Upgrade of nextcloud fails. Because of Docker?


I just wanted to upgrade my ancient nextcloud on UCS.

But it fails:

3847 actions.upgrade 20-01-31 20:30:05 [ INFO]: Going to upgrade Nextcloud (16.0.6-0)
3847 actions.upgrade 20-01-31 20:30:07 [CRITICAL]: (shall_not_be_docker_if_discouraged) The application has not been approved to migrate all
existing data. Maybe there is a migration guide:
3847 actions.upgrade 20-01-31 20:30:12 [CRITICAL]: Unable to upgrade nextcloud. Aborting…

root@nextcloud:~# univention-app upgrade nextcloud
Going to upgrade Nextcloud (16.0.6-0)
(shall_not_be_docker_if_discouraged) The application has not been approved to migrate all
existing data. Maybe there is a migration guide:
Password for Administrator:
Unable to upgrade nextcloud. Aborting…

version/erratalevel: 350
version/patchlevel: 2
version/releasename: Blumenthal
version/version: 4.4

This does not seem right to me …

Anybody got a clue?

Best, Dirk

Hi @ddoerflinger,

seems your Nextcloud app is still the non-docker version. There ought to be a migration guide for switching between them, but a quick search also did not bring it up for me.

Hi @fbartels,

that was my thought, too, but I am running it on docker.

a4053e7fe265 docker.software-univention.de/nextcloud:15.0.6-0 “/bin/sh -c /usr/sbi…” 9 months ago Up 3 months>80/tcp agitated_hamilton

netstat -tulpen | grep 40000

tcp6 0 0 :::40000 :::* LISTEN 0 62353442 11262/docker-proxy


    ProxyPass / retry=0
    ProxyPassReverse /

How doe it detect if it is on docker or not?


hm… there should be an ucr variable like appcenter/prudence/docker/nextcloud that would need to be unset if this would indeed be a migration from non-docker to docker. but if its already a docker app then I am out of my area of expertise.