Hi everyone, I’m migrating a Zimbra server to the newest K4UCS server available.
Now, I m dealing with a problem, that’s how can I implement the DKIN & DMARC support on the server?
Are there any how-tos? On a quick search on google, I couldn’t find any useful for Kopano UCS …
Is this implemented manually ?? via CLI?
Sorry for the quick message, but I m trying to find the info on searches, but decided to ask for help in here too.
I have never setup dkim or dmarc on an ucs system personally, but searching in this forum gives some results. Kopano is just using the default mail stack of ucs so any ucs based tutorial should work.
Create a signing table:
vi /etc/opendkim/SigningTable
*@domain.com mail._domainkey.domain.com
Generate the public and private keys:
cd /etc/opendkim/keys
mkdir domain.com
cd domain.com
Generate the keys:
opendkim-genkey -s mail -d domain.com
Change the owner of the private key to opendkim:
chown opendkim:opendkim mail.private
Add the public key to the domain’s DNS records
This part can be tricky to someone not used to do this, since you need to copy the text ‘as is’ to the TXT record.
I did a comparable setup a while ago and it appears that we nearly have done the same.
Some additional remarks:
It is not necessary to change the postffix template anymore. All changes can be done in /etc/postfix/main.cf.local. This eliminates the need of reviewing the changed template after an update.
I dont see where the installed packages postfix-policyd-spf-python and postfix-pcre are needed but maybe I am missing something.
Hello @mag007 and thank you very much for the howto.
As small addition:
Under certain circumstances (e.g. if Spamassassin has been configured in UCS) it can happen that when using “DomainKeys Identified Mail” (DKIM) the entry is duplicated or even tripled.
With standard settings, every mail sent is checked by Amavis and then run through postfix again, which adds an additional DKIM header. However, this can be prevented with the appropriate configuration.
A german tutorial with detailed background information is available here (newsportal.koeln):
Unfortunately, with UCS, at the moment a template file has to be changed as shown below.
The easiest way to check the result is to use a mail reply service, for example the service of Port25. Just send an (empty) mail to check-auth@verifier.port25.com and check the result sent back to you.
Thanks for the efforts @mag007@ahrnke@lutz.willek ! May I ask what is the situation a year later? Is the advice in this thread still valid?
I am implementing mail server on UCS. Hopefully some day DKIM can be configured via UMC/UCR, but meanwhile, update of any kind of the current workarounds would be highly appreciated.