UCS Update 4->5: Kopano Webapp deleted and fails to install

Hi everybody,

having a UCS member server with Kopano webapp installed. After upgraded it from UCS 4.4-9 to UCS 5.0-2 I realized that the webapp didn’t survive the upgrade as /usr/share/kopano-webapp was empty.
Then I tried to re-install it via commandline directly on the member server, which fails:

root@memberserver:/var/lib# univention-app install kopano-webapp
Resolving dependencies for kopano-webapp
Going to install Kopano WebApp (
Showing License agreement for kopano-webapp=
Showing README for kopano-webapp=
Configuring kopano-webapp=
Creating data directories for kopano-webapp...
Registering UCR for kopano-webapp
Marking kopano-webapp= as installed
File: /etc/univention/service.info/services/univention-appcenter.cfg
Adding localhost to LDAP object
Setting overview variables
Module: create_portal_entries
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
Registering component for kopano-webapp=
File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list

File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15_ucs-online-version.list

File: /etc/apt/mirror.list

Ign:1 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/all/ InRelease
OK:2 https://updates.software-univention.de ucs502 InRelease
Ign:3 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/amd64/ InRelease
OK:4 https://updates.software-univention.de errata502 InRelease
Holen:5 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/all/ Release [1.342 B]
Holen:6 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/amd64/ Release [1.344 B]
Holen:7 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/all/ Release.gpg [801 B]
Holen:8 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/amd64/ Release.gpg [801 B]
Holen:9 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/all/ Packages [8.886 B]
Holen:10 https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component kopano-webapp_20220622120718/amd64/ Packages [8.905 B]
Es wurden 22,1 kB in 3 s geholt (8.370 B/s).
Paketlisten werden gelesen...
Paketlisten werden gelesen...
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut....
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen....
Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass
Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die
Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch
nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.
Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu lösen:

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
 kopano4ucs-webapp : Hängt ab von: kopano-webapp soll aber nicht installiert werden
E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.
Failed to install the App

Searching for a package “kopano-webapp” is giving these packages:

root@memberserver:/var/lib# apt search kopano-webapp
Sortierung... Fertig
Volltextsuche... Fertig
kopano-core/ucs502 8.7.0-3 all
  Metapackage to install the Kopano Core stack

kopano-webapp-apache2/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  WebApp for the Kopano Collaboration Platform - Apache2

kopano-webapp-common/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  WebApp for the Kopano Collaboration Platform - common files

kopano-webapp-contactfax/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp fax plugin

kopano-webapp-files/ucs502 2.1.5+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp files plugin

kopano-webapp-folderwidgets/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp folder widgets plugin

kopano-webapp-gmaps/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp google maps plugin

kopano-webapp-lighttpd/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  WebApp for the Kopano Collaboration Platform - Lighttpd

kopano-webapp-nginx/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  WebApp for the Kopano Collaboration Platform - Nginx

kopano-webapp-pimfolder/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp personal inbox plugin

kopano-webapp-quickitems/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp quick items plugin

kopano-webapp-titlecounter/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp Titlecounter plugin

kopano-webapp-webappmanual/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp Manual plugin

kopano-webapp-zdeveloper/ucs502 3.5.2+dfsg1-1 all
  Kopano WebApp developer plugin

→ No package called “kopano-webapp” … was it replaced by “kopano-webapp-common” and “kopano-webapp-apache2”? Then there seems sth. to be wrong with the deps…

Or am I missing sth. else?

Thx in advance for any hint!

On a working 5.0 system, I have the following installed:
Name: Kopano Core
Latest version:

Name: Kopano WebApp
Latest version:

there has been some renaming, so I would try and rely on the UMC to install, if possible

That was the first thing I tried, similar result:


This is in appcenter.log:

 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/bin/apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=--force-overwrite -o DPkg::Options::=--force-overwrite-dir --trivial-only=no --assume-yes --auto-remove install -s kopano4ucs-webapp
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Paketlisten werden gelesen...
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut....
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Statusinformationen werden eingelesen....
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu lösen:
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: 
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]: Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
 23593 packages                         22-08-14 20:39:22 [    INFO]:  kopano4ucs-webapp : Hängt ab von: kopano-webapp soll aber nicht installiert werden

What Repos can be found in your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list ? Perhaps something is missing in my case…

It may be that all repos have been deleted, that was the case for me. If you have a subscription for Kopano, the repos should look like this:


deb https://serial:XXXXXXXXX@download.kopano.io/supported/core:/final/Univention_5.0/ /
deb https://serial:XXXXXXXXX@download.kopano.io/supported/archiver:/final/Univention_5.0/ /

deb https://serial:XXXXXXXXX@download.kopano.io/supported/webapp:/final/Univention_5.0/ /
deb https://serial:XXXXXXXXX@download.kopano.io/supported/files:/final/Univention_5.0/ /
deb https://serial:XXXXXXXXX@download.kopano.io/supported/mdm:/final/Univention_5.0/ /
deb https://serial:XXXXXXXXX@download.kopano.io/supported/smime:/final/Univention_5.0/ /
deb https://download.kopano.io/zhub/z-push:/final/Univention_5.0 /

After read here:

in 15_ucs-online-version.list:

deb https://updates.software-univention.de/ ucs502 main
deb https://updates.software-univention.de/ errata502 main

in 20_ucs-online-component.list:

deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ kopano-core_20220630105644/all/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ kopano-core_20220630105644/amd64/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ kopano-webapp_20220622120718/all/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ kopano-webapp_20220622120718/amd64/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ letsencrypt_20211006103329/all/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ letsencrypt_20211006103329/amd64/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ prometheus-node-exporter_20220426150624/all/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ prometheus-node-exporter_20220426150624/amd64/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ z-push-kopano_20211125121614/all/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ z-push-kopano_20211125121614/amd64/

kopano-core.list, kopano-webapp.list and z-push.list do not have any repos, because I do not have a subscription.

In UMC, I checked the package-management. I see as installed, apart from other things:

Paketname 	kopano-webapp
Zusammenfassung 	New and improved WebApp for Kopano
Kategorie 	web
Installiert 	Ja
Installierte Version
Paketname 	kopano4ucs-webapp
Zusammenfassung 	Kopano4ucs kopano-webapp integration package for Univention Corporate Server
Kategorie 	univention
Installiert 	Ja
Installierte Version 	1.8.5-1

Your problem sounds a bit like the troubles when installing webapp plugins, maybe it is somehow related. See Missing Kopano WebApp-Plugins after update WebApp to version

Yesterday, a fix was released for the Kopano Core App, which should eliminate problems when updating to UCS 5. We saw that many kopano-* and univention-* packages were removed during the update. The issue occured when customers with a Kopano subscription had activated the external Kopano repositories in the App settings.

This should not happen anymore since yesterday. While i do not have the time to look into this thread’s issues individually, i suggest to retry the update.

I never had a Kopano subscription nor had I any special Kopano Webapp plugins installed.
In the meanwhile I restored a backup of the member server and so went back to 4.4-9. Then I repeated the update and the problem was the same.
I then had a look at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list and indeed… on the Backup DC this file was empty (despite the comments) and on the Master DC these entries could be found (here the WebApp is installed, too):

deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ kopano-webapp_20220622120718/all/
deb https://appcenter.software-univention.de/univention-repository/5.0/maintained/component/ kopano-webapp_20220622120718/amd64/

I simply copied these to the Backup DC and (re-)installed the WebApp by apt-get. After that I did a “univention-app install …” Now things seem to work again.

So IMHO somhow during / after the update there must be a problem related to the template file “/etc/univention/templates/files/etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list” which not correctly determines the existence of the webapp installation.
