Starting kopano/openid provider with debug loglevel

What is the correct way to start the openid connector (kopano) with a higher loglevel for debugging? There is a

serveCmd.Flags().String("log-level", "info", "Log level (one of panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug)")

but how can this be integrated in the container startup on UCS?


Hi @thommie,

you can set the loglevel through the configuration file. Its located (in the container and on the host afair) at /etc/kopano/konnectd.cfg .

Thanks for reply. Can I edit it directly, as there is a warning message

WARNING: this file is maintained by univention-directory-listener, manual changes will be overwritten

So I need to use a udm create … command ?

Bye, Thommie

Ah yes, indeed. Looking at the code of the app at it looks like these values are indeed best set through the ucr.

Something like this I would say (untested): ucr set oidc_konnectd_log_level=debug

Hm, I tested this but without success. No change for konnectd.cfg after a

ucr set oidc_konnectd_log_level=debug

I also tested

ucr set oidc/konnectd/log-level=debug

as we already have a similar oidc/konnectd/issuer_identifier object in the ucr which appears in the cfg file as


But after both tests I see no changes in the cfg file ;-(.

Info: the standard syntax for the debug values is here:

Do we really need an ucr object and not an udm object instead? Logically UCR makes sense because its a config for the whole container. I am only a bit puzzled because the cfg file header states “this file is maintained by univention-directory-listener” … ???

Hey thommie,

as the OpenID Connect Provider is indeed a Univention App the settings can be set via the univention-app command:

univention-app configure openid-connect-provider --set oidc/konnectd/log_level=debug

Best regards
