it another try on the weekend

@tpfann @MyKey0815 do you by any chance have smb shares configured in kopano files? Will login work when the files plugin is deactivated? (can be done in config.php)

Related post on the Kopano forum: https://forum.kopano.io/topic/3212/files-plugin-causes-problems

Hello fbartels, thank you for your feedback.

I have the files plugin enabled, I am using it for accessing ownCloud.
Will give it another try on the weekend with the plugin disabled and let you know.

The new Kopano Webapp is severly broken if big external storages are attached in the “files” view. Then the Apache error log is filled up with log messages indicating that it tries to add all files to a cache:

Fri May 22 00:17:45.846777 2020] [:error] [pid 2727] [client] [DBG][FilesListModule] Getting cache for node: 49eb6ce2ae933880f6fe61cc9e626db3/install/portableapps/PortableApps/XAMPP/App/xampp/mysql/backup/test ## user499ebe01e61bbab09703fc6a8bb5899f, referer:

This breaks the webapp heavily by making it extremely lagging. The storage configured in the settings menu cannot be removed because of this lag, the temporary files in /var/lib/kopano-webapp/tmp have to be deleted to make the webapp working again. If a storage (SMB/Nextcloud) is added, the problem persists. Only removing all external storage from the webapp for now works.

Hello everyone,

it seems a non final version of kopano files has found its way into our internal staging environment and was therefore published with the latest WebApp update.

I have just opened a ticket with Univention to replace the 3.0 version of files in the app with the last 2.x version. For the time in between you can download the packages from https://owncloud.kopano.com/s/tiDj5mGUE6saddm and simply downgrade then yourself with dpkg (after extracting the archive).

Awesome! Thank you! It works!


Where can I track the status of this ticket?

Its a ticket in their support system, i don’t think these can be viewed publicly.

When the ticket has been closed there will be an app update.

15 days now since the issue was reported and still the package wasn’t pulled or fixed. Wow!

@tpfann can you explain how you think your last comment will improve the situation?

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