Update order/sequence from 4.1-4 to 4.2-1

Hi, we are running two systems with UCS 4.1-4 as Domain controller master and backup with some services like webmail, DHCP and Samba.

For the next maintenance we plan on updating to 4.2 (debian upgrade :fearful: ). DC Master will be first of course. As the first point release was published in the meantime and several bugs were fixed, I ask myself which order is the best:

4.1-4 -> 4.2-0 -> 4.2-1 -> reboot -> Test
4.1-4 -> 4.2-0 -> reboot -> 4.2-1 -> reboot -> Test
4.1-4 -> 4.2-0 -> reboot -> Test -> 4.2-1 -> reboot -> Test

“Test” means mostly starting directory services again and checking if everything works.

Thanks for any hints.

In my opinion, this should be the safest way if you have a snapshot/backup for every step (or at least the start of the procedure).

Thank you for the very fast reply. When you mention snapshot, does that refer to LVM snapshots? Last time I tried in a testing environment (UCS 4.0) that gave problems with the grub update, which is why I do not create snapshots during system updates and mostly rely on an rsync backup to a different machine.

Basically, you should be able to go back to a state before the update - so: backups.

Just a quick follow up, the following worked as far as I can tell:

In each step I upgraded both servers, first DC master and DC backup afterwards.
4.1-4 -> 4.2-0 Point release upgrade -> Package Updates -> reboot -> Test -> 4.2-1 -> reboot -> Test -> 4.2-2 -> reboot -> Test
