Univention 4.4-9 Update to 5.0-2 stuck

Hi Univention-Community,

We are stuck in an update from 4.4-9 to 5.0-2 and don’t know what it causing it.
The update was started via the webgui.

The Updater-Log is very long, so I will post it here:

At the end, this message repeats:
“Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 4.4-9 errata1243”

In htop we see, that the system has a apt-get running but its near 24 hours.
24499 root 22 2 92436 52948 34672 R 103. 0.1 23h42:33 apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=–force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=–force-overwrite -o DPkg::Options::=–force-overwrite-dir --trivial-only=no --assume-yes --quiet=1 -u dist-upgrade -o APT::Status-FD=9

Does someone had this error before or know what we can do now?
Its a bare metal system so we can’t take a snapshot and try things out.
We had this error a year ago and after a reboot the os was not bootable anymore. We had to reinstall it.

Thanks and best Regards,
