EGroupware shared Inbox not working

Dear all.

Another problem I have in my to-be-production system.
Possibly somehow related to Another EGroupware install problem - #6 by riess82

I try to set up read access between user inboxes. In the EGroupware GUI I can set the permissions for the users, however, the folders do not show up as shares in dovecot, which I checked with “doveadm mailbox list -A”
Strangely enough, a shared mailbox set up from within Univention with access rights granted works fine.

2 major things that are not standard in my installation:

  1. usernames and email-adresses are not the same pattern. Bert Mustermann would have bert.mustermann@domain as primary email and login would be “musterbe”. Because of that, I have set login in EGroupware admin to “username from account”. On my testsystem where primary email is username@domain I have not encountered this problem.

  2. I have edited /etc/univention/templates/files/etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext for now so that users can exist on the new mailserver, even if it is not yet set as their home mail server.

Any help would be great! Not sure where to search or debug.

Can someone tell me how to activate rawlog in dovecot on univention?

“doveadm acl add …” works for adding access between different user folders. I would like to log what EGroupware actually sends as IMAP commands, guessing that something is wrong with the usernames that EGroupware tries to use.

I partly found what I was looking for, not the complete commands but something connected.

EGroupware sets the following in /var/spool/dovecot/private/DOMAIN/FIRSTNAME1.LASTNAME1/Maildir/dovecot-acl (domain and username removed for privacy): user=USERNAME2 lrs
This does not show up in the list of folders to share.

If I manually run ‘doveadm acl add -u FIRSTNAME2.LASTNAME2@DOMAIN “shared/FIRSTNAME1.LASTNAME1@DOMAIN” “user=FIRSTNAME2.LASTNAME2@DOMAIN” lookup read write-seen’
I am able to select the share and the above mentioned file lists correctly: user=FIRSTNAME2.LASTNAME2@DOMAIN lrs

Can someone please tell me how to set up EGroupware to use the uid and the email-address correctly as found in univention?

That is the problem, you require to use the email as login, and more importantly to build mailbox names, so you need to tell EGroupware that by setting “EMail address from account” (and NOT “username”) as Login(-type)!


Thank you Ralf. I will revert to a fitting snapshot or reinstall EGroupware plus Dovecot. Could you please take a look at Another EGroupware install problem - #6 by riess82, because that was the reason for changing that setting in the first place.

You must not set “username@domain”, but “email”, as “username@domain” might look like an email, but can be different, as in your case.

