UPGRADE 5.0 Failed


Upgrading UCS to version 5.0 is failing with the following log of error.

Checking adc_mapping ...                          OK
Checking adc_multiinstance_mapping ...            OK
Checking architecture ...                         OK
Checking blocking_apps ...                        Unable to cache apps
Unable to cache apps
Checking default_master_packages ...              OK
Checking disk_space ...                           OK
Checking failed_ldif ...                          OK
Checking for_postgresql94 ...                     OK
Checking hold_packages ...                        OK
Checking kernel ...                               OK
Checking kolab_schema ...                         FAIL
Checking ldap_connection ...                      OK
Checking ldap_schema ...                          61a3748b /etc/ldap/slapd.conf:                                                                                                                                                              line 256: rootdn is always granted unlimited privileges.
61a3748b /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 264: rootdn is always granted unlimited priv                                                                                                                                                             ileges.
Checking legacy_objects ...                       OK
Checking master_version ...                       OK
Checking md5_signature_is_used ...                OK
Checking min_version ...                          OK
Checking minimum_ucs_version_of_all_systems_in_domain ... FAIL
Checking old_packages ...                         FAIL
Checking overwritten_umc_templates ...            OK
Checking ox_schema ...                            OK
Checking package_status ...                       OK
Checking python_ucr_template_compatibility ...    FAIL
Checking python_ucsschool_import_hook_compatibility ... OK
Checking role_package_removed ...                 OK
Checking samba_server_schannel ...                OK
Checking samba_tdb_size ...                       OK
Checking slapd_on_member ...                      OK
Checking ssh ...                                  OK
Checking system_date_too_old ...                  OK
Checking system_role ...                          OK
Checking term ...                                 OK
Checking tls_public_key_size ...                  OK
Checking tls_public_key_size_ucs-sso ...          OK
Checking usr_mountpoint ...                       OK
Checking valid_machine_credentials ...            OK

The system can not be updated to UCS 5.0 due to the following reasons:

The following UCR templates are not compatible with Python 3:
         /etc/univention/templates/files/etc/ldap/slapd.conf.d/20univention-kola                                                                                                                                                             b_schema (package: univention-legacy-kolab-schema)
See <https://help.univention.com/t/17948> for information on how to proceed with                                                                                                                                                              each template.

The update to 5.0 is currently not possible,
because the following Apps are not available for UCS 5.0:
 * Desktop Environment (KDE)

WARNING: The following packages from UCS-4 are still installed, which are no lon                                                                                                                                                             ger supported with UCS-5:
        univention-kde  Mark KDE as manually installed "apt-mark manual kde-stan                                                                                                                                                             dard" to keep KDE

Use "univention-remove --purge" with the packages as following arguments to remo                                                                                                                                                             ve them

 The package univention-legacy-kolab-schema is installed. This package is
 incompatible with UCS 5.0-0.

 As the package contains a LDAP schema extension, this extension (a) has to
 registered in the LDAP database or (b) has to be removed before the update
 to UCS 5.0 is possible.

 Note: These steps are only required on the Primary Node. On non-primary systems                                                                                                                                                             ,
       the package can be removed without step (a) or (b).

 (a) Register LDAP schema files from univention-legacy-kolab-schema:
     To register the LDAP schema, run the following commands:
     cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/rfc2739.schema > /opt/kolab-le                                                                                                                                                             gacy.schema
     cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/kolab2.schema >> /opt/kolab-le                                                                                                                                                             gacy.schema
     cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/univention-kolab2.schema >> /o                                                                                                                                                             pt/kolab-legacy.schema
     cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/kolab-legacy.schema >> /opt/ko                                                                                                                                                             lab-legacy.schema
     bash -c 'source /usr/share/univention-lib/ldap.sh && ucs_registerLDAPExtens                                                                                                                                                             ion --packagename "univention-legacy-kolab-schema" --packageversion "3.0.0-1.22.                                                                                                                                                             201309110849" --schema /opt/kolab-legacy.schema'

 or (b) Remove the LDAP schema extension:
        Please visit https://help.univention.com/t/6443 for how to remove LDAP s                                                                                                                                                             chema extensions
        (remove all attributes and objectclasses from that schema from the LDAP                                                                                                                                                              database).

 After either (a) or (b) has been completed, the package has to be removed from                                                                                                                                                              this server:
  univention-remove --purge univention-legacy-kolab-schema

The following extensions are incompatible with UCS 5.0:
        cn=container/msgpo,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=airesistemas,dc=com: [                                                                                                                                                             unspecified..unspecified)
        cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=airesistemas,dc=c                                                                                                                                                             om: [unspecified..unspecified)
        cn=policies/mailquota,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=airesistemas,dc=com                                                                                                                                                             : [3.2-0..unspecified)
        cn=settings/msprintconnectionpolicy,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=aires                                                                                                                                                             istemas,dc=com: [unspecified..unspecified)

Error: Update aborted by pre-update script of release 5.0-0
exitcode of univention-updater: 1

Please help on confirmation of the correct set of instructions to continue with upgrade process.

According to logs it should be
#univention-remove --purge univention-legacy-kolab-schema

Related to KDE removal I thought Univention Web based Portal is based on KDE. Please advice on what to do with this package.

Thank you,


I have a few of the same errors.

Can anyone shed some light on this 7 month old thread?

The system can not be updated to UCS 5.0 due to the following reasons:

The following extensions are incompatible with UCS 5.0:
	cn=container/msgpo,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan: [unspecified..unspecified)
	cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan: [unspecified..unspecified)
	cn=settings/msprintconnectionpolicy,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan: [unspecified..unspecified)

Error: Update aborted by pre-update script of release 5.0-0

Any clue on this?

I would really like to get up to date. I have no idea what these errors mean.

I tried:

root@kvm01:~# ldapdelete -x -D “cn=admin,$(ucr get ldap/base)” -y /etc/ldap.secret “cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan”
ldap_bind: Invalid DN syntax (34)
	additional info: invalid DN

This is a two-year-old install. I only use it as a KVM host for VMs. I recall making an error
when I first set up the system, I think I tried to change the domain name. Things went wrong
so I decided to leave it as a stand-alone server and use VMs for my “real” ucs domain.

What can I check to find any other issues that can be corrected.?

Hi ,

The line you are writing for binding is wrong. I would Use either -w $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) to provide the password on the command line, or -W` to get prompted.


Thank you for the reply rriley.

I’m still getting the same error, but it is prompting for ldap password.

First, I’m not sure if I should be using “admin”. I don’t have a user=admin, I do have user=Administrator.

I’ve tried the following, all with the same “invalid DN” error.

ldapdelete -x -D “dn=Administrator,cn=users,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan,$(ucr get ldap/base)” -W $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) “cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan”

ldapdelete -x -D “cn=Administrator@DLKPC.LAN,$(ucr get ldap/base)” -W $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) “cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan”

ldapdelete -x -D “cn=root,$(ucr get ldap/base)” -W $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) “cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan”

ldapdelete -x -D “cn=admin,$(ucr get ldap/base)” -W $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) “cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan”

This command does work, however;

ldapdelete -x -D “cn=admin,$(ucr get ldap/base)” -W $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) “cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan”
Enter LDAP Password: 
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=dlkpc,dc=lan> (default) with scope subtree
# filter: uid=Administrator
# requesting: ALL

# Administrator, users, dlkpc.lan
dn: uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan
uid: Administrator
krb5PrincipalName: Administrator@DLKPC.LAN
uidNumber: 2002
sambaAcctFlags: [U          ]
sambaPasswordHistory: A4536F2420ADC3FE8A76C01DA618340060559B09EE200E291C4A26CB
sambaBadPasswordCount: 0
krb5MaxLife: 86400
cn: Administrator
userPassword:: removedStringFromHereForSecurityReasons
krb5Key:: MEihIzAhoAMCARChGgQYExkCKasg4OzqHKFz6sSM0+w+Di8jRdZboiEwH6ADAgEDoRgE
krb5Key:: MFChKzApoAMCARKhIgQg6AMJVEF5kaL79lUVrnLpezvROZaa0mfaSACXhoCFI2uiITAf
krb5MaxRenew: 604800
krb5KeyVersionNumber: 1
sambaBadPasswordTime: 0
loginShell: /bin/bash
univentionObjectType: users/user
krb5KDCFlags: 126
sambaPwdLastSet: 1571872842
sambaNTPassword: 5E25CDB6B233E02FB4AE1CEBBC8CA061
displayName: Administrator
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-415487704-2043103768-720678462-500
gecos: Administrator
sn: Administrator
pwhistory: $6$pHTg5OeC9Z9BZdDt$IK6z4Mbs2.la7pwSfBM0HTEgKZR8V1OCByIEiCNeZ1y4rm2
homeDirectory: /home/Administrator
gidNumber: 5000
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-415487704-2043103768-720678462-512
objectClass: krb5KDCEntry
objectClass: univentionPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: automount
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: krb5Principal
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: univentionPWHistory
objectClass: univentionMail
objectClass: univentionObject
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
objectClass: univentionPolicyReference
objectClass: posixAccount
description: Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
shadowLastChange: 18192
univentionUMCProperty: uvmmShutdownSeen=false
univentionUMCProperty: appcenterSeen=false
univentionUMCProperty: udmUserGridView=default
univentionUMCProperty: favorites=appcenter:appcenter,uvmm,updater,udm:users/us

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2

So now I try this:

ldapsearch -x -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,$(/usr/sbin/ucr get ldap/base) -W $(cat /etc/ldap.secret) “cn=container/msgpo,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan” > query.txt

Then search for “msgpo” in the text file and find the following:

# requesting: PeLdh8ePfDXzhO8Fc5U1 “cn=container/msgpo,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan” 

# msgpo, ldapschema, univention, dlkpc.lan
dn: cn=msgpo,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan

# container/msgpo, udm_module, univention, dlkpc.lan
dn: cn=container/msgpo,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=dlkpc,dc=lan

Perhaps the provided info will help find my syntax error?
I should add that the search found zero results, it returned all items and I just
pasted the relevant items above.

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 391
# numEntries: 390

Well, It just occurred to me to check the web interface.

I was able to delete the three ldap entries from the ldap module.

The update to 5.0 is currently running!
Yay, thanks for the help. Fingers are crossed that it completes without error.
I will post back my results.


Hello Friend please kindly help, i cant update to UCS 5.0

The system can not be updated to UCS 5.0 due to the following reasons:

The update to 5.0 is currently not possible,
because the following Apps are not available for UCS 5.0:

  • Print server Quota (pykota)
  • Desktop Environment (KDE)
  • KVM virtualization server
  • UCS Virtual Machine Manager
  • Network monitoring (Nagios)

WARNING: The following packages from UCS-4 are still installed, which are no longer supported with UCS-5:
univention-kvm-virtio Mark libvirt as manually installed “apt-mark manual libvirt-daemon” to keep virtualisation capabilities
univention-kde Mark KDE as manually installed “apt-mark manual kde-standard” to keep KDE

Use “univention-remove --purge” with the packages as following arguments to remove them

Error: Update aborted by pre-update script of release 5.0-0

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1371

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: found
Please rerun command without --check argument to install.
