How To: Fix problems with Kopano Core 8.6.2-2 app update (server, gateway and ical)

Hello forum,

this morning I learned that the Kopano Core app update published yesterday is causing configuration issues on some installations. Therefore the rollout of this update was paused. If you already updated to the latest version you can fix your configuration by following below instructions.

  1. kopano-server not listening on port 236
    Newer installations already had server_listen set as part of their server.cfg, therefore it went unnoticed on upgrade testing that older installation may have an empty value for server_listen and therefore kopano-server will not listen for unencrypted connections (preventing for example that kopano-gateway and kopano-ical could talk to it).

Execute the following commands to enable listening on port 236 for kopano-server:

ucr set kopano/cfg/server/server_listen?'*:236'
systemctl restart kopano-server
  1. kopano-gatweway and kopano-ical refuse to start because of unknown configuration option.
    The update of the integration package was supposed to preset some configuration values that are mandatory when upgrading to 8.7, unfortunately for kopano-ical and kopano-gateway it was overlooked that these values do only exist when using the 8.7 release of Kopano.

Execute the following commands to restore the functionality of kopano-gatweway and kopano-ical:

ucr unset kopano/cfg/ical/icals_listen kopano/cfg/gateway/imaps_listen kopano/cfg/gateway/pop3s_listen
ucr set \
kopano/cfg/gateway/pop3s_enable?'yes' \
kopano/cfg/gateway/imaps_enable?'yes' \
systemctl restart kopano-gateway kopano-ical

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello fbartels,
thank you for your “How To”, it helped me to recover the gateway service on my machine again.

But im a bit confused, as you stated that the listener must be enabled on port 236.
All I got in my server.cfg is: server_listen_tls = *:237

Do I need to run: ucr set kopano/cfg/server/server_listen?’*:236’ as well?

Thanks for clarification.

Best regards

What is in the config file is only secondary, as some options are predefined in the server. So if you can connect via gateway (and gateway indeed uses the plain http socket) then you do not need to change anything additional.

okay :slight_smile: Thanks for your feedback.
