We have UCS synchronized with AD-Connector that is working fine.
But we have 3 duplicate users in LDAP-UCS database.
These 3 users have had their samaccountnames and userprincipalnames in A.D. changed.
These changes were also made with many other users, but 3 have been duplicated in the LDAP-UCS database. They appear first time with oldupn and duplicated with the new SamAccountName/Upn.
Because LDAP-UCS is synchronyzed with A.D. we don’t know how to delete duplicate users.
How can we delete duplicates?
Best regards,
We have found a workaround. Unfortunately it is manual
With “Trash” enabled in Active Directory follow next steps:
- Delete the user from A.D. (user with newUPN).
- Wait and check that ldap-UCS users database is synchronyzed and user has been deleted also in UCS.
- In D.A. create a new user with exactly same “Name”, “FirstName”,“LastName” and “upn” as the existing in ldap-UCS database.
- Wait and check A.D. is again succesfully synchronized with ldap-UCS and sure that new ADuser isn’t duplicated in UCS.
- Delete this new user in A.D.
- Wait and check that ldap-UCS users database is synchronyzed and user (with oldUPN) has been deleted also in UCS.
- Restore from Trash user deleted in step 1.
- Wait and check A.D. is again succesfully synchronized with ldap-UCS and only newUPN/user now exists in ldap-UCS database.
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