So I have installed UCS and have configured it as my primary domain controller with my domain.
I have registered my own public domain name, lets call it ‘’, which I use to host my ucs and nextcloud server. I thought it would be a cool idea to also use this name for my local domain. Usually you would call your local domain something like ‘example.local’, but I didnt, I used ‘’ for my local domain. This shouldnt be a problem as long as I own this domain name.
my local ucs server behind my NAT router:
fqdn: ucs.example .com
The default dns forward zone looks like this:
root@ucs:~# udm dns/forward_zone list
DN: zoneName=example .com,cn=dns,dc=example,dc=com
contact: root@example .com.
expire: 7 days
nameserver: ucs.example .com.
refresh: 8 hours
retry: 2 hours
serial: 51
ttl: 3 hours
zone: example .com
zonettl: 3 hours
The a-record of this zone points to, which is the static ip of the local interface of my ucs.
I changed the a-record of the forward zone so it points to the ip of my nginx-reverse-proxy, but after some time the old a-record is getting re-added by some ucs automatism.
Question: is there a good reason that this a-record needs to point to the ip of my ucs ? Can i change this a-record to point to a different ip, e.g. to …which is my nginx reverse-proxy ?