Hallo zusammen,
ich möchte gerne die Zarafa -> Kopano Migration testen und habe mir aus diesem Anlass 2 UCS mit 4.1-4 aufgesetzt (Master & Mails)
Zarafa ist ja mittlerweile EOL und somit nicht mehr installierbar, jedoch sind die Updates ja noch verfügbar.
Als erstes hätte ich mir die Notwendigen Repos eingebunden:
root@mails:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/30_zarafa.list
deb http://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/4.1/maintained/component/ zarafa_20170411112301/all/
deb http://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/4.1/maintained/component/ zarafa_20170411112301/amd64/
deb http://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/4.1/maintained/component/ zarafa-webapp_20160711111718/all/
deb http://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/4.1/maintained/component/ zarafa-webapp_20160711111718/amd64/
Anschließend Zarafa und alle Zarafa Pakete + Webapp installiert, sieht am Mails aktuell so aus:
root@mails:~# dpkg -l | grep Zarafa
ii libmapi1 amd64 Zarafa's implementation of the Messaging API
ii libzarafa-server0 amd64 Zarafa Server component library
ii libzarafa-soapclient0 amd64 Zarafa component library for SOAP server-side handlers
ii libzarafa-soapserver0 amd64 Zarafa component library for SOAP client-side handlers
ii libzcp-pydirector0 amd64 Zarafa Python bindings utility library
ii python-zarafa all Zarafa bindings for Python
ii zarafa all Zarafa Collaboration Platform - metapackage
ii zarafa-backup-plus amd64 Utility to back up and restore Zarafa stores
ii zarafa-client amd64 Zarafa client library
ii zarafa-dagent amd64 E-Mail Delivery Agent for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-gateway amd64 POP3 and IMAP Gateway for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-ical amd64 ICal and CalDAV Gateway for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-lang all Translations for Zarafa components
ii zarafa-licensed amd64 License Daemon for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-monitor amd64 Quota Monitor for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-search-plus amd64 Zarafa indexer
ii zarafa-server amd64 Server component for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-spooler amd64 E-mail Spooler for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-utils amd64 Admin command-line utils for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-webapp all New and improved WebApp for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ii zarafa-webapp-desktopnotifications 1.0.31-28.2 all Zarafa WebApp Desktop notifications plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-files all Zarafa WebApp files plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-folderwidgets all Zarafa WebApp folder widgets plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-delayeddelivery 1.0.22-70.1 all Zarafa WebApp Delayed delivery plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-filepreviewer 1.0.30-59.2 all Zarafa File previewer plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-mdm 1.1.0-49.1 all Zarafa WebApp MDM plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-smime 1.0 all Zarafa WebApp S/MIME plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-spell 1.0.22-32.1 all Zarafa WebApp Spellchecker plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-spell-de-de 1.0.7-7.1 all Zarafa WebApp Spellchecker German dictionary plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-plugins-spell-en 1.0.8-6.1 all Zarafa WebApp Spellchecker English dictionary plugin
ii zarafa-webapp-titlecounter all Zarafa WebApp Titlecounter plugin
ii zarafa4ucs 7.2.1000-11.114.201606081402 all Zarafa4ucs integration package for Univention Corporate Server
ii zarafa4ucs-lib 7.2.1000-12.115.201607121638 all Library package for common Zarafa4ucs functions
ii zarafa4ucs-schema 7.2.1000-11.114.201606081402 all LDAP schema for the Zarafa4ucs integration
ii zarafa4ucs-udm 7.2.1000-11.114.201606081402 all UDM extensions for the Zarafa4ucs integration
ii zarafa4ucs-webapp 7.2.1000-12.115.201607121638 all Zarafa4ucs zarafa-webapp integration package for Univention Corporate Server
Am Master:
root@master:~# dpkg -l | grep zarafa
ii zarafa4ucs-lib 7.2.1000-11.114.201606081402 all Library package for common Zarafa4ucs functions
ii zarafa4ucs-schema 7.2.1000-11.114.201606081402 all LDAP schema for the Zarafa4ucs integration
ii zarafa4ucs-udm 7.2.1000-11.114.201606081402 all UDM extensions for the Zarafa4ucs integration
Soweit so gut, ich kann Zarafa User anlegen, allerdings noch nicht so ganz verwenden.
Aber das ist erstmal nebensache.
Mein Problem ist jetzt: Wie sage ich dem Appcenter, dass Zarafa & Zarafa Webapp installiert ist?
Manuell gesetzte UCR Variablen werden immer wieder gelöscht:
hier hätte ich es so versucht:
root@mails:~# cat set-ucr.sh
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa-webapp/status="installed"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa-webapp/version=""
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/110="110"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/143="143"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/236="236"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/237="237"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/8080="8080"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/8443="8443"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/993="993"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/ports/995="995"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/status="installed"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/update/available="no"
ucr set appcenter/apps/zarafa/version=""
ucr set appcenter/prudence/docker/zarafa-webapp="yes"
ucr set appcenter/prudence/docker/zarafa="yes"
ucr set repository/online/component/zarafa-webapp_20160711111718/server="appcenter.software-univention.de"
ucr set repository/online/component/zarafa_20170411112301/server="appcenter.software-univention.de"
ucr set appcenter/prudence/docker/zarafa-webapp="yes"
ucr set appcenter/prudence/docker/zarafa="yes"
ucr set appcenter/installed="ZA-ZW"
Univention app register funktioniert auch nicht, oder verwende ich es falsch?
root@mails:~# univention-app register zarafa
No hostdn for zarafa found. Nothing to remove
Noch jemand Ideen?