How-to: Align Password Policies across Directory Services

How to Align Password Policies across Directory Services


There are several environments where you want to align the password settings so the replication won’t have any issue with differing configurations.

  1. The most common environment is an UCS with Samba/AD (Samba4).
  2. An UCS joint into a Microsoft/AD
  3. AN UCS joint into a Microsoft/AD and also providing a Samba/AD

Note: All these scenarios need to have the same password settings to avoid problems in password sync.

Where to find the password settings

Each Directory Service has it’s own settings and methods to change them.

1. Univention Corporate Server

UCS stores it’s password settings within the OpenLDAP. The easiest way is to access them via udm or UMC (webfrontend).
You can have several Policies and link them to several containers or objects.

via udm in Terminal

root@ucs:~ # udm policies/pwhistory list

DN: cn=default-settings,cn=pwhistory,cn=users,cn=policies,dc=domain,dc=tld
  expiryInterval: 30
  ldapFilter: None
  length: 3
  name: default-settings
  pwLength: 8
  pwQualityCheck: None

DN: cn=no_expiry,cn=pwhistory,cn=users,cn=policies,dc=domain,dc=tld
  expiryInterval: None
  ldapFilter: None
  length: 3
  name: no_expiry
  pwLength: 8
  pwQualityCheck: FALSE

via UMC in Browser


2. Samba/AD

To access the Samba/AD password settings you need to use a Terminal.

root@ucs:~# samba-tool domain passwordsettings
Usage: samba-tool domain passwordsettings <subcommand>

Manage password policy settings.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Available subcommands:
  pso   - Manage fine-grained Password Settings Objects (PSOs).
  set   - Set password settings.
  show  - Display current password settings for the domain.
For more help on a specific subcommand, please type: samba-tool domain passwordsettings <subcommand> (-h|--help)
root@ucs:~# samba-tool domain passwordsettings show
Password informations for domain 'DC=domain,DC=tld'

Password complexity: off
Store plaintext passwords: off
Password history length: 3
Minimum password length: 8
Minimum password age (days): 0
Maximum password age (days): 30
Account lockout duration (mins): 3
Account lockout threshold (attempts): 3
Reset account lockout after (mins): 30

3. Microsoft/AD

In Microsoft/AD you have to log in as Domain Administrator and open the GPO-Editor to access the respective Group Policy

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