UCS 5 synced with AD some duplicated users

We have UCS synchronized with AD-Connector that is working fine.
But we have 3 duplicate users in LDAP-UCS database.
These 3 users have had their samaccountnames and userprincipalnames in A.D. changed.
These changes were also made with many other users, but 3 have been duplicated in the LDAP-UCS database. They appear first time with oldupn and duplicated with the new SamAccountName/Upn.
Because LDAP-UCS is synchronyzed with A.D. we don’t know how to delete duplicate users.
How can we delete duplicates?
Best regards,

We have found a workaround. Unfortunately it is manual
With “Trash” enabled in Active Directory follow next steps:

  1. Delete the user from A.D. (user with newUPN).
  2. Wait and check that ldap-UCS users database is synchronyzed and user has been deleted also in UCS.
  3. In D.A. create a new user with exactly same “Name”, “FirstName”,“LastName” and “upn” as the existing in ldap-UCS database.
  4. Wait and check A.D. is again succesfully synchronized with ldap-UCS and sure that new ADuser isn’t duplicated in UCS.
  5. Delete this new user in A.D.
  6. Wait and check that ldap-UCS users database is synchronyzed and user (with oldUPN) has been deleted also in UCS.
  7. Restore from Trash user deleted in step 1.
  8. Wait and check A.D. is again succesfully synchronized with ldap-UCS and only newUPN/user now exists in ldap-UCS database.
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