Ssh login fails for user@mydc.domain but works with just the user name


ich verzweifle ein wenig beim Join eines neuen UCS Backup DC in eine vorhandene UCS Domäne. Der Join schlägt mit der Meldung fehl, dass das ssh Login von adminstrator@mydc.domain nicht geht. Wenn ich mit putty versuche mich anzumelden, geht der Benutzername alleine problemlos, mit @mydc.domain dahinter nicht. Im auth.log erscheint error: PAM: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info for illegal user Administrator@mydc.domain .
Was ist da falsch? Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung.

Viele Grüße


for the benefit of our international readers I’m going to reply in English. If that’s a problem for you, just let me know and I’ll switch back to German.

The syntax username hostname is something the ssh command line client supports in order to specify both the user name and the host name as an alternative to using ssh -l username hostname. In your case the user name is therefore Administrator, not Administrator@mydc.domain. Putty’s GUI doesn’t support that syntax — which means that you’ll have to split it manually and enter mydc.domain as the host name/address and Administrator as the user.

Now about your original issue: please log in as root on your new DC Backup and try the following:

ssh Administrator@mydc.domain

What’s the output? Any error messages?

And what’s the content of the file /var/log/univention/join.log on your DC Backup?



of course, you’re right. ssh work from an linux host with Administrator@mydc.domain.
The origin is an error when setting up an backup dc. During setup the server is unable to contact the primary dc indicating that the login via ssh fails to the primary dc. See image.
As this error occures at setup time I cannot check the join log…

Any idea?

Thank you for your help.




you can set up the server and disable the “join at the end of the setup” checkbox (or whatever it is called exactly). Then let the installation finish, reboot once, log in via ssh as root and run univention-join manually. If that fails, please provide the output of /var/log/univention/join.log. Thanks.



did as requsted. The join fail with the same error as i the screenshot. Here is the join log.

Tue Jan 29 22:43:02 CET 2019: starting /usr/sbin/univention-join

* Join failed!                                                           *
* Contact your system administrator                                      *
* Message:  Please visit for common problems during the join and how to fix them -- The ssh-login to administrator@mydc.domain failed with " ". Please make sure the account administrator exists and is a member of the Domain Admins group!
Tue Jan 29 22:43:27 CET 2019: finish /usr/sbin/univention-join

ssh administrator@mydc.domain works fine from this host.

Any idea?

Thank you very much!

G Chris


well, that’s definitely not enlightening. Can you please re-run the join process with an additional command for more verbose output and post the join.log afterwards? This is the command:

univention-join -verbose -dcaccount administrator


I have increased the ssh timeout in the univention-join script. Now univention-ssh finished with success. Good, but later on the script stops at the univention-ldap search complaining about a bad bind…

Here is the log of the join. Very weird.

Thank you for your help!


Thu Jan 31 23:42:01 CET 2019: starting /usr/sbin/univention-join -verbose -dcaccount administrator -dcpwd /tmp/pwdtxt
+ '[' -n 2 ']'
+ old_listener_debug_level=2
+ ucr set listener/debug/level=4
Setting listener/debug/level
+ listener_debug_level=4
+ display_header
+ echo 'univention-join: joins a computer to an ucs domain'
+ echo 'copyright (c) 2001-2018 Univention GmbH, Germany'
+ echo ''
+ '[' domaincontroller_slave = domaincontroller_master ']'
+ '[' -z administrator ']'
+ '[' '!' -f /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd ']'
+ chmod 600 /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ '[' domaincontroller_slave = fatclient ']'
+ '[' -z domaincontroller_slave ']'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ echo -n 'Search DC Master: '
++ sed -ne '$s/.* \([^ ]\+\)\.$/\1/p'
++ host -t SRV _domaincontroller_master._tcp.domain
+ DCNAME=mydc.domain
+ '[' -n mydc.domain ']'
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ DCNAME=mydc.domain
+ '[' -z mydc.domain ']'
+ echo -n 'Check DC Master: '
++ nslookup mydc.domain
+ nslookup_out='Server:

Name:   mydc.domain
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
++ ping -q -c 3 mydc.domain
+ ping_out='PING mydc.domain ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- mydc.domain ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.783/2.574/4.885/1.714 ms'
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
++ univention-ssh -timeout 55555 /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd administrator@mydc.domain ls
+ ssh_out='Downloads
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
++ univention-ssh /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd administrator@mydc.domain /usr/sbin/ucr search --brief '^version/'
+ versions='version/erratalevel: 410
version/patchlevel: 3
version/releasename: Neustadt
version/version: 4.3'
+ IFS='
+ for i in $versions
+ key=version/erratalevel
+ value=410
+ case "$key" in
+ for i in $versions
+ key=version/patchlevel
+ value=3
+ case "$key" in
+ master_patchlevel=3
+ for i in $versions
+ key=version/releasename
+ value=Neustadt
+ case "$key" in
+ master_releasename=Neustadt
+ for i in $versions
+ key=version/version
+ value=4.3
+ case "$key" in
+ master_version=4.3
+ IFS='
+ echo 'running version check'
running version check
+ mystatus=no
+ '[' -n 4.3 -a -n 3 ']'
+ vmaster=4.33
+ vmyself=4.33
++ echo 4.33 4.33
++ awk '{if ($1 >= $2) print "yes"; else print "no"}'
+ mystatus=yes
+ '[' no = yes ']'
+ echo 'OK: UCS version on mydc.domain is higher or equal (4.33) to the local version (4.33).'
OK: UCS version on mydc.domain is higher or equal (4.33) to the local version (4.33).
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ '[' false = false ']'
+ '[' domaincontroller_slave = domaincontroller_backup -o domaincontroller_slave = domaincontroller_slave ']'
++ univention-ssh /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd administrator@mydc.domain /usr/sbin/ucr get ldap/overlay/memberof
+ master_member_of=true
+ ucr set tmp/join/test/master/memberof=true
+ is_ucr_true tmp/join/test/master/memberof
+ local value
++ /usr/sbin/univention-config-registry get tmp/join/test/master/memberof
+ value=true
+ case "$(echo -n "$value" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" in
++ echo -n true
++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
+ return 0
+ ucr unset tmp/join/test/master/memberof
+ msg='The OpenLDAP extension memberOf is activated on the UCS master (UCR variable ldap/overlay/memberof is true). In order to join this system successfully'
+ grep -q 'install ok installed'
+ dpkg-query -W -f '${status}' univention-ldap-overlay-memberof
+ is_ucr_true ldap/overlay/memberof
+ local value
++ /usr/sbin/univention-config-registry get ldap/overlay/memberof
+ value=true
+ case "$(echo -n "$value" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" in
++ echo -n true
++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
+ return 0
+ '[' false = false -a -x /etc/init.d/univention-s4-connector ']'
+ '[' false = false -a -x /etc/init.d/slapd ']'
+ echo -n 'Stop LDAP Server: '
+ /etc/init.d/slapd stop
Stopping slapd (via systemctl): slapd.serviceWarning: slapd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ '[' false = false -a -x /etc/init.d/samba ']'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ echo -n 'Search ldap/base'
++ sed -ne 's|^ldap/base: ||p'
++ univention-ssh /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd administrator@mydc.domain /usr/sbin/ucr search --brief '^ldap/base$'
+ ldap_base=dc=domain
+ '[' -n dc=domain ']'
+ false
+ univention-config-registry set ldap/base=dc=domain
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ '[' false = false -a -x /etc/init.d/slapd ']'
+ echo -n 'Start LDAP Server: '
+ /etc/init.d/slapd start
Starting slapd (via systemctl): slapd.serviceWarning: slapd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ echo -n 'Search LDAP binddn '
++ univention-ssh /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd administrator@mydc.domain /usr/sbin/udm users/user list --filter uid=administrator --logfile /dev/null
++ sed -ne 's|^DN: ||p'
+++ tee -a /var/log/univention/join.log
+ binddn=uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain
+ '[' -z uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain ']'
+ '[' -z uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain ']'
+ '[' -z uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain ']'
+ '[' -z uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain ']'
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ false
+ '[' -x /usr/bin/rdate ']'
+ echo -n 'Sync time: '
+ timeout -k 20 15 /usr/bin/rdate -n mydc.domain
Thu Jan 31 23:42:31 CET 2019
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ args=()
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ '[' 4 -lt 3 ']'
+ args+=(-binddn "$binddn")
+ false
++ get_default_ip_address
++ PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/config_registry
++ python2.7 -c 'from interfaces import Interfaces;print Interfaces().get_default_ip_address().ip'
+ IP=
+ '[' -n ']'
+ args+=(-ip "$IP")
+ '[' 4 -ge 3 ']'
++ get_default_netmask
++ PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/config_registry
++ python2.7 -c 'from interfaces import Interfaces;import ipaddr;a=Interfaces().get_default_ip_address();print a.netmask if isinstance(a,ipaddr.IPv4Network) else a.prefixlen'
+ args+=(-netmask "$NETMASK")
++ ip link show
++ head -n -1
++ sed -rne 's|.*link/ether ([0-9a-fA-F:]+) brd .*|\1|p'
+ mac_addr=b6:2b:0e:a7:a4:06
+ '[' -n b6:2b:0e:a7:a4:06 ']'
+ read line
+ '[' -n b6:2b:0e:a7:a4:06 ']'
+ args+=(-mac "$line")
+ read line
+ test -x /usr/sbin/nscd
+ nscd -i hosts
+ echo -n 'Join Computer Account: '
+ args+=(-role "$server_role" -hostname "$hostname" -domainname "$domainname")
+ tee /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/secret
++ bashquote -binddn uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain -ip -netmask -mac b6:2b:0e:a7:a4:06 -role domaincontroller_slave -hostname ucsdc02 -domainname domain
++ declare -a escaped
++ declare -r 'quote=\'\'''
++ local arg
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
+ grep -v '^KerberosPasswd="'
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
+ tee /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/scrubbed
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ for arg in "$@"
++ escaped+=("'${arg//\'/'$quote'}'")
++ echo -n ''\''-binddn'\''' ''\''uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain'\''' ''\''-ip'\''' ''\'''\''' ''\''-netmask'\''' ''\'''\''' ''\''-mac'\''' ''\''b6:2b:0e:a7:a4:06'\''' ''\''-role'\''' ''\''domaincontroller_slave'\''' ''\''-hostname'\''' ''\''ucsdc02'\''' ''\''-domainname'\''' ''\''domain'\'''
+ univention-ssh --no-split /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd administrator@mydc.domain 'DCPWD=$(mktemp) && trap "rm -f \"$DCPWD\"" EXIT && cat >"$DCPWD" && /usr/share/univention-join/univention-server-join -bindpwfile "$DCPWD"' ''\''-binddn'\'' '\''uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain'\'' '\''-ip'\'' '\'''\'' '\''-netmask'\'' '\'''\'' '\''-mac'\'' '\''b6:2b:0e:a7:a4:06'\'' '\''-role'\'' '\''domaincontroller_slave'\'' '\''-hostname'\'' '\''ucsdc02'\'' '\''-domainname'\'' '\''domain'\'''
univention-server-join: joins a server to an univention domain
copyright (c) 2001-2018 Univention GmbH, Germany

++ sed -ne 's/^E:\s*//p' /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/scrubbed
+ res_message=
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ '[' -s /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/secret ']'
++ grep -e '^ldap_dn=' -e '^KerberosPasswd=' /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/secret
+ eval 'ldap_dn="cn=ucsdc02,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=domain"
KerberosPasswd="pJ7DcAosYMPThJsaVC1X" '
++ ldap_dn=cn=ucsdc02,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=domain
++ KerberosPasswd=pJ7DcAosYMPThJsaVC1X
+ '[' -n cn=ucsdc02,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=domain ']'
+ rdn=cn=ucsdc02
+ hostname=ucsdc02
+ '[' -n ucsdc02 ']'
+ '[' -n pJ7DcAosYMPThJsaVC1X ']'
+ '[' -e /etc/machine.secret ']'
+ cat /etc/machine.secret
+ echo -n pJ7DcAosYMPThJsaVC1X
+ fromdos /etc/machine.secret
+ chmod 600 /etc/machine.secret
+ '[' -e /etc/machine.secret.SAVE ']'
+ chmod 600 /etc/machine.secret.SAVE
+ hostname ucsdc02
+ univention-config-registry set hostname=ucsdc02 ldap/hostdn=cn=ucsdc02,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=domain
Setting hostname
Setting ldap/hostdn
File: /etc/pam.d/smtp
Multifile: /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
File: /etc/welcome.msg
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualwithcanonical
File: /etc/pam_ldap.conf
File: /etc/issue
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtual_mailbox
Multifile: /etc/hosts
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.groups
File: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtual
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalrecipient
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.transport
File: /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalsender
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-proxy.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualdomains
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.distlist
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderlocal_aliases
File: /etc/apache2/conf-available/ucs.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderlocal
File: /etc/mailname
File: /etc/cron.d/univention-directory-policy
Multifile: /etc/postfix/
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderremote
File: /etc/hostname
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.saslusermapping
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.external_aliases
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
Multifile: /etc/pam.d/univention-management-console
+ '[' -e /usr/lib/univention-install/.index.txt ']'
+ mkdir -p /var/univention-join/
+ rm -rf /var/univention-join/status
+ rm /usr/lib/univention-install/.index.txt
+ touch /var/univention-join/status
+ '[' '!' -e /usr/lib/univention-install/.index.txt ']'
+ mkdir -p /var/univention-join/
+ touch /var/univention-join/status
+ ln -sf /var/univention-join/status /usr/lib/univention-install/.index.txt
+ '[' -e /etc/univention/ssl ']'
++ date +%y%m%d%H%M
+ mv /etc/univention/ssl /etc/univention/ssl_1901312342
+ install -m 755 -d /etc/univention/ssl
+ for service in univention-directory-notifier univention-directory-listener
+ '[' -e /etc/runit/univention/univention-directory-notifier ']'
+ for service in univention-directory-notifier univention-directory-listener
+ '[' -e /etc/runit/univention/univention-directory-listener ']'
+ rm -Rf '/var/lib/univention-directory-listener/*'
+ '[' domaincontroller_slave = domaincontroller_backup ']'
+ '[' domaincontroller_slave = domaincontroller_slave ']'
+ echo -n 'Sync ldap-backup.secret: '
+ '[' -e /etc/ldap-backup.secret ']'
+ cat /etc/ldap-backup.secret
+ univention-scp /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd 'administrator@mydc.domain:/etc/ldap-backup.secret /etc/ldap-backup.secret'
+ echo -e '\033[60Gdone'
+ univention-config-registry set ldap/server/name=ucsdc02.domain ldap/server/ip= 'ldap/server/port?7389' ldap/master=mydc.domain 'ldap/master/port?7389' ldap/server/type=slave
Setting ldap/server/name
Setting ldap/server/ip
Not updating ldap/server/port
Setting ldap/master
Not updating ldap/master/port
Setting ldap/server/type
Multifile: /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualwithcanonical
File: /etc/pam_ldap.conf
File: /etc/krb5.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtual_mailbox
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderlocal_aliases
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtual
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalrecipient
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.transport
File: /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalsender
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.saslusermapping
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualdomains
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.distlist
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.groups
File: /etc/pam.d/smtp
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderlocal
File: /etc/init.d/slapd
File: /etc/default/ntpdate
File: /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderremote
File: /etc/ntp.conf
Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.external_aliases
File: /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
+ setup_ssl force
+ local ca dst=/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA
+ '[' force = force ']'
+ rm -rf /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA
+ install -m 0755 -d /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA
+ for ca in ucsCA udsCA
+ '[' -e /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem ']'
+ univention-scp /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd -q administrator@mydc.domain:/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem
+ for ca in ucsCA udsCA
+ '[' -e /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem ']'
+ break
+ chmod 755 /etc/univention/ssl
+ chmod 755 /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA
+ chmod 644 /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem
+ ln -snf /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ucsCA.crt
+ update-ca-certificates --fresh
Clearing symlinks in /etc/ssl/certs...
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
152 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...
+ check_ldap_tls_connection
+ echo -n 'Check TLS connection: '
++ ucr shell ldap/master/port
+ eval ldap_master_port=7389
++ ldap_master_port=7389
+ echo univention-ldapsearch -p 7389 -s base -h mydc.domain -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=doamin --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd dn
+ univention-ldapsearch -p 7389 -s base -h mydc.domain -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=doamin --bindpwdfile /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6/dcpwd dn
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
+ '[' 49 '!=' 0 ']'
+ failed_message 'Establishing a TLS connection with mydc.domain failed. Maybe you didn'\''t specify a FQDN.'
+ echo ''
+ echo ''
+ echo '**************************************************************************'
+ echo '* Join failed!                                                           *'
+ echo '* Contact your system administrator                                      *'
+ echo '**************************************************************************'
+ tee -a /var/log/univention/join.log
+ echo '* Message:  Please visit for common problems during the join and how to fix them -- Establishing a TLS connection with mydc.domain failed. Maybe you didn'\''t specify a FQDN.'
+ echo '**************************************************************************'

* Join failed!                                                           *
* Contact your system administrator                                      *
* Message:  Please visit for common problems during the join and how to fix them -- Establishing a TLS connection with mydc.domain failed. Maybe you didn't specify a FQDN.
+ exit 1
+ trapOnExit
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp.2oSvCjkRZ6
+ joinscript_remove_credentialfiles
+ test -e /var/run/univention-join/bindpwd
+ test -e /var/run/univention-join/binddn
+ '[' -n true -a true = true ']'
+ '[' -n 2 ']'
+ ucr set listener/debug/level=2
Setting listener/debug/level
++ date
+ echo 'Thu Jan 31 23:43:09 CET 2019: finish /usr/sbin/univention-join'
Thu Jan 31 23:43:09 CET 2019: finish /usr/sbin/univention-join


That’s good. A longer delay on ssh logins usually indicate DNS timeouts: by default the SSH server tries to resolve the IP address the connection is coming from into a host name. That can stall for a lot of reasons, and until the DNS lookup times out, the ssh server won’t finish. But let’s not concentrate on this particular issue for the moment.

What I find much more interesting is the dichotomy between this…

…and the following log message:

“Invalid credentials” means that the provided password doesn’t match the one stored for the LDAP object (LDAP user) uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=doamin. However, the same user name administrator and the same password is used for a successful ssh login, and on standard UCS systems, the administrator user used for ssh is actually the one in the LDAP directory.

This doesn’t really compute — unless there is actually more than one user with the name administrator, one in the LDAP directory (that’s the uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=doamin one) and one in /etc/passwd. Is it possible that you created such a second user?

Please post the output of the following commands:

grep -Ei '^administrator' /etc/passwd
getent passwd administrator
univention-ldapsearch -LLLo ldif-wrap=no uid=administrator uidnumber gidnumber


I was surprised to by this error. So I tested this with different domain accounts (all admins) and all succeeded the ssh login but failed the ldapsearch.
Well the system ist quite aold an was migrated from UCS 3 as far as I remember. May some historical based issue?
I have not created any accounts without using the gui. So the should not be any inconsistencies.

Here is the output of the commands.

root@mydc:~# grep -Ei '^administrator' /etc/passwd
root@mydc:~# getent passwd administrator
root@mydc:~# univention-ldapsearch -LLLo ldif-wrap=no uid=administrator uidnumber gidnumber
dn: uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain
uidNumber: 2002
gidNumber: 5000

Thanks again for the help!

G Chris

Uhm… what now? That’s super strange. The regular univention-ldapsearch works just fine according to your output, and that command uses the machine’s LDAP account by default.

Just for confirmation, try the following command:

univention-ldapsearch -LLLo ldif-wrap=no -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,$(ucr get ldap/base) -W -s base dn

It should ask for the password of administrator (please enter it) and ideally spit out one line containing dn: <your domain's base DN> — but I guess it’ll fail.

If it fails, I’ll be somewhat stumped. You could try changing that user’s password to something else, I guess — maybe that’ll trigger something.

BTW, can you log in to the Univention Management Console (the web UI) on your DC Master as Administrator?


Weblogin to UMC works in the DC with all accounts beside an redirection error is shown when not using the path to the management module :
The page isn’t redirecting properly
using the url https://mydc.domain/univention/management/ works fine…

In the shell of the dc:

root@mydc:~# univention-ldapsearch -LLLo ldif-wrap=no -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,$(ucr get ldap/base) -W -s base dn
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: dc=domain 

in the shell of the new server a TLS error is bailed out:

root@ucsdc02:~# univention-ldapsearch -LLLo ldif-wrap=no -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,$(ucr get ldap/base) -W -s base dn
ldap_start_tls: Protocol error (2)
        additional info: unsupported extended operation

hmmm… something tls setup…strange…any idea?
Thank you very much!
G Chris


a final update on this issue. I have installed the latest errata updates to day and launched univention-join without the -dcpwd option and the join ran successfully.
So he problem could be with the dcpwd file not beeing correctly parsed or some updates in the errata. I do not know but at the end now the system is running now.

Thank you for your support.

G Chris
