I recently upgraded from my master and slaves from 4.3.0 to 4.3.4, I am not ready to upgrade to 4.4. After the upgrade, I attempted to create a new shared folder on a dc slave server. When trying to access that share it is not accepting my user name and password.
I am able to access a share on another dc slave that was set up before the upgrade and have confirmed the settings are identical.
When I SSH into the slave with the inaccessible folder and run the following command,
smbclient -U jb //$(hostname)/itadmin
I receive the following error message,
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
These leads me to believe that it is just not liking my login credentials.
I also confirmed that the settings are the same look at the share name file, located under the shares.conf.d folder located on both slave servers, as well as when I run the getfacl command on the folders from their respective host.
Not sure what the next step is, any help would be greatly appreciated.