UCS/OX Change Context Admin Password via CLI after createcontext

I created an oxadmin2 user when I ran createcontext, to create another Context:

# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/createcontext -A oxadminmaster -P “$(cat /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret)” -c 2 -u oxadmin2 -d “Context Admin 20” -g “Admin20” -s “…” -p “…” -N context20 -e …@…de -q -1 --access-combination-name=all

# udm oxmail/oxcontext create --set name=“context20” --set contextid=“2” --set hostname=“ucs…com” --set oxintegrationversion=“11.0.0-32A~” --set oxDBServer=“ucs…com” --position "cn=open-xchange,dc=…,dc=com"

Now I cant login on this context (but on the others I can):
Change the admin password with oxadminmaster:

# ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(cat /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret) /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changeuser -A oxadminmaster -c 2 -u oxadmin2 -p …

Returns this error:

user oxadmin2 in context 2 could not be changed:
Server response:
Authentication failed

LDAP user list:
# udm users/user list --filter uid=oxadmin
DN: uid=oxadmin,cn=users,dc=…,dc=com
birthday: None
city: None
country: None
description: None
(more lines)

# udm users/user list --filter uid=oxadmin2
(just this one line)

Which are the places where these passwords are stored?

I found these:

  • database localhost_5 - table user (password identical to oxadmin)
  • /etc/ox-secrets/context2.secret (manually created)