Verbindung zu Kopano bricht alle 2 Stunden ab

Ich habe einen UCS (5.0-8) mit Kopano (, die Verbindung zu Outlook bricht alle 2 Stunden ab und zwar bei allen usern, nach einen Serverneustart läuft alles wie gewohnt weiter.
Wenn dieser Fehler auftritt kann man sich auch nicht an der Kopano Webapp anmelden, der User wird dann nicht erkannt. Ich weiss gar nicht in welcher Logdatei ich nach dem Fehler suchen muss.

I have a UCS (5.0-8) with Kopano (, the connection to Outlook breaks down every 2 hours for all users, after a server restart everything continues as usual.
If this error occurs, you cannot log in to the Kopano web app, as the user will not be recognized. I don’t even know which log file to look for the error in.

Hi @HS-Systeme,

wenn ich es richtig verstehe dann:

  • können alle nutzer zuerst normal arbeiten mittels Kopano WebApp, Outlook (via ActiveSync?) und co
  • dann zwei Stunden später erhalten Benutzer Fehlermeldungen (welche?) und ein Login in die WebApp ist auch nicht mehr möglich
  • und mit einem Neustart (des kompletten Servers?) geht es dann erstmal wieder

Das klingt als könnte es ein Problem mit dem LDAP Server geben. Nutzerpasswörter können nicht mehr verifiziert werden und daher geht dann nichts mehr (ausser z.B. Mailempfang). Ein Fehler sollte im Logging von kopano-server zu sehen sein. Je nachdem wie das System konfiguriert ist befindet sich das Logging in journald oder auf älteren Systemen unter /var/log/kopano/server.log.

Wenn Outlook für dich wichtig ist, könnte unser neues Produkt interessant sein. hat eine neu entwickelte native Unterstützung für die Windows-Version von Outlook. Die neue Version gibt es derzeit zwar nicht im Univention Appcenter, aber einer unserer Partner stellt eine einfach zu installierende Appliance zur Verfügung, die entsprechende Vorlagen für die Anbindung an Univention beinhaltet.

Hi @fbartels,

ja ich kann normal mit outlook (via activesync) oder webapp arbeiten, nach zwei Stunden erhalte ich im Outlook nur Verbindung getrennt. In der Webapp wenn ich mich dann anmelden möchte kommt

Konnte keine Verbindung zum Kopano-Server aufbauen.
wennich in der Konsole den Befehl eingebe: kopano-admin -l
The server is not running, or not accessible through “default:”.

Im Log Mail.ino steht das:
Aug 20 16:07:44 KopanoM kopano-spooler[599]: HrLogon server “default:” user “SYSTEM”: network error
Aug 20 16:07:44 KopanoM kopano-spooler[599]: Unable to open admin session: network error (80040115)
Aug 20 16:07:47 KopanoM kopano-spooler[599]: Logon to file:///var/run/kopano/server.sock: Remote side closed connection.
Aug 20 16:07:47 KopanoM kopano-spooler[599]: HrLogon server “default:” user “SYSTEM”: network error
Aug 20 16:07:47 KopanoM kopano-spooler[599]: Unable to open admin session: network error (80040115)

Je nachdem wie das System konfiguriert ist befindet sich das Logging in journald oder auf älteren Systemen unter /var/log/kopano/server.log.

Das log zum kopano-server finde ich nicht, dieser Pfad ist leer bei mir. Das System läut seit ca 5 Jahren .

Ok, das wiederrum klingt so als wenn der kopano-server Prozess sich beendet. Fürs “warum” braucht es aber Logs. Sowas wie systemctl status kopano-server und journalctl -u kopano-server.

Ausgabe von
journalctl -u kopano-server

– Reboot –
Aug 20 07:27:59 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 07:27:59 KopanoM kopano-server[1066]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1066 uid 0)
Aug 20 07:28:00 KopanoM kopano-server[1066]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1066 uid 998)
Aug 20 08:29:30 KopanoM kopano-server[1066]: K-2171: soap_ssl_accept: SSL_ERROR_SSL
error:14094412:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad certificate
(SSL_accept() failed in soap_ssl_accept())
Aug 20 08:29:30 KopanoM kopano-server[1066]: K-2171: soap_ssl_accept: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
Error observed by underlying SSL/TLS BIO: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt (SSL_accept() failed in soap_ssl_accept())
Aug 20 10:19:17 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 10:19:17 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
– Reboot –
Aug 20 10:24:18 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 10:24:18 KopanoM kopano-server[1087]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1087 uid 0)
Aug 20 10:24:19 KopanoM kopano-server[1087]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1087 uid 998)
Aug 20 11:42:44 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 11:42:44 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
– Reboot –
Aug 20 11:54:54 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 11:54:54 KopanoM kopano-server[1107]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1107 uid 0)
Aug 20 11:54:55 KopanoM kopano-server[1107]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1107 uid 998)
Aug 20 14:02:30 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 14:02:30 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
– Reboot –
Aug 20 14:11:54 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 14:11:55 KopanoM kopano-server[1104]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1104 uid 0)
Aug 20 14:11:55 KopanoM kopano-server[1104]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1104 uid 998)
Aug 20 16:05:56 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 16:05:56 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
– Reboot –
Aug 20 16:14:35 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 16:14:36 KopanoM kopano-server[1130]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1130 uid 0)
Aug 20 16:14:36 KopanoM kopano-server[1130]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 1130 uid 998)
Aug 20 16:48:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 16:48:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Aug 20 16:53:25 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 16:53:25 KopanoM kopano-server[16243]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 16243 uid 0)
Aug 20 16:53:25 KopanoM kopano-server[16243]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 16243 uid 998)
Aug 20 17:00:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopping Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server…
Aug 20 17:00:02 KopanoM kopano-server[16243]: Softdelete failed: removed 0 stores, 0 folders, and 0 messages
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: State ‘stop-sigterm’ timed out. Killing.
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Killing process 16243 (kopano-server) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘timeout’.
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopped Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM kopano-server[17282]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 17282 uid 0)
Aug 20 17:01:02 KopanoM kopano-server[17282]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 17282 uid 998)
Aug 20 17:36:20 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 17:36:20 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Aug 20 17:50:34 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 17:50:34 KopanoM kopano-server[23787]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 23787 uid 0)
Aug 20 17:50:34 KopanoM kopano-server[23787]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 23787 uid 998)
Aug 20 17:50:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopping Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server…
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: State ‘stop-sigterm’ timed out. Killing.
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Killing process 23787 (kopano-server) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘timeout’.
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopped Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM kopano-server[23891]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 23891 uid 0)
Aug 20 17:51:51 KopanoM kopano-server[23891]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 23891 uid 998)
Aug 20 17:52:35 KopanoM kopano-server[23891]: SerializeObject obj 882547 failed: network error (80000004)
Aug 20 18:00:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopping Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server…
Aug 20 18:00:05 KopanoM kopano-server[23891]: Softdelete failed: removed 0 stores, 0 folders, and 0 messages
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: State ‘stop-sigterm’ timed out. Killing.
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Killing process 23891 (kopano-server) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘timeout’.
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopped Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM kopano-server[25115]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 25115 uid 0)
Aug 20 18:01:05 KopanoM kopano-server[25115]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 25115 uid 998)
Aug 20 18:18:59 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 18:18:59 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Aug 20 18:21:12 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 18:21:12 KopanoM kopano-server[28962]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 28962 uid 0)
Aug 20 18:21:12 KopanoM kopano-server[28962]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 28962 uid 998)
Aug 20 19:00:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopping Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server…
Aug 20 19:00:04 KopanoM kopano-server[28962]: Softdelete failed: removed 0 stores, 0 folders, and 0 messages
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM kopano-server[28962]: SerializeObject obj 3636197 failed: network error (80000004)
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: State ‘stop-sigterm’ timed out. Killing.
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Killing process 28962 (kopano-server) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: kopano-server.service: Failed with result ‘timeout’.
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: Stopped Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM kopano-server[534]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 534 uid 0)
Aug 20 19:01:03 KopanoM kopano-server[534]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 534 uid 998)
Aug 20 19:06:48 KopanoM kopano-server[534]: SerializeObject obj 2207232 failed: network error (80000004)

Ausgabe von systemctl status kopano-server

root@KopanoM:~# systemctl status kopano-server
● kopano-server.service - Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kopano-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-08-20 19:54:01 CEST; 11min ago
Docs: man:kopano-server(8)
Main PID: 7312 (kopano-server)
Tasks: 31 (limit: 4915)
Memory: 145.0M
CGroup: /system.slice/kopano-server.service
└─7312 /usr/sbin/kopano-server -F

Aug 20 19:54:01 KopanoM systemd[1]: Started Kopano Groupware Core Storage Server.
Aug 20 19:54:01 KopanoM kopano-server[7312]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 7312 uid 0)
Aug 20 19:54:01 KopanoM kopano-server[7312]: Starting kopano-server version 8.7.25 (pid 7312 uid 998)

Laut dem Logging beendet das OS den kopano-server Prozess (Kopano selbst stürzt nicht ab). Dies kann z.B. passieren wenn das System nicht genug Ram hat. Das sollte sich per dmesg oder grep -i oom /var/log/syslog verifizieren lassen.

Brauch ich da mehr RAM?
Das ist eine virtuelle Maschine

Die Ausgabe für

[67660.917274] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/apache2.service,task=apache2,pid=6621,uid=33
[67660.917311] Out of memory: Killed process 6621 (apache2) total-vm:2104960kB, anon-rss:1192032kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:9248kB, UID:33 pgtables:2664kB oom_score_adj:0
[67695.447739] systemd invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x100cca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE), order=0, oom_score_adj=0
[67695.447743] CPU: 1 PID: 1 Comm: systemd Not tainted 5.10.0-0.deb10.30-amd64 #1 Debian 5.10.218-1~deb10u1
[67695.447744] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)/Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS
[67695.447745] Call Trace:
[67695.447754] dump_stack+0x6d/0x8c
[67695.447757] dump_header+0x4a/0x1eb
[67695.447759] oom_kill_process.cold.37+0xb/0x10
[67695.447763] out_of_memory+0x1bd/0x510
[67695.447766] __alloc_pages_slowpath.constprop.111+0xbd3/0xca0
[67695.447768] __alloc_pages_nodemask+0x2d0/0x300
[67695.447770] pagecache_get_page+0xdb/0x300
[67695.447772] filemap_fault+0x71f/0xa50
[67695.447774] ? page_add_file_rmap+0x144/0x1a0
[67695.447775] ? filemap_map_pages+0x2d8/0x440
[67695.447797] ext4_filemap_fault+0x2c/0x40 [ext4]
[67695.447800] __do_fault+0x36/0x120
[67695.447802] handle_mm_fault+0x1230/0x1660
[67695.447805] exc_page_fault+0x294/0x530
[67695.447807] ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x8/0x30
[67695.447809] asm_exc_page_fault+0x1e/0x30
[67695.447811] RIP: 0033:0x7f1213fa9a10
[67695.447816] Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x7f1213fa99e6.
[67695.447817] RSP: 002b:00007ffcc7b5d920 EFLAGS: 00010246
[67695.447819] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000006 RCX: 00007f12140e34c8
[67695.447820] RDX: 0000000000000006 RSI: 00007f1213e4f2a5 RDI: 00007ffcc7b5e110
[67695.447820] RBP: 0000000000000d68 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 000000000000000d
[67695.447821] R10: fffffffffffff24d R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 00007f12140e2760
[67695.447822] R13: 00007ffcc7b5def0 R14: 0000000000000006 R15: 00007f1213e4f2a5
[67695.447824] Mem-Info:
[67695.447827] active_anon:921652 inactive_anon:7148595 isolated_anon:0
active_file:143 inactive_file:111 isolated_file:0
unevictable:0 dirty:2 writeback:0
slab_reclaimable:20777 slab_unreclaimable:30049
mapped:2532 shmem:3015 pagetables:28346 bounce:0
free:48883 free_pcp:342 free_cma:0
[67695.447829] Node 0 active_anon:3686608kB inactive_anon:28594380kB active_file:572kB inactive_file:444kB unevictable:0kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB mapped:10128kB dirty:8kB writeback:0kB shmem:12060kB shmem_thp: 0kB shmem_pmdmapped: 0kB anon_thp: 11952128kB writeback_tmp:0kB kernel_stack:12816kB all_unreclaimable? no
[67695.447830] Node 0 DMA free:11812kB min:32kB low:44kB high:56kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:0kB inactive_anon:0kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:0kB unevictable:0kB writepending:0kB present:15992kB managed:15908kB mlocked:0kB pagetables:0kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:0kB local_pcp:0kB free_cma:0kB
[67695.447832] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 2919 32008 32008 32008
[67695.447835] Node 0 DMA32 free:122512kB min:6160kB low:9148kB high:12136kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:77116kB inactive_anon:2852408kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:0kB unevictable:0kB writepending:0kB present:3129200kB managed:3063664kB mlocked:0kB pagetables:4556kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:0kB local_pcp:0kB free_cma:0kB
[67695.447837] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 29088 29088 29088
[67695.447839] Node 0 Normal free:61208kB min:61388kB low:91172kB high:120956kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:3609492kB inactive_anon:25741972kB active_file:800kB inactive_file:888kB unevictable:0kB writepending:0kB present:30408704kB managed:29795116kB mlocked:0kB pagetables:108828kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:1368kB local_pcp:536kB free_cma:0kB
[67695.447842] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 0 0
[67695.447844] Node 0 DMA: 14kB (U) 08kB 016kB 132kB (U) 264kB (U) 1128kB (U) 1256kB (U) 0512kB 11024kB (U) 12048kB (M) 24096kB (M) = 11812kB
[67695.447851] Node 0 DMA32: 38
4kB (UME) 468kB (UME) 9816kB (UME) 13332kB (UME) 12064kB (UME) 54128kB (UME) 26256kB (UME) 14512kB (UME) 861024kB (UME) 02048kB 04096kB = 122824kB
[67695.447859] Node 0 Normal: 47234kB (UME) 24598kB (UME) 85616kB (UME) 19132kB (UME) 3664kB (UME) 2128kB (UE) 0256kB 1512kB (M) 11024kB (M) 02048kB 0*4096kB = 62468kB
[67695.447866] Node 0 hugepages_total=0 hugepages_free=0 hugepages_surp=0 hugepages_size=2048kB
[67695.447867] 45087 total pagecache pages
[67695.447869] 41783 pages in swap cache
[67695.447870] Swap cache stats: add 11829164, delete 11786741, find 2862579/3403220
[67695.447870] Free swap = 0kB
[67695.447870] Total swap = 4194300kB
[67695.447871] 8388474 pages RAM
[67695.447872] 0 pages HighMem/MovableOnly
[67695.447872] 169802 pages reserved
[67695.447872] 0 pages hwpoisoned
[67695.447873] Tasks state (memory values in pages):
[67695.447873] [ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
[67695.447877] [ 256] 0 256 55765 126 479232 848 0 systemd-journal
[67695.447880] [ 283] 0 283 1922 0 53248 59 0 blkmapd
[67695.447881] [ 295] 0 295 5599 14 65536 233 -1000 systemd-udevd
[67695.447883] [ 413] 0 413 2319 0 53248 51 0 rpc.idmapd
[67695.447884] [ 419] 103 419 1706 6 53248 110 0 rpcbind
[67695.447885] [ 493] 0 493 1706 0 53248 80 0 rpc.gssd
[67695.447887] [ 538] 0 538 7919 1 98304 6270 0 rpc.mountd
[67695.447889] [ 612] 122 612 33701 0 118784 508 0 freshclam
[67695.447891] [ 614] 998 614 70056 1765 249856 5238 0 kopano-search
[67695.447892] [ 623] 105 623 2261 58 53248 92 -900 dbus-daemon
[67695.447893] [ 628] 0 628 4791 34 86016 182 0 systemd-logind
[67695.447895] [ 632] 998 632 21002 0 139264 582 0 kopano-dagent
[67695.447896] [ 634] 998 634 37900 85 143360 736 0 kopano-spooler
[67695.447897] [ 646] 0 646 55484 175 73728 706 0 rsyslogd
[67695.447898] [ 653] 998 653 35436 7 143360 623 0 kopano-gateway
[67695.447899] [ 659] 0 659 18212 17 131072 593 0 cron
[67695.447901] [ 668] 115 668 102091 52 110592 643 0 memcached
[67695.447902] [ 671] 998 671 70259 15 143360 600 0 kopano-monitor
[67695.447903] [ 674] 128 674 102091 64 118784 640 0 memcached
[67695.447904] [ 682] 998 682 18022 0 135168 574 0 kopano-ical
[67695.447906] [ 685] 0 685 1421 0 49152 70 0 atd
[67695.447907] [ 686] 0 686 393061 1824 323584 5164 -999 containerd
[67695.447908] [ 756] 119 756 19176 18 65536 136 0 ntpd
[67695.447909] [ 774] 0 774 3434 0 61440 217 -1000 sshd
[67695.447911] [ 802] 0 802 2802 1 57344 154 0 saslauthd
[67695.447912] [ 803] 0 803 2802 1 57344 154 0 saslauthd
[67695.447913] [ 804] 0 804 2802 1 57344 154 0 saslauthd
[67695.447914] [ 805] 0 805 2802 1 57344 154 0 saslauthd
[67695.447915] [ 806] 0 806 2802 1 57344 154 0 saslauthd
[67695.447917] [ 901] 121 901 731387 86660 1490944 52383 0 mysqld
[67695.447918] [ 905] 127 905 50884 31 139264 357 -900 postgres
[67695.447919] [ 930] 127 930 50884 0 106496 397 0 postgres
[67695.447920] [ 931] 127 931 50884 18 110592 373 0 postgres
[67695.447921] [ 932] 127 932 50884 11 106496 383 0 postgres
[67695.447923] [ 933] 127 933 50992 92 118784 394 0 postgres
[67695.447924] [ 934] 127 934 14632 47 94208 355 0 postgres
[67695.447925] [ 939] 0 939 1940908 2665 626688 39981 0 slapd
[67695.447926] [ 983] 0 983 362162 2788 364544 5452 -500 dockerd
[67695.447927] [ 1058] 0 1058 29689 365 274432 24182 0 spamd
[67695.447928] [ 1101] 0 1101 6053 33 90112 689 0 sshd
[67695.447930] [ 1176] 0 1176 16626 0 118784 545 0 univention-dire
[67695.447931] [ 1420] 0 1420 975 0 49152 112 0 sftp-server
[67695.447932] [ 1474] 0 1474 197236 729 434176 18363 0 named
[67695.447933] [ 1498] 0 1498 1495 0 53248 151 0 screen
[67695.447934] [ 1501] 0 1501 4602 2 73728 251 0 sudo
[67695.447936] [ 1505] 125 1505 41809 7406 372736 27902 0 /usr/sbin/amavi
[67695.447937] [ 1549] 125 1549 2994 31 65536 931 0 amavis-mc
[67695.447938] [ 1711] 0 1711 102328 0 360448 14077 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.447939] [ 1730] 0 1730 3018 63 57344 202 0 openvpn
[67695.447940] [ 1737] 112 1737 1638 1 49152 151 -500 nrpe
[67695.447942] [ 1764] 0 1764 45618 830 315392 10397 0 python3
[67695.447943] [ 1919] 0 1919 10898 24 77824 192 0 master
[67695.447944] [ 1926] 107 1926 10952 0 86016 275 0 qmgr
[67695.447945] [ 1965] 0 1965 62437 1904 229376 1319 0 apache2
[67695.447946] [ 2032] 0 2032 29689 128 266240 24419 0 spamd child
[67695.447947] [ 2035] 0 2035 29689 112 266240 24435 0 spamd child
[67695.447949] [ 2053] 998 2053 73550 3152 274432 7264 0 kopano-search
[67695.447950] [ 2054] 998 2054 53098 0 245760 6837 0 kopano-search
[67695.447951] [ 2063] 0 2063 1535 0 53248 41 0 agetty
[67695.447952] [ 2064] 0 2064 1889 28 53248 189 0 univention-welc
[67695.447953] [ 2066] 0 2066 1467 0 53248 27 0 hexdump
[67695.447954] [ 3127] 107 3127 10959 21 77824 205 0 tlsmgr
[67695.447956] [ 3390] 0 3390 22710 226 176128 3808 0 univention-self
[67695.447957] [ 22407] 0 22407 93745 0 446464 34479 0 kopano-backup
[67695.447958] [ 28936] 0 28936 5676 38 90112 336 0 sshd
[67695.447960] [ 28952] 0 28952 2098 2 57344 397 0 bash
[67695.447961] [ 3512] 120 3512 3482 568 61440 117 0 fetchmail
[67695.447962] [ 4041] 0 4041 1096645 3404 356352 10212 0 univention-dire
[67695.447963] [ 4160] 0 4160 17152 80 122880 576 0 nmbd
[67695.447965] [ 4161] 0 4161 16988 1 114688 629 0 nmbd
[67695.447966] [ 4195] 0 4195 41069 823 225280 6035 0 samba
[67695.447967] [ 4200] 0 4200 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4201)
[67695.447968] [ 4201] 0 4201 41070 822 180224 6036 0 s3fs[master]
[67695.447969] [ 4202] 0 4202 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4204)
[67695.447970] [ 4203] 0 4203 41071 814 180224 6044 0 tfork(4205)
[67695.447971] [ 4204] 0 4204 41070 833 180224 6025 0 rpc[master]
[67695.447973] [ 4205] 0 4205 43330 77 270336 6735 0 smbd
[67695.447974] [ 4206] 0 4206 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4207)
[67695.447975] [ 4207] 0 4207 41698 869 188416 5989 0 wrepl[master]
[67695.447976] [ 4208] 0 4208 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4211)
[67695.447977] [ 4209] 0 4209 41071 825 180224 6033 0 tfork(4210)
[67695.447978] [ 4210] 0 4210 24685 1798 180224 5065 0 rpc(0)
[67695.447979] [ 4211] 0 4211 41070 826 253952 6036 0 ldap[master]
[67695.447980] [ 4212] 0 4212 41071 825 180224 6033 0 tfork(4214)
[67695.447981] [ 4213] 0 4213 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4215)
[67695.447982] [ 4214] 0 4214 24580 833 180224 6025 0 rpc(1)
[67695.447983] [ 4215] 0 4215 41070 822 253952 6036 0 cldap[master]
[67695.447984] [ 4216] 0 4216 41071 825 180224 6033 0 tfork(4218)
[67695.447985] [ 4217] 0 4217 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4220)
[67695.447987] [ 4218] 0 4218 24580 833 180224 6025 0 rpc(2)
[67695.447988] [ 4219] 0 4219 41071 825 180224 6033 0 tfork(4222)
[67695.447989] [ 4220] 0 4220 41070 828 180224 6030 0 kdc[master]
[67695.447990] [ 4221] 0 4221 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4224)
[67695.447991] [ 4222] 0 4222 24580 833 180224 6025 0 rpc(3)
[67695.447992] [ 4223] 0 4223 41071 820 180224 6038 0 tfork(4227)
[67695.447993] [ 4224] 0 4224 41070 1058 253952 5801 0 drepl[master]
[67695.447994] [ 4225] 0 4225 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4230)
[67695.447995] [ 4227] 0 4227 41089 1457 253952 5409 0 kdc(0)
[67695.447996] [ 4228] 0 4228 41071 820 180224 6038 0 tfork(4229)
[67695.447997] [ 4229] 0 4229 41089 1551 258048 5315 0 kdc(1)
[67695.447998] [ 4230] 0 4230 41070 823 180224 6035 0 winbindd[master
[67695.447999] [ 4231] 0 4231 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4235)
[67695.448000] [ 4232] 0 4232 41071 820 180224 6038 0 tfork(4236)
[67695.448001] [ 4234] 0 4234 41071 817 180224 6045 0 tfork(4242)
[67695.448002] [ 4235] 0 4235 41070 822 253952 6036 0 ntp_signd[maste
[67695.448004] [ 4236] 0 4236 41089 1706 249856 5160 0 kdc(2)
[67695.448005] [ 4237] 0 4237 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4238)
[67695.448006] [ 4238] 0 4238 41070 1071 253952 5788 0 kcc[master]
[67695.448007] [ 4239] 0 4239 41071 820 180224 6038 0 tfork(4243)
[67695.448009] [ 4240] 0 4240 41071 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4245)
[67695.448010] [ 4241] 0 4241 41070 815 180224 6043 0 tfork(4247)
[67695.448011] [ 4242] 0 4242 40862 1448 253952 5418 0 ldap(0)
[67695.448012] [ 4243] 0 4243 41089 1733 249856 5133 0 kdc(3)
[67695.448013] [ 4244] 0 4244 41071 817 180224 6045 0 tfork(4248)
[67695.448014] [ 4245] 0 4245 42194 145 266240 6658 0 winbindd
[67695.448015] [ 4247] 0 4247 41070 854 253952 6004 0 dnsupdate[maste
[67695.448016] [ 4248] 0 4248 40862 1302 253952 5564 0 ldap(1)
[67695.448017] [ 4249] 0 4249 41071 817 180224 6045 0 tfork(4251)
[67695.448018] [ 4251] 0 4251 40862 1346 253952 5520 0 ldap(2)
[67695.448019] [ 4254] 0 4254 41071 817 180224 6045 0 tfork(4255)
[67695.448020] [ 4255] 0 4255 40862 1493 253952 5372 0 ldap(3)
[67695.448021] [ 4263] 0 4263 42824 33 249856 6759 0 smbd-notifyd
[67695.448023] [ 4264] 0 4264 42828 69 245760 6727 0 smbd-cleanupd
[67695.448024] [ 4265] 0 4265 42194 47 258048 6743 0 wb[HS-SYSTEME]
[67695.448025] [ 4295] 998 4295 327475 149275 1912832 47980 0 kopano-server
[67695.448026] [ 4298] 0 4298 25929 2 192512 6782 0 univention-port
[67695.448027] [ 4349] 0 4349 40340 4 282624 7599 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.448028] [ 4372] 0 4372 152757 36 200704 656 0 nscd
[67695.448029] [ 4384] 0 4384 77206 102 282624 7495 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.448030] [ 4398] 0 4398 44311 1 299008 11380 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.448031] [ 4399] 0 4399 44448 1 315392 11535 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.448033] [ 4406] 0 4406 95570 103 278528 7527 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.448034] [ 4420] 0 4420 95608 102 290816 7556 0 /usr/bin/python
[67695.448036] [ 21463] 33 21463 378434 78655 1908736 124712 0 apache2
[67695.448037] [ 24034] 33 24034 429234 177833 2195456 59842 0 apache2
[67695.448039] [ 26304] 33 26304 279978 99829 1372160 38361 0 apache2
[67695.448040] [ 26424] 33 26424 379468 203484 1925120 1060 0 apache2
[67695.448041] [ 26947] 33 26947 181393 71105 827392 1833 0 apache2
[67695.448042] [ 28761] 33 28761 231434 99828 1105920 6523 0 apache2
[67695.448044] [ 29036] 33 29036 230638 103682 1097728 1891 0 apache2
[67695.448045] [ 29503] 33 29503 526328 117621 2727936 183683 0 apache2
[67695.448046] [ 30307] 33 30307 379346 98626 1925120 105647 0 apache2
[67695.448047] [ 31703] 33 31703 427747 186906 2187264 49238 0 apache2
[67695.448048] [ 478] 33 478 378414 167505 1908736 35284 0 apache2
[67695.448050] [ 609] 33 609 279838 121173 1372160 16752 0 apache2
[67695.448051] [ 770] 33 770 132547 34809 561152 5365 0 apache2
[67695.448052] [ 1575] 33 1575 132523 37961 565248 2145 0 apache2
[67695.448054] [ 1680] 33 1680 279889 136510 1376256 1628 0 apache2
[67695.448055] [ 3569] 0 3569 1860 15 49152 51 0 inetd
[67695.448056] [ 3597] 33 3597 280400 125925 1376256 12154 0 apache2
[67695.448057] [ 3975] 33 3975 378465 201579 1912832 1832 0 apache2
[67695.448058] [ 4260] 33 4260 281428 138385 1388544 1292 0 apache2
[67695.448060] [ 4396] 33 4396 82296 5918 278528 1079 0 apache2
[67695.448061] [ 4397] 33 4397 132545 39533 565248 1069 0 apache2
[67695.448062] [ 4445] 33 4445 360917 202217 1904640 1090 0 apache2
[67695.448063] [ 4550] 33 4550 329129 169630 1638400 1103 0 apache2
[67695.448064] [ 4896] 33 4896 132273 38536 557056 1322 0 apache2
[67695.448065] [ 5176] 33 5176 281478 138105 1380352 1074 0 apache2
[67695.448067] [ 5327] 33 5327 230672 104531 1097728 1082 0 apache2
[67695.448068] [ 5329] 33 5329 132533 39512 569344 1102 0 apache2
[67695.448069] [ 5332] 33 5332 82549 5615 274432 1107 0 apache2
[67695.448070] [ 5333] 33 5333 132530 38782 561152 1326 0 apache2
[67695.448071] [ 5413] 33 5413 82285 5258 274432 1107 0 apache2
[67695.448072] [ 5419] 33 5419 132536 39006 561152 1125 0 apache2
[67695.448073] [ 5443] 107 5443 10913 24 81920 188 0 pickup
[67695.448075] [ 5603] 33 5603 280384 136925 1372160 1143 0 apache2
[67695.448076] [ 5823] 33 5823 329227 169595 1642496 1278 0 apache2
[67695.448077] [ 5917] 33 5917 377024 201844 1908736 1079 0 apache2
[67695.448078] [ 5920] 33 5920 280881 137378 1380352 1172 0 apache2
[67695.448079] [ 5957] 33 5957 329222 169658 1642496 1090 0 apache2
[67695.448080] [ 5959] 33 5959 82269 5125 274432 1095 0 apache2
[67695.448081] [ 5996] 33 5996 329285 169826 1650688 1069 0 apache2
[67695.448082] [ 6002] 33 6002 378437 202211 1912832 1232 0 apache2
[67695.448083] [ 6004] 33 6004 82377 5992 282624 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448084] [ 6024] 33 6024 230636 103939 1093632 1073 0 apache2
[67695.448085] [ 6028] 33 6028 279866 136684 1372160 1250 0 apache2
[67695.448086] [ 6116] 33 6116 427705 234986 2179072 1064 0 apache2
[67695.448088] [ 6880] 125 6880 43731 19853 389120 16994 0 /usr/sbin/amavi
[67695.448089] [ 7182] 33 7182 427688 234289 2179072 1072 0 apache2
[67695.448090] [ 7287] 33 7287 230621 103872 1093632 1067 0 apache2
[67695.448091] [ 7305] 33 7305 181354 71202 823296 1073 0 apache2
[67695.448092] [ 7312] 33 7312 181347 71685 827392 1070 0 apache2
[67695.448094] [ 7341] 0 7341 18893 3 139264 653 0 cron
[67695.448095] [ 7363] 0 7363 597 0 45056 21 0 sh
[67695.448096] [ 7365] 0 7365 913 2 49152 55 0 jitter
[67695.448097] [ 7366] 0 7366 574 0 40960 18 0 sleep
[67695.448099] [ 7603] 125 7603 44048 21165 393216 15974 0 /usr/sbin/amavi
[67695.448100] [ 7704] 33 7704 132520 38980 557056 1067 0 apache2
[67695.448101] [ 7707] 33 7707 132523 38947 561152 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448102] [ 7708] 33 7708 180444 71060 823296 1077 0 apache2
[67695.448103] [ 7749] 33 7749 82252 5304 270336 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448104] [ 8004] 33 8004 279937 137124 1376256 1065 0 apache2
[67695.448105] [ 8090] 33 8090 279907 137071 1376256 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448106] [ 8094] 33 8094 475935 266829 2445312 1044 0 apache2
[67695.448107] [ 8107] 33 8107 230615 103924 1097728 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448108] [ 8110] 33 8110 133804 40323 569344 1065 0 apache2
[67695.448110] [ 8422] 33 8422 280403 137524 1380352 1070 0 apache2
[67695.448111] [ 8457] 33 8457 132536 39003 561152 1061 0 apache2
[67695.448112] [ 8460] 33 8460 327808 168617 1638400 1066 0 apache2
[67695.448113] [ 8739] 33 8739 230606 103765 1093632 1077 0 apache2
[67695.448114] [ 8744] 33 8744 279849 136502 1372160 1069 0 apache2
[67695.448115] [ 8779] 33 8779 279884 136456 1372160 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448116] [ 8788] 33 8788 132283 38757 557056 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448117] [ 9176] 33 9176 82359 5414 274432 1074 0 apache2
[67695.448118] [ 9191] 33 9191 132262 38738 557056 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448120] [ 9201] 33 9201 82747 6269 278528 1072 0 apache2
[67695.448121] [ 9203] 33 9203 82231 5259 270336 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448122] [ 9236] 33 9236 376982 201108 1900544 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448123] [ 9238] 33 9238 82323 5208 274432 1068 0 apache2
[67695.448124] [ 9245] 33 9245 132517 39030 565248 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448125] [ 9247] 33 9247 230566 104301 1097728 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448126] [ 9248] 33 9248 327763 169152 1646592 1049 0 apache2
[67695.448127] [ 9333] 33 9333 82262 5141 270336 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448128] [ 9352] 33 9352 319599 185734 1744896 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448129] [ 9356] 33 9356 82217 5222 270336 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448130] [ 9357] 33 9357 83792 6760 286720 1069 0 apache2
[67695.448131] [ 9535] 33 9535 230617 103862 1093632 1075 0 apache2
[67695.448133] [ 9547] 33 9547 230610 103755 1097728 1076 0 apache2
[67695.448134] [ 9581] 0 9581 18893 60 139264 596 0 cron
[67695.448135] [ 9641] 0 9641 597 0 40960 22 0 sh
[67695.448136] [ 9644] 0 9644 913 2 49152 57 0 jitter
[67695.448137] [ 9645] 0 9645 574 0 40960 19 0 sleep
[67695.448138] [ 9768] 33 9768 311036 168924 1630208 1074 0 apache2
[67695.448139] [ 9834] 107 9834 10913 209 73728 0 0 anvil
[67695.448141] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/apache2.service,task=apache2,pid=29503,uid=33
[67695.448173] Out of memory: Killed process 29503 (apache2) total-vm:2105312kB, anon-rss:461576kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:8908kB, UID:33 pgtables:2664kB oom_score_adj:0

Die Ausgabe für

grep -i oom /var/log/syslog

Aug 21 10:20:26 KopanoM kernel: [65163.164738] oom_kill_process.cold.37+0xb/0x10
Aug 21 10:20:26 KopanoM kernel: [65163.164876] [ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
Aug 21 10:20:26 KopanoM kernel: [65163.165215] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/apache2.service,task=apache2,pid=29433,uid=33
Aug 21 10:20:26 KopanoM kernel: [65163.165251] Out of memory: Killed process 29433 (apache2) total-vm:1908396kB, anon-rss:1058216kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:9488kB, UID:33 pgtables:2396kB oom_score_adj:0
Aug 21 10:47:20 KopanoM kernel: [66775.283998] univention-self invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x100cca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE), order=0, oom_score_adj=0
Aug 21 10:47:20 KopanoM kernel: [66775.284019] oom_kill_process.cold.37+0xb/0x10
Aug 21 10:47:20 KopanoM kernel: [66775.284140] [ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
Aug 21 10:47:20 KopanoM kernel: [66775.284431] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/apache2.service,task=apache2,pid=4877,uid=33
Aug 21 10:47:20 KopanoM kernel: [66775.284450] Out of memory: Killed process 4877 (apache2) total-vm:2302132kB, anon-rss:1322620kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:8760kB, UID:33 pgtables:2920kB oom_score_adj:0
Aug 21 10:52:42 KopanoM kernel: [67098.434678] ldap(3) invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x100cca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE), order=0, oom_score_adj=0
Aug 21 10:52:42 KopanoM kernel: [67098.434712] oom_kill_process.cold.37+0xb/0x10
Aug 21 10:52:42 KopanoM kernel: [67098.434943] [ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
Aug 21 10:52:42 KopanoM kernel: [67098.435570] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/apache2.service,task=apache2,pid=3022,uid=33
Aug 21 10:52:42 KopanoM kernel: [67098.435632] Out of memory: Killed process 3022 (apache2) total-vm:2624008kB, anon-rss:1581328kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:8536kB, UID:33 pgtables:3436kB oom_score_adj:0
Aug 21 10:53:33 KopanoM kernel: [67149.311630] apache2 invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x100dca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE|__GFP_ZERO), order=0, oom_score_adj=0
Aug 21 10:53:33 KopanoM kernel: [67149.311650] oom_kill_process.cold.37+0xb/0x10



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