I have upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3-2 today. Squid/Dansguardian not working anymore.
I reomve “UCS Proxy” and delete all UCR-Settings starts with “squid/" and "dansguardian/”
Then i reeinstall “UCS Proxy” and run “univention-install univention-dansguardian”.
Error: Meanwhile the installation of dansguardian the message come: “The port 3128 is always in use - Dansguardian cannot start”. I solve it (i dont know, if it the rigth way: ucr set squid/httpport = 3129 - then i restart squid/dansguardian again and no message come up
Error: If i configure my browser to use the proxy then no webaccess is possible. In access.log i found only “TCP_DENIE/403 …” messages for my client.
How can i configure a working Webproxy with contentfilter?