Hello everyone,
we are currently looking into the UCS as a substitute for our MSAD and plan on switching to Linux completely.
While we were pretty excited when we discovered univention, meanwhile I got quite concerned. I even started to research if this product is still under active development.
It seems like the Domain Join Assistant got its last update exactly 1 year ago and is still not compatible (or at least in the repo for Ubunut 22.04 or newer.
Also, there are these manual domain join instructions (1. Integration of Ubuntu clients into a UCS domain — Univention Corporate Server - Extended domain services documentation). Here it is pointed out that the latest Ubuntu version they tested it with is 14.04 LTS.
I mean, what? seriously? Am I missing here something? Did I maybe load a totally outdated website and missed the updated version?
And indeed on Ubuntu 23.10 the script fails because “auth-client-config” is not in the official repo anymore.
Can somebody please clarify why univention is so far behind with keeping things up to date?
Also, what are the workarounds? How can I manually join my Ubuntu 23.10 without “auth-client-config”?
Thanks a lot in advance!