config files for prometheus and grafana are in the docker container, but we map the config directories to the docker host, so that the files can be accessed on the docker host in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/prometheus/conf for prometheus and /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/admin-dashboard/conf for grafana.
here some points to check:
- Are all three Dashboard Apps installed?
-> univention-app info
UCS: 4.3-1 errata160
Installed: admin-dashboard=1.0-beta prometheus=1.0-beta prometheus-node-exporter=1.0-beta
- Are there ucs/univention files in /var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter?
-> more /var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/ucs-domain-info.prom
ucs_user_count 1
ucs_client_count 0
ucs_server_count 1
ucs_license 2
ucs_domain_info{ldap_master="master.w2k12.test"} 1
- Do all clients have the univentionService=metrics-node setting on their LDAP object?
-> univention-ldapsearch -LLL cn=master univentionService
dn: cn=master,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=w2k12,dc=test
univentionService: metrics-node
- Are all clients listed in the Prometheus Database target config?
-> /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/prometheus/conf/targets.json
[{"targets": ["metrics-prometheus.master.w2k12.test", "metrics-node.master.w2k12.test"]}]
- Are there error message regarding the “prometheus-targets” listener handler in the listener log file /var/log/univention/listener.log?
Known Issues:
- The Prometheus database refuses to return data if the time difference between the computer your browser is running on and the UCS Dashboard server is too big (check https://$DASHBAORD_SERVER_IP/metrics-prometheus/graph for an error message). We try to figure out if there is a configuration option to relax this behavior.
-> Make sure the system time of your client and the UCS system is synchronous.
- The Dashboard components communicate via HTTPS with the UCS hostname. Therefor it is necessary that to Apache webserver of the UCS system uses a certificate which is valid for the UCS hostname. Currently that is not the case with the Let’sEnrypt App.
-> Make sure a HTTPS connection to the UCS system using the UCS hostname can be established.