Kopano broken after todays update to Webapp version

how does it improve the situation still to provide a corrupt package?

I got a notification that the new app version is now available. Additionally the kopano-files packages have been removed from the old app repository.

If someone had already upgraded then a manual step is required. The commands are explained in readme of the update.

Great. Thank you for the update!


the new release of the app solved the “unexpected error” issue for me.
Nevertheless it was still required on my system to edit the ennvars file in order to fix the issue with the German Umlaute.

export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
(followed by a restart of apache2)

Now everthing is back to normal, thx to everyone :slight_smile:


export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8

I am just wondering, what an admin has to do, if his UCS-server is used by international employees using German, French and Spanish charsets.

In such a case I guess the option described above by fbartels could be the better approach:

Can you post this manual step here or give me a hint where to find it after I upgraded to the latest version? I saw the description in the update window, but sadly didn’t save it.

sure. the whole scripting of that app is in a git repository. You can find the update readme at https://stash.z-hub.io/projects/K4U/repos/kopano-apps/browse/kopano-webapp/appcenter/README_UPDATE.md

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