We are currently looking into the UCS solution and like the integration with tools like NextCloud & OnlyOffice.
We are not yet entirely sure about some topics and are looking for more information on those.
In our understanding of the UCS product we see that it has an App Center. Upon installing an App (e.g.: NextCloud) the UCS Appliance will spin up a Docker Container for that Application in its underlying OS.
Is it possible (and supported) to have the UCS Appliance connect to an existing Docker Host / Environment so that when an application gets installed from the App Center, the container is started on the connected Docker Host / Environment rather than running locally in the UCS OS?
If we have NextCloud & OnlyOffice running separately (so outside the UCS Appliance), is it possible (and supported) to connect it to UCS so that it shows up in the UCS Portal for the users to consume?
Thanks a lot for your time!
Kind regards,