Hi. I have managed to install UCS on a VPS hosted from 1blu. There were several Tests to fulfill until the Setup runs through. I ended up with no login for Administrator and root in Web or ssh. I managed to change the root passwd via console and login for root in web and ssh works, but Administrator still not.
Anyone got a clue whats my Fault? or how to solve this problem?
Installed UCS 4.4.4 ISO from Monday included Updates via Install. No more actions taken.
Hmmm, seems Corona costs most of the Time
I checked all Tricks i´ve found around the Web but nothing gets me a working Administrator. Nor could i install the UCS ISO on the 1blu VServer (KVM) without the workaround to switch back and repartition after Setup hangs on installing Base System. I guess this is the Cause for my Problem.
Good Morning. Was a little busy so i did not had the time to test until now.
First: The search brings up: paket is not installed
Second: Your hint is ok, but brings no wizard up… as there is no paket univention-system-boot to install.
I am not very experienced so i assume to quit the install on this KVM Server although there is a hint to install it normaly on such a machine. I had tested more than fifty workarounds of my knowledge and only managed the install to an end with the themed Problem.
Did you have a hint how to install UCS on a KVM without the Problem, that setup stops after installing Base system with the Fault: Could not install Base System?
Kind Regards
I had an Installation ISO from 2018, 4.25. This was installable with no problem. After three Hours of Updates and Upgrades i now have 4.4.4 running Including Administrator …
Blue Skies