SSH connection to UCS server failed! - after update to 4.4-4 errata 640

After update form 4.4-3 to 4.4-4 errata 620 there is an diagnostic error:

Critical! SSH connection to UCS server failed!

The ssh connection to at least one other UCS server failed. The following list shows the affected remote servers and the reason for the failed ssh connection: - Machine authentication failed!

Machine authentication failed - Login to the remote server with the uid dc$ and the password from /etc/machine.secret failed. Please check /var/log/auth.log on the remote server for further information.

There was no error before this update.

Please, help :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance.


have a look here:


The weekend was over and so was the mistake. UCS performed the account data update itself without any interference.

Sometimes it is good to wait a while :slight_smile:
