UCS Update broke OPSI App (python-cryptography issue?)


we just upgraded our UCS Machine, that has the OPSI App running, so we are on 4.2-3 errata256 now. OPSI Service ist not running anymore due to this error:

Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: File “/usr/bin/opsiconfd”, line 12, in
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: from opsiconfd.opsiconfd import main
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/opsiconfd/opsiconfd.py”, line 68, in
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: from OPSI.Backend.BackendManager import BackendManager
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/OPSI/Backend/BackendManager.py”, line 40, in
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: from OPSI.Backend.Backend import (Backend, BackendModificationListener,
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/OPSI/Backend/Backend.py”, line 47, in
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/conch/ssh/keys.py”, line 25, in
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import (
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops opsiconfd[5904]: ImportError: No module named utils
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops systemd[1]: opsiconfd.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops systemd[1]: Failed to start Opsi Configuration Service.
Jan 6 09:03:58 eusib-ucs-ops systemd[1]: Unit opsiconfd.service entered failed state.

It seems to me, that there might be an issue with the old cryptography version that ist provided by Debian. In 0.61 there is no module cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils.

Any ideas?


Hi Christian,

seems to be a problem in python-twisted.

What version do you have installed?
Are you using UCS@school?

Hi opsi4ucs,

here some packet information:

python-twisted: 16.2.0-1
UCS@school: 4.2v6

Hi Christian,

we have been able to reproduce this. The problem is that UCS@School ships an updated version of python-twisted-conch that appearantly does not work with the version of python-cryptography provided through the normal repository.
We have contacted Univention about this.

Cool! Thank you…


we will ship a new ucsschool app version where the runtime dependencies are fixed as soon as possible.


Hi Daniel,


Thank you and greetings…


an app update has been released: http://docs.software-univention.de/changelog-ucsschool-4.2v7-de.html

It will remove twisted v16 from the repository. If you have already installed it (should only happen to OPSI users) then here are instructions how to downgrade: Resolving opsi installation/update issues on UCS@school systems


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