"Warning: ... 4.4-5. No more security updates ... for this version." Vs. "Further release updates are available but cannot be installed. The ... installed version of ... Kopano Core is not available for all newer UCS releases."

as mentioned in the title, how is it possible to solve this:

" Warning : You are currently using UCS 4.4-5. No more security updates will be released for this version. Please update the system to a newer UCS version!"

“Further release updates are available but cannot be installed. The currently installed version of the application Kopano Core is not available for all newer UCS releases.”


please provide the output of univention-app info

Upgrading one of my test systems to 4.4.-6 was no problem:

$ univention-app info
UCS: 4.4-6 errata758
Installed: kopano-core= kopano-webapp= kopano-webmeetings= letsencrypt=1.2.2-8 self-service=4.0 self-service-backend=4.0 z-push-kopano=2.4.5 4.2/mattermost=5.25.5
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Hello @fbartels,
thanks for the super quick answer!

root@ucs:/home/Administrator# univention-app info
UCS: 4.4-5 errata791
Installed: dhcp-server=12.0 fetchmail=6.3.26 kde=5.8 kopano-core= kopano-webapp= nagios=4.3 samba4=4.10 z-push-kopano=2.4.5


hm… you’re on the latest available version. I would check for concrete error messages in /var/log/univention/updater.log or /var/log/univention/appcenter.log.

If not, then this is probably a case for the univention support.

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nothing unusual with this two logs.
My guess is, that something between errata758 and errata 791 happened, which led to the current roadblock.
I will now do some tests and report here!
Thanks and BR,

after todays update to UCS version 4.4-6 errata803 the upgrade has worked flawlessly. Whatever it was, it seems to be fixed!
Thanks and BR,