How-to: UCS Upgrade from 4.4-x to 5.0-x latest patch level - a small guideline

How to:

How to upgrade the system to the newer major level or update the system to the latest patchlevel and errata release?

Before you begin the further steps, please be sure to making a backup from the system or if you are using a UCS on a VM, make a fresh snapshot from an shutdown system. Just simply for safety.

Step 1: Update to the latest patchlevel and errata release

First of all, check your system info with univention-app info:
Screenshot from 2023-03-03 11-59-47

Then update the system to the latest UCS 4.4 patchlevel and errata with:

univention-upgrade --help
Usage: univention-upgrade [options] 

 Install UCS release and errata updates.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --updateto=UPDATETO   update up to specified version
  --check               check if updates are available
  --setucr              if set, variable update/available will be updated
  --ignoressh           pass --ignoressh to univention-updater
  --ignoreterm          pass --ignoreterm to univention-updater
  --noninteractive      Perform a non-interactive update
  --iso=ISO             ISO image for the repository update
  --cdrom=CDROM         CDROM device for the repository update

  App updates:
                        Update installed Apps
                        Skip updating installed Apps
                        Name of the user used for registering the app
    --pwdfile=PWDFILE   Name of the file containing the user password

During the upgrade you may a SSH message and that’s why I prefer to ignore SSH and don’t run an interactive session with this command:
univention-upgrade --updateto=4.4-9 --ignoressh --noninteractive

If you want to update the installed apps during the system upgrade, you can use the following command:
univention-upgrade --updateto=4.4-9 --ignoressh --enable-app-updates --noninteractive

After the successful upgrade your system will be on UCS 4.4-9 errata1371
Screenshot from 2023-03-03 12-30-24

Step 2: Preparation of of the system

So now for your safety, shutdown the system and make another backup or snapshot from the VM.

At first, we have to check the Release-Notes 5.0-0 and if you want, make a
Preparation of update to check the system and find possible issues before the upgrade begins.
So the next step to UCS 5.0-0 will also check the system before the upgrade starts.

Screenshot from 2023-03-03 12-44-50

Step 3: Upgrade the system to the next major level

At first, you have to upgrade the system to the next major level UCS 5.0-0
univention-upgrade --updateto=5.0-0 --ignoressh --enable-app-updates --noninteractive

And after the successful upgrade to UCS 5.0-0 errata195
Screenshot from 2023-03-03 14-00-54

Just for your safety, we prefer to make another snapshot from a shutdown system now.

Please note here the release notes and the procedure regarding what needs to be done after an upgrade.
Postprocessing of the update

A recommendation here is also to have read through the release notes once before executing the next step.
Release Notes / Changelogs

Step 4: Update the system to the latest patch level

From here you can directly update the system to the latest patchlevel release:
univention-upgrade --ignoressh --enable-app-updates --noninteractive
Screenshot from 2023-03-03 15-54-26

After the update was successful, restart the system with reboot.

The Primary Directory Node (DC-Master) must be on the latest version level in the domain, because it is the domain leader.

This is for the Backup Directory Node (DC-Backup), Replica Directory Node (DC-Slave), Managed Node (Memberserver) after the successful update to the latest patchlevel and reboot, new or updated join scripts need to be executed by running the command univention-run-join-scripts as root.
Post processing of the update for UCS 5.0-3

Also you can check the system after the whole upgrade/update with

Some information for Errata Updates UCS 5.0-x


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