Why is preinst executed before the settings screen?


inspired by Docker app - Permission denied / no write access to mapped volume I was thinking if I could give users the possibility to specify an alternative mountpoint for the Minio app. According to https://wiki.univention.de/index.php/Docker_Apps/Image_Based#Life_cycle the preinst script is the only place where I can still influence the docker image before it actually is started for the first time.

But it seems the data from the settings screen is only processed once preinst is already run:

 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Changed: set(['minio'])
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Local hosts are: ['ucs-1968.kopano.intranet', '']
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Processing cn=minio,cn=portal,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Attrs: {}
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Links: []
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Existing links: ['https://ucs-1968.kopano.intranet:8456/']
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: New links: []
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Adding bluespiceActivated to list of attributes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN: cn=bluespiceActivated,cn=bluespice,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Adding digitec-bisActivated to list of attributes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:40 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN: cn=digitec-bisActivated,cn=digitec-bis,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 actions.register                 18-05-23 15:52:40 [    INFO]: Registering schema /usr/share/univention-appcenter/apps/mattermost/mattermost.schema
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Adding openprojectActivated to list of attributes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Adding openproject-isadmin to list of attributes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Adding openproject-user to list of classes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN: cn=openprojectActivated,cn=openproject,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN: cn=openproject-isadmin,cn=openproject,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Adding relutionActivated to list of attributes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN: cn=relutionActivated,cn=relution,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Adding webweaverActivated to list of attributes
 15992 attributes                       18-05-23 15:52:42 [   DEBUG]: Removing DN: cn=webweaverActivated,cn=webweaver,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 actions.register.progress        18-05-23 15:52:43 [   DEBUG]: 100
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Cannot read MINIO_ACCESS_KEY while 4.2/minio=RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z is not running
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Cannot use None for MINIO_ACCESS_KEY
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for MINIO_ACCESS_KEY
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Cannot read MINIO_SECRET_KEY while 4.2/minio=RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z is not running
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Cannot use None for MINIO_SECRET_KEY
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for MINIO_SECRET_KEY
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for minio/path
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for minio/hostname
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for minio/sslcertificate
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for minio/sslkey
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for minio/sslca
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:52:46 [    INFO]: Falling back to initial value for minio/sslchain

The above seems to be from the time the settings screen pops up for the admin/user.

 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:14 [   DEBUG]: Calling install
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:14 [   DEBUG]: 0
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:14 [    INFO]: Going to install Minio Multi-Cloud Object Storage (RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z)
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [   DEBUG]: Calling prescript (preinst)
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [   DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/minio_20180523152915.preinst --locale en --binddn uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=kopano,dc=intranet --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmp9PVepS --version RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z --error-file /tmp/tmpdqgV_S
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [    INFO]: no path was specified exiting setup

The message no path was specified exiting setup comes from my preinst script and indicates that minio/path is not set/has an empty value.

 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/minio_20180523152915.preinst returned with 0
 15992 packages                         18-05-23 15:53:15 [   DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [    INFO]: Creating data directories for minio...
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:15 [   DEBUG]: 5
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [    INFO]: Registering UCR for minio
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:15 [    INFO]: Marking 4.2/minio=RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z as installed
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:20 [    INFO]: Creating /etc/init.d/docker-app-minio
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:20 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-minio defaults 41 14
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:20 [   DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:20 [   DEBUG]: Calling /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: /bin/systemctl returned with 0
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:21 [    INFO]: Adding localhost to LDAP object
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:21 [    INFO]: Setting overview variables
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Changed: set(['minio'])
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Local hosts are: ['ucs-1968.kopano.intranet', '']
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/label' -> 'Minio'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/link' -> '/minio'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/port_http' -> '80'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/description' -> 'Minio is an Amazon S3 compatible object storage server'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/icon' -> '/univention/js/dijit/themes/umc/icons/scalable/apps-minio_20180523152915.svg'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/label/de' -> 'Minio'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/description/de' -> 'Minio is an Amazon S3 compatible object storage server'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Matched 'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/minio/port_https' -> '443'
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Processing cn=minio,cn=portal,cn=univention,dc=kopano,dc=intranet
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Links: ['', '', 'https://ucs-1968.kopano.intranet/minio', 'http://ucs-1968.kopano.intranet/minio']
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: DN not found...
 15992 portalentries                    18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: ... creating
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:21 [   DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:22 [    INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:22 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:22 [   DEBUG]: 10
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:22 [   DEBUG]: 15
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:22 [   DEBUG]: 25
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:23 [    INFO]: Registering the container host minio-36030232 for minio
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:24 [   DEBUG]: 30
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:24 [    INFO]: Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image minio/minio:RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:24 [    INFO]: Downloading app image minio/minio:RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z
 15992 docker                           18-05-23 15:53:24 [ WARNING]: Could not login to minio. You may not be able to pull the image from the repository!
^[[5~^[[5~^[[5~ 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:25 [    INFO]: Initializing app image
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:26 [    INFO]: Preconfiguring container f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d
 15992 actions.start                    18-05-23 15:53:26 [   DEBUG]: Calling start
 15992 actions.start.progress           18-05-23 15:53:26 [   DEBUG]: 0
 15992 actions.start                    18-05-23 15:53:26 [   DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/docker-app-minio start
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:27 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:27 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 71 apps from cache
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:27 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:27 [   DEBUG]: Unable to get mtime for cache: [Errno 2] Bestand of map bestaat niet: '/var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/.apps.nl.json'
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:27 [   DEBUG]: Cannot load cache: mtimes of cache files do not match: None < 1527083545.73601
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:27 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20171114154947.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:27 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20171114154947.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:27 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20171017221609.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:27 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20171017221609.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:27 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20180301215520.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:27 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20180301215520.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20170904150649.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20170904150649.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20171220164332.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20171220164332.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora-online_20180207095517.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora-online_20180207095517.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora-online_20171103110329.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora-online_20171103110329.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20180205215802.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20180205215802.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora-online_20180315100255.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora-online_20180315100255.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20170622134722.settings: Missing description in domain
 16495 ini                              18-05-23 15:53:28 [ WARNING]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/collabora_20170622134722.settings: Missing description in username
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:28 [   DEBUG]: Saved 221 apps into cache
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:28 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 16495 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:29 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 424 apps from cache
 16495 actions.get                      18-05-23 15:53:29 [   DEBUG]: Calling get
 16495 actions.get.progress             18-05-23 15:53:29 [   DEBUG]: 0
 16495 actions.get                      18-05-23 15:53:29 [    INFO]: appcenter/apps/minio/container
 16495 actions.get.progress             18-05-23 15:53:29 [   DEBUG]: 100
 16598 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 16598 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 71 apps from cache
 16598 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 16598 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 221 apps from cache
 16598 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
 16598 cache                            18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 424 apps from cache
 16598 actions.get                      18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: Calling get
 16598 actions.get.progress             18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: 0
 16598 actions.get                      18-05-23 15:53:31 [    INFO]: appcenter/apps/minio/ip
 16598 actions.get.progress             18-05-23 15:53:31 [   DEBUG]: 100
 15992 actions.start                    18-05-23 15:53:32 [    INFO]: Starting docker-app-minio (via systemctl): docker-app-minio.service.
 15992 actions.start                    18-05-23 15:53:32 [   DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-minio returned with 0
 15992 actions.start.progress           18-05-23 15:53:32 [   DEBUG]: 100
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Calling ['docker', 'cp', '/etc/timezone', 'f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d:/etc/timezone']
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Calling ['docker', 'cp', '/etc/localtime', 'f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d:/etc/localtime']
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:35 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
 15992 actions.configure.progress       18-05-23 15:53:35 [   DEBUG]: 0
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Configuring 4.2/minio=RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Setting MINIO_SECRET_KEY to 'secretkey'
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslchain
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslkey
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslca
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Setting minio/path to '/opt/test'

Only here are the settings from the settings screen actually stored in the given ucr variable.

 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/hostname
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslcertificate
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:35 [    INFO]: Setting MINIO_ACCESS_KEY to 'admin'
 15992 actions.configure.container.f7ab 18-05-23 15:53:35 [   DEBUG]: Using container.f7ab for container f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d
 15992 actions.configure.container.f7ab 18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d which ucr
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:36 [ WARNING]: ucr cannot be found, falling back to changing the database file directly
 15992 actions.configure.progress       18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: 100
 15992 actions.install.progress         18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: 50
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_before_setup for minio
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: No interface defined
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_after_setup for minio
 15992 actions.install                  18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: No interface defined
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: Calling configure
 15992 actions.configure.progress       18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: 0
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Configuring 4.2/minio=RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Setting minio/path to '/opt/test'
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/hostname
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Setting MINIO_SECRET_KEY to 'secretkey'
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslcertificate
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslchain
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslca
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Setting MINIO_ACCESS_KEY to 'admin'
 15992 settings                         18-05-23 15:53:36 [    INFO]: Unsetting minio/sslkey
 15992 actions.configure.container.f7ab 18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: Using container.f7ab for container f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d
 15992 actions.configure.container.f7ab 18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec f7abcc0b2f6bc95a8ac810ec5036561b11efcdc521b7b17ac8ad4aa27de5427d which ucr
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:36 [ WARNING]: ucr cannot be found, falling back to changing the database file directly
 15992 actions.configure                18-05-23 15:53:36 [   DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter-test.software-univention.de/4.2/minio_20180523152915.configure_host install --locale en --version RELEASE.2018-05-16T23-35-33Z --error-file /tmp/tmppiKzYo

And sure enough, If I execute the preinst script manually after the setup has completed it actually gives the expected result (in the above case failing, since the directory does not exist).

Do you see another way to implement this functionality? I’m sure such a setting would be a nice to have for other store intensive docker apps (such as nextcloud or owncloud).

edit: the obvious may would be of course to let the admin write the differing mount path somewhere before the installation.

+1 for validation of user settings and options before the installation procedures start.

Right now it’s only possible to define whether a user setting (defined by the installing user at the start of the installation procedure) is optional, and a basice type (list, string etc.) can be set. It’s possible to define a static default value. A more comfortable validation option would be highly appreciable, e.g. if

  1. a default setting must be generated from other inputs
  2. or from environment setting (e.g. hostname, domainname)
  3. conflicting settings will teminate the installtion process

I could image that a cheap solution could be an option to provide a javascript which is injected into the settings page and which does the validation.


Just for reference. I got it working by adding the ucr variable before starting the install process. For this to work in the end I had to remove the mount of the /data dir, that was already in the ini as docker would otherwise give an error (there was no plain text error message, but my bet would be on the duplicated mount).

results of the experiment are preserved in https://stash.z-hub.io/projects/K4U/repos/minio/browse?at=refs%2Fheads%2Fcustom-mount, but I won’t follow that idea for now.
