Hi - I’m a bit behind the migration from 4.x to 5.x - based on the dependency of a Mattermost migration to an non UCS system.
So last weekend I started with the migration.
First system was the Master (PDC) (original based on UCS 4.2), Upgrade to the latest 4.x version (all fine) and than start of the migration to 5.0.4 (latest version).
First of all the migration was not starting based on several dependencies to unsupported 5.x UCS versions:
The Kopano App is installed in your domain.
In order to update to UCS 5.0 the Kopano Apps have to be updated to
the latest version available in UCS 4.4. Once all systems are updated
the package kopano4ucs-udm has to be removed from this server:
univention-remove --purge kopano4ucs-udm
The following extensions are incompatible with UCS 5.0:
cn=63openvpn-sitetosite,cn=ldapacl,cn=univention,dc=dreger-net,dc=local: [unspecified…unspecified)
cn=univention-openvpn-schema,cn=udm_syntax,cn=univention,dc=dreger-net,dc=local: [unspecified…unspecified)
cn=univention-openvpn,cn=udm_hook,cn=univention,dc=dreger-net,dc=local: [unspecified…unspecified)
After I removed all the packets - the installation was running fine.
I tried to get the Backup (BDC) (same base-line as PDC) migrated as well - but no way. So I decided to install a fresh BDC - based on 5.x image.
The installation itself was fine - as well as the upgrade to the latest version 5.0.4.
The communication between the 5.x systems and the other UCS servers (still version 4.x) was also fine.
There are still some error messages (selftest) on PDC and BDC where I have to look into it - but in general fine.
Now I’m thinking about installating as well a second fresh 5.x UCS backup and to make the current backup to the master.
I found the following KB How To: backup2master
So I started with the first task - compare the installed packets
Command: COLUMNS=200 dpkg --list
The KB mentioned - some differences are OK - but should not be some many. I’m not a pro and have no idea what difference is OK and what not. So i started to write down the differences.
Just 5% of the list is compared - but more than 30 differences already (I will put the differences in a separate post - as mentioned 95% comparison is missing right now).
As mentioned - I have no idea what happens if I delete the differences.
FYI: Both systems are running on the same VM-host - so hardware is the same.
My present question is - what can I do to reduce the differences without killing the current PDC.
Thank you in advance