Upgrade UCS 4.1-4 to UCS 4.2-0 failed

Hey Everybody,

lately I struggled while testing the upgrade from UCS 4.1-4 to UCS 4.2.0. The system is DC-Slave having both OX Appsuite and Owncloud installed. First I upgraded owncloud to 9.0.6, resolving its blocking state. I purged old configuration files from removed deb-packages via dpkg -l|grep ^rc.

Somewhere in between the network interface of the vm gets lost, due to problems with a symlink in wpa-suppliant.
That leads to “host unknown”-messages in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

  • pre-upgrade check complains that bind9 provides multiple scripts in /etc/init.d/. Is it save to remove the links /etc/init.d/univention-bind* and the file /etc/init.d/bind9.debian
  • Does the unmaintained repository have to be deactivated before upgrading?


Hey again,

it seems that deactivating the unmaintained repository, solved the issue.

