Univention-Portal open Link in a new TAB

Dear all,

I want to open my Links from the Portal in a new Tab, can i add somewhere a small Javascript/HTML code, or is there a other way to do this?


that’s not supported and far from trivial to implement at the moment. The portal entries are created via JavaScript; the corresponding files are in /usr/share/univention-portal (e.g. PortalGallery.js and PortalEntryWizard.js). You can modify those, of course, but your changes will be overwritten each time the package those files belong to is updated.

Kind regards,

I would like to see this too., Regards Franz

This forum is a user support forum, not a tracker for bugs and feature enhancements. If you want to see this feature implemented, you should open a feature request over on the bugtracker.

I get it working with this solution:

  1. create a file in example “/opt/openintab.js”
  2. perform this command: ln -s /opt/openintab.js /usr/share/univention-portal/openintab.js
  3. Edit the file "/usr/share/univention-portal/index.html
  4. At the bottom of the File but before the /body Element insert the following:

script type=“text/javascript” src=“openintab.js”></script

  1. an then write the function “openInTab()” in the function “umcConfig.callback” so it should look like this:
    dojoConfig.cacheBust = “v=2.0.2-4”;
    umcConfig.callback =function() {
    require([“portal”, “umc/widgets/LiveSearch”], function(portal) {

Thanks, I’ve been wondering about this and will try it. I will take a look at bugtracker and put a feature request in there.

Hi @sgvfr,

You already put a feature request in the bugtracker?

You can configure the feature to open links in a new tab on Portal objects in the Domain -> Portal settings module, in the General Content section is an option Default browser tab for portal entries

The feature is available with UCS 4.4 errata128 and later versions

Worked for me, thank you.
