Unable to uninstall opsi - Client Management

An error occurred: Failed to uninstall the App

Further information can be found in the following log file on each of the involved systems:

log output

8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=–force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=–force-overwrite -o DPkg::Opti$
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ INFO]: Reading package lists…
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ INFO]: Building dependency tree…
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ INFO]: Reading state information…
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ WARNING]: E: Unable to locate package opsi4ucsappcenter
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ INFO]: The following packages are BROKEN:
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ INFO]: * opsi4ucsappcenter
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:15:57 [ DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Calling remove
8331 actions.remove.progress 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: 0
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: Going to remove opsi - Client Management (
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: (must_not_have_concurrent_operation) Another package operation is in progress
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.4/opsi_20191101092519.prerm does not exist
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Holding LOCK
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: No hostdn for opsi found. Nothing to remove
8331 actions.remove.progress 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: 5
8331 actions.remove.progress 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: 5
8331 actions.configure 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
8331 actions.configure.progress 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: 0
8331 actions.configure 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: Configuring opsi=
8331 actions.configure 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.4/opsi_20191101092519.configure_host does n$
8331 actions.configure.progress 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: 100
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=–force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=–force-overwrite -o DPkg::Opti$
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: Reading package lists…
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: Building dependency tree…
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ INFO]: Reading state information…
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ WARNING]: E: Unable to locate package opsi4ucsappcenter
8331 packages 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [CRITICAL]: Failed to uninstall the App
8331 actions.remove 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ WARNING]: Aborting…
8331 utils 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: send_information: action=remove app=opsi value=None status=436
8331 utils 19-12-11 14:16:02 [ DEBUG]: tracking information: {‘status’: 436, ‘uuid’: ‘95f8104b-c665-4dce-92be-5d7afcd0f453’, ‘app’: u’opsi’, 'version$
8331 actions.upgrade-search 19-12-11 14:16:03 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
8331 actions.upgrade-search.progress 19-12-11 14:16:03 [ DEBUG]: 0
8331 actions.upgrade-search 19-12-11 14:16:03 [ DEBUG]: Checking opsi=
8331 actions.upgrade-search.progress 19-12-11 14:16:03 [ DEBUG]: 100
8331 actions.remove.progress 19-12-11 14:16:03 [ DEBUG]: 100
