- serveCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cfg.Insecure, "insecure", false, "Disable TLS certificate and hostname validation")
- serveCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&cfg.TrustedProxy, "trusted-proxy", nil, "Trusted proxy IP or IP network (can be used multiple times)")
- serveCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&cfg.AllowScope, "allow-scope", nil, "Allow OAuth 2 scope (can be used multiple times, if not set default scopes are allowed)")
- serveCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cfg.AllowClientGuests, "allow-client-guests", false, "Allow sign in of client controlled guest users")
- serveCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cfg.AllowDynamicClientRegistration, "allow-dynamic-client-registration", false, "Allow dynamic OAuth2 client registration")
- serveCmd.Flags().Uint64Var(&cfg.AccessTokenDurationSeconds, "access-token-expiration", 60*10, "Expiration time of access tokens in seconds since generated") // 10 Minutes.
- serveCmd.Flags().Uint64Var(&cfg.IDTokenDurationSeconds, "id-token-expiration", 60*60, "Expiration time of id tokens in seconds since generated") // 1 Hour.
- serveCmd.Flags().Uint64Var(&cfg.RefreshTokenDurationSeconds, "refresh-token-expiration", 60*60*24*365*3, "Expiration time of refresh tokens in seconds since generated") // 3 Years.
- serveCmd.Flags().Uint64Var(&cfg.DyamicClientSecretDurationSeconds, "dynamic-client-secret-expiration", 0, "Expiration time of generated dynamic OAuth2 client client_secret in seconds since generated") // 0 by default -> does not expire.
- serveCmd.Flags().Bool("log-timestamp", true, "Prefix each log line with timestamp")
- serveCmd.Flags().String("log-level", "info", "Log level (one of panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug)")
- serveCmd.Flags().Bool("with-pprof", false, "With pprof enabled")
- serveCmd.Flags().String("pprof-listen", "", "TCP listen address for pprof")
- serveCmd.Flags().Bool("with-metrics", false, "Enable metrics")
- serveCmd.Flags().String("metrics-listen", "", "TCP listen address for metrics")
- return serveCmd
- }
- func serve(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
- ctx := context.Background()