Zarafa4UCS update?

I see that the Zarafa community downloads site has a Zarafa 7.2 set of packages for Univention 4 :-

However the most recent set of Zarafa4UCS packages is still at version 7.1 :-

Would I be correct in assuming that the ā€œUnivention-4.0ā€ package set would lack the UCS integration that the Zarafa4UCS packages implement? Iā€™m very interested in some of the features available in Zarafa 7.2/Webapp 2, but am unclear as to whether installing the ā€œUnivention-4.0ā€ packages would break my current Zarafa4UCS integration. My gut feel is to wait for an updated set of Zarafa4UCS packages. Any clarification of the above issues would be greatly appreciated.

Are there any plans to release a set of Zarafa4UCS packages that implement Zarafa 7.2 & Webapp 2 ?

Hello Tose,

as the 7.2 release is quite young and Univention can/should only provide one version per app we decided to wait (at least) till the 7.2.1 release to iron out some potential issues in this mayor release before we force this update for all systems. (not everyone always wants to run the latest and greatest :wink: )

If you already want to run 7.2 anyway you can do the following (I do this on my test systems all the time):

  • Install Zarafa though the app center to get the Zarafa fields into the Univention directory manager.
  • download you desired Zarafa release from the Zarafa homepage and just update the packages via ā€œdpkg -iā€. Extra style points can be achieved for first putting the packages into a local apt repo and then updating by ā€œapt-get dist-upgradeā€.

Regards Felix

PS: Zarafa 7.1.12 and WebApp 2.0.2 should be available through the univention app center shortly. So you can at least have the latest WebApp if you decide for an App center only installation.


Thank you so much for your response. It is much appreciated. I completely understand the need for Univention to provide only stable & well tested application releases. It is one of the reasons I am so impressed with UCS. STABILITY !!!

Although only relatively new to UCS, I am doing a lot of testing/evaluation of itā€™s features & little gems of wisdom like you have just given are invaluable. Thanks again.
