Univention-legacy-kolab-schema package removal


I try to get rid of the package univention-legacy-kolab-schema preparing the upgrade to UCS 5. As I wasn’t aware of the hint in the pre-update-check I’ve registered the schemas separately. All of them were replicated to /var/lib/univention-ldap/local-schema/.

But if I remove the package the LDAP server isn’t starting anymore. For some reason the schema files aren’t included to the slapd.conf. Maybe because they have the same name as the original files? Should I try to run “ucr commit”?


I’ve checked the template /etc/univention/templates/files/etc/ldap/slapd.conf.d/25univention-ldap-server_local-schema. Yes the names are the cause indeed.

But I still get an error

3c17345 /var/lib/univention-ldap/local-schema/kolab-legacy.schema: line 39 objectclass: AttributeType not found: "kolabHomeServer" slapschema: bad configuration file!.

The order of the include statements matters I assume. Can I register just the schema acording to the hint as single file or have I to de-register the separate schemas first?

I’ve finally removed the LDAP objects from first try via UMC und followed the hint then:

cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/rfc2739.schema > /opt/kolab-legacy.schema
cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/kolab2.schema >> /opt/kolab-legacy.schema
cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/univention-kolab2.schema >> /opt/kolab-legacy.schema
cat /usr/share/univention-ldap/schema/legacy/kolab-legacy.schema >> /opt/kolab-legacy.schema
bash -c 'source /usr/share/univention-lib/ldap.sh && ucs_registerLDAPExtension --packagename "univention-legacy-kolab-schema" --packageversion "3.0.0-1.22.201309110849" --schema /opt/kolab-legacy.schema'
univention-remove --purge univention-legacy-kolab-schema